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八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Sports and Games Topic 2语言点归纳卷4 仁爱版语言点归纳卷四Unit1 Topic2 Would you mind teaching me?Section C1. _ _ = too (用于肯定句末) Li Ming, youre the winner in the running race. Are you happy? Yes, but very tired _. A. as wellB. tooC. either D. as well as2. so that 引导目的状语从句: 他很早起床,为的是能坐上早班车。He got up early _ _ he could catch the early bus.我们现在努力学习是为了能为国家多做贡献。We _ _ now _ _ we can do more for our country. 3. 比较级 + 比较级:越来越 例如:越来越好better and better;越来越快:_more and more + 多音节形容词的原级( beautiful, difficult, interesting, careful):越来越 那个城市正变得越来越美。The city is getting _ _ _ _.4. 全世界:_ _ _ _Section D1. a 15-year-old boy 一个15岁的男孩;区别于The boy is 15 years old. 1.5英里的长跑:_ _ _ 男子800米赛跑:_ _ _ 女子400米赛跑:_ _ _2. 系动词 ( look, sound, smell, taste, feel, be ) + 形容词adj.: You look happy today. That sounds great. It tastes _( good, well).3. start + to do / doing: I started running. 4. 代替,而不是instead of + n. / doing : I drink milk instead of juice. instead (常用于句末) : We didnt watch TV. We played games instead. My pen is broken. So I use a pencil _.5. 帮助某人做某事help sb. do/ to do / help sb. with sth. 增进,加强: _ _I often help my mother _ the house. A to clean B cleaning C cleans D cleaned6. have fun (in) doing sth. 喜欢做某事,做某事很开心学习物理很有趣。We _ _ in _ _. Tracy 很喜欢打篮球。Tracy _ great _ in _ _.综合练习:一, 根据提示完成单词:1. May I help you with the homework?Its very nice of you, but I think I can m_ it myself.2. My mother f_ ill yesterday evening, so my father stays at home to look after her today.3. Which sport do you p_ , skating or skiing?4. Soccer is p_ all over the world.5. China got 28 gold m_ in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.6. My bike is broken this morning. So I walk to school i_.7. She always practices_(sing) every morning. 8. Its a good way _(keep) fit9. We should build _ (we) up.10. He spent two years _ (write) the book.11. What do you mean by _ (shout) at me?二、选择。( )1. Please keep _.Im trying to study. A quietly B quite C quiet D quietly( )2. We had _ fun at my birthday party A a B / C a lot D the( )3. Liu Xiang tries his best to practice and hes running _ in the matches. A fast and fast B faster and faster C more and more fast D more and more faster( )4. - _ you _ me carry the bag? Certainly, Im coming. A Do, help B Will, help C Did, help D May, help( )5. He is not the best, but he is _ very famous. A too B also C either D as well( )6. Jim got up early _ he can catch the bus. A that B instead of C so that D then( )7. Would you mind _ my pet dog? A look after B to looking after C to look after D looking after( )8. They were _ at the _ news. A exciting, excited B exciting ,exciting C excited, exciting D excited, excited( )9. Its a good way _ English. A to study B studying C studied D studies( )10. Mr. Black _ 100 Yuan _ his watch. A spent on B spent in C took to D cost for( )11. Yesterday my mother and I went _. A somewhere else B else somewhere C else anywhere D anywhere else ( )12. Sam enjoys _ TV. A watches B watchs C watching D to watch( )13. It is a _ river.A 2.5- meters-wide B 2.5- meter-wide C wide- 2.5 -meters D wide- 2.5 -meter( )14. Playing soccer can make your body _. A strong B strongly C to strong D to be strong 三,阅读理解:There will be a basketball game in Shanghai this Sunday. The basket team of our country will play against a team of NBA from America. The American players arrived in Shanghai this morning. And the Chinese players has left Beijing for Shanghai by air. Now they are on their way in the sky. They will have a rest tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, they will play the game against each other. The American team is a little stronger. But we still have the chance to win. We mustnt miss the game and cheer them on.根据短文内容选择正确答案( ) 1. What day is it today? A Its Wednesday. B Its Friday. C Its Saturday. D Its Sunday.( ) 2. Where are the Chinese players? A In Beijing B In Shanghai C In America D On their way to Shanghai( ) 3. What will they do tomorrow? A Have a rest B Go to Shanghai C Return Beijing D Fly to Beijing ( ) 4. Chinese players go to Shanghai _. A by bus B by train C by plain D by sea ( ) 5. Who will won the game? A The Chinese players B The American players C Both of them D We dont k
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