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Satellite Technology and Trends Overview 卫星技术和趋势简介 沈替轮博士 Raymond Shen, PhD August 2016 Page Overview of the Satellite Market 卫星市场简介 2 Sources: Satellite Industry Association, the Tauri Group Satellite Industry Overview Page Overview of the Satellite Industry 卫星产业简介 Satellite is a subset of both the telecommunications and space industries 卫星是通讯和天空两产 业组成的 Constitutes 4% of global telecom revenue 组成4% 全球 通讯销售 60% of global space revenue 60% 全球天空销售 2015 satellite industry revenue $208.3 billion. 2015卫星产业销售 两千万美元 3 Satellite Industry Overview Source: SIA 2016 State of the Satellite Industry Report - The Tauri Group Page Increasing Data Demand Driving Technology 更多数据需求导致更高等技术 Satellite Industry Overview4 Space 天空Higher Frequency 更高 频率 Higher Data Rates 更高 数据 Lowering Costs降低成本 Increasing number of satellites, especially LEO增加 卫星数,特别是LEO Increasing electrical interference增加电气干 Hostile environment Thermal, Vacuum, Radiation 敌对环境: 温度,真空,辐射 Move to Ka-band and beyond V, Q, E, W (more available bandwidth) 移 动到Ka波段并超出V,Q, E,W(更多可用带宽) Smaller antennas 更小天 线 Spot beams and phased array antenna (satellite) 波束及相控阵天线 High Throughput Satellite (HTS)高吞吐量卫 Frequency reuse频率重用 Higher order modulation高 阶调制 Wider bandwidth signals 更 宽带宽信号 DVB-S2X (up to 256 APSK) Higher power更高的功率 Page Wider Bandwidths 更宽的带宽 HTS with 100 500 MHz bandwidth transponders 100+ Gbps total satellite capacity, 10-20 Mbps per channel Traditional 36/54 MHz Ku & C-band channels 传统的36/54 MHz 带 宽 Ku 和 C波段信道 New implementations utilizing N x 250+ MHz channels Frequency multiplexing combines multiple channels, for more users, better spectral efficiency through single transponder. Provides higher data rates for individual users, but also increases total capacity of satellite and can allocate dynamically Depending on data being transmitted (traffic) on each channel, composite signal seen by transponder could vary widely 5 Demand for higher data rates and more channels Satellite Industry Overview Page Wider Bandwidths更宽的带宽 Maintaining signal performance when many channels share 1 transponder 当许多通道共享1个发送应答器时, 保持信号性能 Nonlinear distortion will result in interference between channels, reducing C/N and potentially decreasing throughput Tradeoff between intermodulation distortion and satellite mass (# of transponders) Optimizing between efficiency and throughput with potential for high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) Signals may add constructively resulting in much higher PAPR than any single channel Tradeoff between biasing power amplifier to avoid compression and power efficiency 6 Challenges挑战 Satellite Industry Overview Composite signal Power voltage Page The Move to Ka-Band and Beyond Factors for determining frequency to use for satellite: 如何决定卫星平率 1. International agreements/regulations 国际协议/政策 2. The antenna size needed to produce a beam with the required angular spread 天线大小 3. The absorption of the atmosphere as a function of frequency Uplink (ground satellite) and Downlink (satellite ground) frequencies operate at different frequencies to avoid direct coupling C-band: 4 GHz downlink, 6 GHz uplinkC 波段:4 GHz 下行,6 Ku-band: 11 GHz downlink, 14 GHz uplink Ka-band: 18 GHz downlink, 30 GHz uplink Q / V-bands: 37.5-42.5 GHz downlink, 5055 GHz uplink proposed E and W-bands 7 Satellite Industry Overview Page 32 APSK 8 PSK Complex Modulation Formats DVB-S and DVB-S2 have been widely used, let by TV broadcast, HDTV Based on OQPSK, 8PSK, 16 APSK, 32APSK, 256 APSK APSK Amplitude Phase Shift Keying With wider bandwidth available, higher order modulation gaining more interest Trade-off between increased capacity, power efficiency, and link performance 8 Digitally modulated signal trends Satellite Industry Overview Page Spectrum Reuse with Narrow Spot Beams 利用窄波束实现频谱复用 Coverage area divided into many small spot beams Enable use of the same frequencies for different geographic areas Large increase in system capacity Smaller, more concentrated beams support better link performance, higher throughput Localize broadcast, service, for local language, countries Large potential for bandwidth-limited C-, Ku-bands in rainy areas Satellite Industry Overview9 Benefits of spot beams Page Keysight Engagement to Drive Innovation and Cost Reduction Keysight如何推动创新和降低成本 10 Satellite Industry Overview Page Modeling and Simulation, DFx Design 设计 Research to Prototyping Validate 验证Automate 自动化 Fully Automated Test Process Improve 提高 Technology Refresh, Increase Throughput Fewer tests Vendor test integration Root cause analysis Broadband tests Parallel tests Asset utilization Etc. Each phase of development is supported by previous stages Integrated Lifecycle Solutions 集成生命周期解决方案 11 Satellite Industry Overview Page Keysight Portfolio Keysight产品组合 Satellite Industry Overview12 Across lifecycle and sub-systems 跨越生命周期和子系统 Common measurement science across tools Page Wideband Generation and Analysis宽带信号源和分析 N9040B UXA performance si
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