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Unit 6 BirdwatchingStudy skills,Hello, everyone. I love teaching English.,I am an English _.,teacher,He wrote many articles all his life.,He was a famous _.,writer,She is good at dancing.,She is a _.,dancer,Singing is their hobby.,They are _.,singers,He is playing the piano.,He is a _.,pianist,He is an _.,He has acted in many films.,actor,teacher writer dancer singer pianist actor,-er -ist -or,These suffixes can form nouns for people.,The suffixes -er, -or and -ist,We can add -er, -or and -ist to some words (n./v.) to form nouns for people.,Sometimes we need to change the ending of the verb/noun when we add the suffix. dance dancer win winner piano pianist science scientist,Part A Change the following words into nouns for people by adding the correct suffixes.,1. act _ 6. play _ 2. art _ 7. report _ 3. drive _ 8. science _ 4. farm _ 9. work _ 5. paint _ 10. write _,actor,player,artist,reporter,driver,scientist,farmer,worker,painter,writer,加-er,-or,-ist无明显规律可以利用,不过有几个小tips -er远比-or多,如果你实在要猜时,选-er吧。动作的执行者用-er,比如reporter、fighter、 cleaner。 结尾单个e的单词用-er,比如writer、diver。 ate、it、ct结尾的单词通常用or,比如creator、 editor、conductor。,1. 直接加-er或r构成的名词: _ _ _ 2. 直接加-or构成的名词: _ 3. 直接加-ist构成的名词: _ 4. 非直接加-ist构成的名词: _ 5. 非直接加-er构成的名词: _,给方框中的词加上后缀变成人的名词,并按要求将它们归类,work tour visit speak hunt write piano science report play paint farm drive art act learn help kill dance win sing run follow hide share teach western provide,worker speaker hunter writer reporter player,painter farmer driver dancer learner singer helper follower killer hider,sharer teacher westerner provider,visitor actor,tourist artist,scientist pianist,winner runner,Part B Complete the following sentences with the correct nouns of the words in brackets. Use the plural form if necessary.,Birds are _ (sing). They can make beautiful sounds. Some _ (act) can make different bird sounds. It is very interesting. A lot of _ (tour) go to the wetlands to watch birds every year. There are many _ (visit) at bird shows too. Some _ (art) like to paint birds. The birds in their pictures are really beautiful. Some _ (write) like to include birds in their poems too. Birds are part of out lives. They are our friends.,singers,actors,tourists,visitors,artists,writers,名词性后缀,表示人的身份、职业、国籍等的后缀,-er farmer speaker reporter dancer -or editor actor director sailor -ist artist scientist -an musician politician Asian Indian -ese Chinese, When I was in higher school, I was so shy that I wouldnt talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the way to a local shop, it was as if Id forgotten how to talk ,We can use this kind of skill to solve some problems.,-er, -or, -ist can form nouns for people.,Try to guess the meanings when we come across new words.,strange 奇怪的, 陌生的,stranger 陌生人, It was Sunday and it was cold outside. Mr King was very busy. At nine in the evening all the buyers left except a girl ,buy 买,buyer 购买者, There are many other interesting places about wildlife. If you are interested in wildlife, why not go to London Zoo, Regent Park or River Thames downstream to experience the worlds most beautiful gardens? Holders of London Passes can visit them freely ,holder 持有者,hold 拿住, 握住,One of the most well-known directors of our time is Stephen Spielberg. He was born in Cincinnati on 18 December 1946. His father was an electric engineer and his mother was a performing pianist. His sister, Anne Spielberg, became a screenwriter who wrote the stories for many famous films,director 主管, 导演,direct 指导, 导演, 指示方向,engine 机器,engineer 工程师,screenwriter 电影剧本作家, 编剧家,Mike was 10 years old and he went to Ashland School. He was very good at football, so he was chosen by the school team. He always played very well in the matches, and he scored a lot of goals (踢进很多球) After that, Mike scored two goals before half time. Then in the second half of the match he almost scored another goal, but he kicked the ball with his foot lightly, and the goalkeeper caught it easily and threw it out ( ) What does the underlined word “goalkeeper” mean? A. 教练 B. 守门员 C. 裁判 D. 观众,B,Write an article about Yancheng Nature Reserve,盐城自然保护区位于中国东部的江苏省,占地面积4530多平方公里。每年有大量的游客去那里观鸟。一些科学家和生物学家也去那里研究鸟类。但是这几年,一些记者报道人们正在破坏自然 保护区。政府为了保护这片区域, 阻止猎人们在此打猎,禁止农民砍 伐树木。一些知名作家描述鸟类和 动物的严峻的生存环境。一些知名 演员上演喜剧号召大家保护这片区 域,因为它是很多鸟类、动物和植 物的家园。,Sample writing,Yancheng Nature Reserve is in Jiangsu Province in East China. It covers an area of more than 4,530 square kilometres. Every year lots
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