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?B(?试卷总分:300 得分:100一、 单选题 (共 90 道试题,共 300 分)1. I learned to_a bicycle as a small boy.A.driveB.runC.operateD.ride正确答案:D2. Mr Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils, except_who had already taken them.A.theseB.onesC.the onesD.the others正确答案:C3. Mary_a dress when she cut her finger.A.madeB.is makingC.was makingD.makes正确答案:C4. He asked_for the violin.A.did I pay how muchB.I paid how muchC.how much did I payD.how much I paid正确答案:D5. The experiment was_easier than we had expected.A.moreB.much moreC.muchD.more much正确答案:C6. _well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A.IfB.WhetherC.ThatD.Where正确答案:B7.Have you finished your report yet? No, Ill finish in_ ten minutes.A.anotherB.otherC.moreD.less正确答案:A8. The patient was warned_oily food after the operation.A.to eat notB.eating notC.not to eatD.not eating正确答案:C9.Do you remember_he came? Yes, I do, he came by car.A.howB.whenC.thatD.if正确答案:A10.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him_.A.not toB.not to doC.not do itD.do not to正确答案:A11. There used to be a coffee shop next to your house, _?A.wasnt thereB.didnt thereC.wasnt itD.didnt it正确答案:A12. The president gave the Secretary of State 30 days_ the report.A.completesB.to completeC.completingD.completed正确答案:B13.Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?_, but I dont think I can afford the time.A.Id like toB.Id better goC.I didnt want toD.I wouldnt正确答案:A14. Hold on, please, Ill put you_ to the manager.A.acrossB.throughC.offD.over正确答案:B15. By the end of last year we_ more than 200 students of English all over the province.A.trainedB.would have trainedC.had trainedD.have trained正确答案:C16. His _ is so great that money doesnt mean much to him.A.ideaB.richnessC.healthD.wealth正确答案:D17. He has made a lot of films, but _good ones.A.anyB.someC.fewD.many正确答案:C18. What do you imagine the child uses this old tool _ ?A.aboutB.byC.forD.of正确答案:C19.Who do you think has made my room so dirty, mum?It _ be your younger brother.A.mustB.shallC.willD.would正确答案:A20. Regular exercise can_you against heart disease.A.fightB.protectC.keepD.support正确答案:B21.How long has this bookshop been in business? _1982.A.AfterB.InC.FromD.Since正确答案:D22.It there were no examinations ,we should have_at school.A.the happiest timeB.a more happier timeC.much happiest timeD.a much happier time正确答案:D23.Let me help you with your suitcase._.A.Youre very niceB.Yes, youre so helpfulC.No, I can doD.Its very kind of you正确答案:D24.Rather than_on a crowded bus, he always prefers_ a bicycle.A.ride; rideB.riding; rideC.ride; to rideD.to ride; riding正确答案:C25. These three English novels are for you. The rest_for the other students in your class.A.wereB.isC.areD.was正确答案:C26.The first textbooks_for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A.having writtenB.to be writtenC.being writtenD.written正确答案:D27. If there is no one_him with the preparation, he will have to put off the meeting.A.helpB.to helpC.helpsD.helped正确答案:B28.I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she_, she would have met my brother.A.has comeB.did comeC.cameD.had come正确答案:D29.John plays football_, if not better than, David.A.as wellB.as well asC.so wellD.so well as正确答案:B30. As soon as she_open the letter, Mrs. White will find out what has happened to her husband.A.tearsB.is tearingC.will tearD.has torn正确答案:A31. A.公差为1的等差数列B.C.D.不是等差数列正确答案:B32.如图,用6种不同的颜色把图中A、B、C、D四块区域分开,若相邻区域不能涂同一种颜色,则不同的涂法共有(  ).A.400种B.460种C.480种D.496种正确答案:C33.A.B.C.D.正确答案:B34. A.img src=https:/
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