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Unit 1 Cultural relicsSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。1.survive1)A lot of small companies are fighting for .2)我们需要空气来生存。答案:1)survival2)We need air to survive.2.design1)The tool was by my friend,Mike.2)这种电脑是为打电脑游戏设计的。答案:1)designed2)This kind of computer is designed to play computer games.3.decorate1)Tom and his friends his store now.2)房间里装饰了鲜花。答案:1)are decorating2)The room is decorated with fresh flowers.运用所学单词或短语造句。4.at war答案:The two countries are at war now.5.remove答案:The boy removed his wet clothes.6.take apart答案:Can you help me take apart the radio?二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义。1.Where is Mr Smith?He is at reception.含义:答案:接待处2.The girl likes the honey bought from the store.含义:答案:蜂蜜3.I hear that the former US president visited our country.Thats right.含义:答案:以前的;从前的4.The local students like to talk in Chinese.含义:答案:当地的5.Which toy do you like best?The wooden one.含义:答案:木制的三、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空in search ofbelong toin returnless thanbe worthwithout doubtby designat war1.She sometimes does things just to annoy me.答案:by design2.China is a country the Third World.答案:belonging to3.The police published information on the Internet the murderer.答案:in search of4.My wife bought me a gold watch on my birthday.I will give her a diamond ring on her birthday .答案:in return5.This meeting has been,one of the most useful we have had so far.答案:without doubt6.I paid $50 for the MP4,but he thought it $5 at most.答案:was worth7.She looks very tall,but in fact,she is 1.65 metres.答案:less than8.In the 1930s,the two countries were and his father was fighting at the front.答案:at war四、同义句改写1.Once heated,the amber can be made into any shape.Once ,the amber can be made into any shape.答案:it is heated2.It took a team of the countrys artists about ten years to make it.A team of the countrys artists about ten years it.答案:spent;in making3.I dont know what he is doing.I dont care,either.I dont know what he is doing, I care.答案:nor do4.This dictionary is very useful in our English study.This dictionary is in our English study.答案:of great use5.The boy went into the kitchen to look for a drink.The boy went into the kitchen a drink.答案:in search of五、单句填空1.导学号02000004She has done some worthwhile things during the summer vacation,and she is worthy of (praise).答案:being praised2.There is still some doubt they will go to America for their holidays this week,but there is no doubt they will go there on May Day.答案:whether;that3.China is at the best time economy is developing.答案:when4.Claire had her luggage (check) an hour before her plane left.答案:checked5.Are you free after school?Sorry.Ive planned to treat a friend to dinner return for his help.答案:in6.导学号02000005If you want to be a creative writer,you have to form your own style writing.答案:of7.Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things.Some of them should (remove).答案:be removed8.Old as she was,she still (fancy) herself to be young and beautiful.答案:fancied9.They were walking around the town search of a place for the party.答案:in10.My brother is always going to school early.It is (rarely) for him to be late.答案:rare11.We won no less $500 in a competition.答案:than12.Do you know who this new car belongs ?答案:to六、翻译句子1.这种玩具是为孩子们设计的。(design)答案:This kind of toy is designed for children.2.这儿的房子不值得买。(worth)答案:The houses here are not worth buying.3.请为我的叔叔挑选一件衬衫。(select)答案:Please select a shirt for my uncle.4.当我看到他的作业时,我感到很惊讶。(amaze)答案:I was amazed when I saw his homework.5.没有人在这次飞机事故中幸存下来。(survive)答案:No one survived the plane/air accident.6.科学家们正在寻找一种新的方法。(in search of)答案:The scientists are in search of a new way/method.7.你能想象在这样的公司工作吗?(fancy)答案:Can you fancy working in such a company?8.他们经常起争执。(at war)答案:They are often at war.9.我是那个足球俱乐部的会员。(belong)答案:I belong to that football club.10.作为回报,我决定给他一本关于如何学习英语的书籍。(in return)答案:In return,I (have)decided to give him a book on how to learn English.七、阅读理解The Taj Mahal(泰姬陵) is a love story,a sad and beautiful one.If it didnt exist,we would easily imagine that the story of its construction was simply a fairy tale.Three hundred years ago,there lived an Indian emperor called Shah Jahan.His wife was a beautiful and bright woman whom he loved greatly.Her title was Mumtaz Mahal:its shortened form Taj Mahal,means “pride of the palace”.In the year 1630 this beloved wife of t
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