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Unit 8 Celebrating Me练习I. 词形变换1. he (反身代词)_ 2. we (反身代词) _ 3. decorate (名词) _ 4. confidence (形容词) _ 5. person (形容词) _ 6. spell (名词)_ 7. story (复数形式) _8. itself (复数形式) _ 9. lead (名词) _ 10. write (过去分词) _11. beautiful (形容词)_ 12. with (反义词) _ 13. German (形容词) _ 14. all (反义词) _ 15. almost (同义词)_II.词组互译1. 在20世纪 _ 2. 给一些好的建议_3. 想一想 _ 4. 在.方面有专长_5. 在.方面做得好_6. be confident of _ 7. be different from _ 8. through and through_ 9. be proud of _ 10. think of as_III.单项选择1. Tom helps me _ my English every day.A. for B. with C. to D. at2. Is there _ in your report?A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything3. Those women are _.A. Greece B. Greeks C. Greek D. Greeces4. My sister _ Greece last night.A. returned to B. came back C. went back D. returned5. Every one of your class is special _ different ways.A. of B. at C. in D. for6. Those are _ books.A. my own B. my owns C. own my D. my owns7. Li Ming is _ excellent student. He often gets to school _ hour earlier than the other students.A. an; an B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the 8. That gives Tom _ confidence to learn English.A. a B. an C. the D. 9. Christmas is _ December 25th.A. on B. in C. at D. to 10. There are many _ in the shop.A. decorates B. decorate C. decoration D. decorations11. I enjoy _.A. reading B. read C. to read D. readed12. _ the book is Jims.A. May B. Maybe C. May be D. Be13. _ of us has the right to work.A. Everyone B. Every C. Every one D. Some14. They _ go skating in winter.A. sometimes B. sometime C. some times D. some time15. They came here _ the morning of last Sunday.A. on B. in C. at D. withIV. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 汤姆奋力地去救那个小女孩,但是太晚了。Tom _ _ save that little girl, but it was too late.2. 那些人来自加拿大。Those people _ _ Canada.3. 王梅在数学方面具有专长。Wang Mei _ _ _ mathematics.4. 你们随便吃些鱼吧!_ _ to some fish!5. 你认为大象是有趣的动物吗?Do you _ _ elephants _ interesting animals?6. 汤姆说的“谢谢”是什么意思?What does Tom _ _ “xiexie”?7. 我们为我们伟大的祖国而自豪。We _ _ _ our great country.8. 我对自己有信心。I have _ _ myself.9. 让我们把这首歌再唱一遍。Lets _ the song_.10. 上课前,汤姆对他的报告感到紧张。Tom _ _ _ his report before class.V.用单词的适当形式填空1. Jim is _ of his English. (confidence)2. We gave _ some advice. (his)3. He enjoyed _ during the holiday. (watch)4. I enjoy _ TV very much. (watch)5. It is difficult _ those words. (spell)6. Would you like _ with me? (go)7. Tom _ already _ his homework. (finish)8. Mr. Wang _ us Chinese last year. (teach)9. I will ask Tom _ you about that. (tell)10. Are you _ at maths? (talent)11. Some _ (German) came here yesterday.12. What is the _ (spell) of the word?13. Please use knives _ (cut) things.14. Have you _ (write) anything?15. The teacher is coming. Lets stop _ (talk)?VI.重新排列字母,构成一个正确的单词1. Merry _ (C, h, i, r, t, s, a, m, s)!2. How do you _ (e, d, o, c, a, e, t, r) your room?3. In _ (W, s, t, e, e, n, r) countries, Christmas is an important winter holiday.4. Families open their _ (s, t, n, e, p, e, r, s) on Christmas Day.5. He is _ (o, n, c, i, f, e, n, t, d) of his English.6. Georgia went to _ (i, v, s, t, y, i, u, n, r, e) last year.7. Tom plays on the _ (n, o, r, j, u, i) high basketball team.8. What makes you _ (n, q, i, u, e, u)?9. The game was _ (t, s, l, o, a, m) over.10. Greece is a country in _ (u, E, o, r, p, e). Keys:I. 1. himself 2. ourselves 3. decoration 4. confident 5. personal 6. spelling 7. stories 8. themselves 9. leader 10. writer 11. beautiful 12. without 13. German 14. none 15.nearlyII. 1. in the 1900s 2. give some good advice 3. think about 4. be talented at 5. do well in 6. 对有信心 7. 与.不同 8. 完全地, 彻底地 9. 因而自豪 / 骄傲 10. 把当作 / 认为III. 1-5 BCBAC 6-10 AADAD 11-15 ABCAAIV. 1. strived to 2. come/are from 3. is talented at/is good at/does well in 4. Help yourselves 5. think of 6. mean by 7. are pround of 8. confidence in 9. sing; again 10. was nervous aboutV. 1. confident 2. him 3. himself 4. watching 5. to spell 6. to go 7. has, finished 8. taught 9. to tell 10. talented 11. Germans 12. spellin
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