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Period TwoLanguage Points.语境填词1As is known to us all,salt _ (溶解) in water.2The ministers visit to America _ (目的) at expanding relations between the two countries.3The lock has _ (生锈) and needs oil.4Please leave the _ (试管) for one week.5I came to the _ (结论) that he had been lying.6He kept his _ (平衡) with his arms on top of the wall.7The _ (沸腾的) kettle was giving off steam.8What was his _ (反应) to your answer?9We have bought lots of _ (设备) for our new lab.10As a result of pollution,there are many dead fish _ (漂浮) on the water.选词填空make sure,at least,find out,at the bottom of,add.to,keep.out of,put.in order,go away 1She _ milk _ her coffee to make it more delicious.2Excuse me,sir,please _ your dog _ the sickroom.3_ that you put down every word your teacher says.4Im sorry to hear that you have to _.5Living in the city,we can _ many advantages.6It was time you _ your life _.7I had to wait for them _ the hill,because my left foot was hurt.8To go abroad to study,you should _ learn the language.同义词辨析1用electric或electrical填空(1)The heavy truck is driven by _ motor.(2)The cooker doesnt work because of an _ fault.(3)An _ engineer makes machines that use electricity.2用ordinary,common或usual填空(1)As _,he gets up at six.(2)His mother is an _ teacher.(3)Rabbits and foxes are _ in Britain.(4)We will meet at the _ time.单项填空1Whenever you are away,you must_ the door_.Abe sure;locksBmake sure;is lockedCbe sure;will lockDmake sure;will be locked2_ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.AThere BThis CThat DIt3You should_ yourself out of their quarrels.Aprevent Bkeep Cput Dtake4_ of the land in that district_ covered with trees and grass.ATwofifth;is BTwofifth;areCTwofifths;is DTwofifths;are5We have_ the conclusion that he is honest.Which is wrong?Areached Bdrawn Carrived at Dcome6We must_ the truth of the matter.Afind out Blook forCfind Ddiscover7I_ building another factory to produce more products.Awill think of Bam thinking ofCshall think of Dhave thought of8His study is in great disorder,so his housekeeper has given up trying to put his books_.Ain order Bin needCin turn Din the place9Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director?Its said to be_ great fun.No,I have been busy repairing all the broken office_ these days.Aa;equipment Bthe;equipmentsC/;equipment D/;equipments10For a moment nothing happened.Then _ all shouting together.Avoices had come Bcame voicesCvoices would come Ddid voices come.阅读理解When youre curious_about something,and want to know more about it,you can use the way of asking questions.Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers.The steps below can guide you during the research (研究)Step 1:On a notecard or piece of paper,write down the subject that you are interested in.Just get the main idea down.For example,you might write:Discover more about dinosaurs.Step 2:Next,stop and think for a moment about what you already know about your subject.List what you already know like the sentences below:(1)Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.(2)Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.(3)Some dinosaurs fed on (吃) plants,some on meat.Step 3:What can you do with what you want to learn?By asking questions.On your paper,start writing down questions about the dinosaurs as you think of them:(1)Whats the best weather for dinosaurs to live in?(2)How many kinds of dinosaurs are there?(3)Have dinosaurs really disappeared?Step 4:Armed_with_your_list_of_questions,you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research.As you learn more about your subject,youll probably discover some new questions.For example,you might discover that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago.Why?What happened?Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely.If you always find something interesting to research,take time to organize (组织) your thinking by asking good questions.And remember learning more always brings more questions.1The underlined phrase “curious about” in the first paragraph means “_”Aworried about Bbored withCeager to le
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