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Unit Seven Leaning about EnglishText A The Glorious Messiness of EnglishI. Teaching Plan 教学计划1. 教学目标及基本要求:Objectives:Students will be able to:1) grasp the main idea (because of its tolerance for outside influences, English has become a great language) and the structure of the text;2) understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit;3) grasp the key language points and structures in the text;4) conduct a series of reading, speaking and writing activities related to thetheme of the unit. 2. 教学内容及学时分配:Course Arrangement and Time Allocation:1) Pre-reading tasks: (1st period)T asks Ss several questions on the recorded passage and introduces several cultural information;2) While-reading tasks: (2nd, 3rd period)text organization and text analysis and language learning and summary about the whole text;3) Post-reading tasks: (4th,5th period)writing and homework, speaking and discussion.3. 教学重点及难点:Difficult and key points in teaching:1) understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit;2) The methods of rhetoric;3) Important language points in the text; 4) the history of English language.4. 教学内容的深化及拓宽:Ability improvementStudents conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.5. 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:Teaching methods and problems should be paid attention: 1) A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted. 2) Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction. 3) More encouragement and praise should be given to students for their voluntary answers and opinions.4) More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.7. 思考题和习题:全新版大学英语综合教程2第七单元Text A后的所有习题。阅读第七单元Text B,完成后面的相关练习。全新版大学英语阅读教程2第七单元及相关练习。大学英语阅读进阶第七单元及相关练习。全新版大学英语听说教程2第七单元的所有练习题。II. Teaching Procedures 教学过程:Pre-reading Activities:1. Topic elicitation a. T asks Ss the following questions on the recorded passage: -What is the passage about? (English is a great language, but it is also a crazy language.) -Can you give one or two examples to illustrate the messiness of the English language? (see transcript) -Are you sure of all the idiomatic usages mentioned in the recorded passage? (some of the more confusing usages are explained here: see Teachers book P69)b. T may lead in to Text A by saying :As we discover from the previous exercise, an English word may have multiple meanings. Likewise, several different words may be pronounced in the same way.Considered in this perspective, English is really messy. However, according to Text A, this is also a major merit of English.c. Today we will learn some characteristcs of English language and the history the language.While-reading Activities: 1. Title analysis1.1 Explanation on the title: The Glorious Messiness of English1.2 Ask Ss find the most important words in the title (glorious, messiness) and guess the style of the text from the four choices: narration, description, exposition and argumentation.2. Text analysis2.1 Main idea of the text:Because of its tolerance for outside influences, English has become a great language.2.2 Cultural notes:History of English, Winston Churchill, Julius Caesar, Viking, Norman, William Caxton, Otto Jespersen , Norse (See Teachers book P72-74)2.3 Structure of the text: a. Ask Ss to skim Text A and find how many parts can this text be divided and finish the Text Organization (Exercise on page 214) so as to grasp the main function of each part. Peer discussion in English is allowed. Part onePara 1-3Massive borrowing from othe languages is a major feature of the English language.Part two Para 4-16Tells about the history of the English language from the Indo-European parent language to modern English.Part three Para 17-19Tolerance, love of freedom, and respect for the rights of others these qualities in the English-speaking people explain the richness of their language.b. Ss scan the first sentence of each paragraph in this text to find out where the present tense is switched to the past tense (Para 4) and where the present tense is resumed (Para 17)c. Ss compare their findings with Text Organiazation Exercise 1, and they will see the division of parts coincides with tense changes.2.4 Writing Stylea. Ss look at the title. T introduces the concept of an oxymoron. (see Text Analysis of Teachers book)Rhetorical Device: Oxymoron: An oxymoron puts two contradictory terms together to puzzle the readers, luring them to pause and explore why.矛盾修饰法是指修饰语和被修饰语之间看来似乎是矛盾,但实则相辅相成。eg. soursweet days苦涩而甜蜜的岁月 creative destruction 创造性的破坏 poor rich men 贫穷的富人 living death 死一般的活着b. T guides Ss to find out other figures of speech used in this text and introduce each to them.Metaphor(暗喻是间接地把一物同与其某种相似点的另一物相比较,不用比喻词。
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