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外语下载中心http:/down.tingroom.com BEC备考伴侣听力讲义欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材一、 听力考试须知:“两个所有”1)所有单词要大写。2)所有录音听两遍。二、 中级填空题专讲:题型介绍:每空格填写单词数量为13词(高级亦同)主要考查基础商务词汇以对话形式命题,共听三篇对话,完成12个填空题预读方法:1)看空格前后单词2)注意有无数字题Eg. WHILE YOU WERE OUTMessage for: Tony From: Sheila Dallas of (1)_ Taken by: JeremyMessage Re: The phone system we set up for them yesterday system doesnt include enough (2)_ theyre unable to (3)_internally invoice doesnt include discount on (4)_ Please ring her back ASAPAnswers:(1) WORLDNET/WORLD NET (2) OUTSIDE LINES (3) TRANSFER CALLS (4) (THE) EQUIPMENTTape Scripts:Man: Hello, Swinburn Telecoms.Woman: Id like to speak to Tony Wilson, please.Man: Im afraid Tony isnt available. Can I take a message?Woman: Yes please. Im Sheila Dallas, from Worldnet.Man: Right.Woman: Im ringing about the telephone system your firm installed here yesterday. Were not happy with it. Man: Oh dear. What seems to be the problem?Woman: First of all, your engineer said that with the number of extensions weve got, six outside lines would be enough, but we asked for eight, and anyway youve charged us for the larger system.Man: Right, well look into that.Woman: Then, whenever we try to transfer calls from one extension to another we lose them. Were following the instructions, but it just doesnt work.Man: I see.Woman: And finally, could you ask Tony to check the invoice, please? He promised us a discount on installation, which is shown, and one on the equipment, but that isnt there.Man: Right. Im sorry about all that. Ill get Tony to contact you as soon as hes free.Woman: Thank. Goodbye.Man: Goodbye.注释:表示“公司”的词:companyCo.,LTD 有限责任公司 Company LimitedPLC 私人有限公司 Private Limited Companygroup 集团公司 headquarter= HQ 总公司subsidiary, branch 分公司enterprise 企业JV = joint venture 合资企业解题技巧:1)以空格之前的单词作为定位信息词。2)听第一遍录音时,尽量记录空格信息,听第二遍录音时差缺补漏3)不要直接写到答题卡上,先在试题册上做题,所有录音放完后,会专门有十分钟时间让考生誊写答案。4)数字题考点及复习方法整数听力理解及易错点 零的各种读音 1) zero 2) O 3) nought 4) nil 5) love小数听力理解及易错点 分数、百分比、倍数听力理解及易错点 分数基本读法:分子部分基数词读出,分母部分序数词读出带分数的读法:整数归整数念,分数归分数念,中间用and连接倍数的读法:翻两番 quadruple时间、年份听力理解及易错点 商务英语特殊数据的听法(序列号、航班号、电话号等)5)要求填写姓名的空格是送分题(请参见“表格”的No.1),因为录音中会把姓名逐字母拼出,考生只要照听照记即可。考点汇总:1)表格Personnel RecordNAME: Stephen (1)_ADDRESS: 183 School Road, Barnfield, BF2 8TPDEPARTMENT: (2)_POST HELD: (3)_MONTHLY SALARY: (4)_2)电话留言WHILE YOU WHERE OUT Message for Steven Kirby From: Mark Jones Company: (1)_Message Re: Stationery Order Problem with the (2)_ordered. The (3)_ Need 500 and he needs 750. Also (4)_needs to be repositioned.3)商业单据DELIVERY NOTECustomer: Planet Design ShopsOrder No: 300571Address for delivery: (1)_Instructions for driver:Parking available in (2)_.Give (3)_to the customer.Collect old (4)_from customer.4)工作安排记录:NOTESShareholders MeetingLocation: (1)_RequirementsSeating for: (2)_Equipment: five (3)_ two OHPSPhotocopied materials: agenda (4)_三、 中级配伍题专讲:题型介绍八选五,有三个干扰项须排除历年听力考试错误率最高题型涉及商务实际操作的考查预读技巧1)看试卷上解题指南的第二行,了解录音主要内容。2)迅速浏览选项,找出选项中的核心词。核心词种类:揭示含义主体的名词,比如,当选项以句子形式出现时,要关注句子的主语。具有重要修饰性、限制性作用的形容词或副词。尤其要关注那些揭示事物特点特征的词。(请参见以下例题选项中划线部分。)eg.Section Two(Questions 18-22)You will hear another five recordings.For each recording, decide what reason each person gives.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.Do not use any letter more than once.After you have listened once, replay the recording.18_ A. The media advertising appealed to us.19_ B. The company provided a free sample.20_ C. A business contact recommended the company.21_ D. The company had a good reputation.22_ E. The company had a special offer. F. The company was conveniently located. G. The company gua
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