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Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Introduction,Reading & Vocabulary一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或翻译句子。1.interest1)She was watching with an expression.2)观众对戏剧中的人物角色感兴趣。答案:1)interested2)The audience were interested in the characters in the play.2.move1)I was by the lecture.What about you?2)你所说的话令人非常感动。答案:1)moved2)What you have said is really moving.3.brave1)Were encouraged to face difficulty .2)这个年轻人的英勇行为令我们印象深刻。答案:1)bravely2)We were impressed with the young mans bravery.4.运用所学单词或短语造句。1)come out2)fall (be) in love with3)take place答案:略二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的含义。1.Her fiance shows such graceful behaviour.含义:答案:优雅的2.The characters in the cartoon have special characters.含义:答案:性格3.After work,they occasionally have a beer.含义:答案:偶尔4.I didnt care about what others said.含义:答案:在乎5.Thrillers are a kind of film which attracts many young people.含义:答案:刺激片三、完成句子1.声音每秒钟传播的距离没有光传播得远。Every second sound travels not light.答案:as far as2.你的新书出版时,一定要告诉我们。When your new book ,do tell us about it.答案:comes out3.他总是很担心对电脑游戏上瘾的儿子。He always his son,who is addicted to computer games.答案:cares about4.这位领导人有时公开露面。The leader shows himself in public .答案:every now and then5.他对很多研究工作失去了兴趣。He much of his research.答案:lost interest in6.这个故事发生在18世纪。The story in the 18th century.答案:took place四、根据课文句型仿写句子1.她的儿子终于安然无恙地回到了家。Her son returned home, .答案:safe and sound2.是她说的话让我很难过。 what she said made me so sad.答案:It was;that3.他工作和他妹妹一样好。He works his sister does.答案:as well as4.就我所知,他考试没及格。 ,he has not passed the exam.答案:As/So far as I know5.正如预报的一样,一大早就下起雨来。 is predicted,it began to rain in the early morning.答案:As五、语法填空根据本模块出现的语法知识填空,有的做了提示。1.The sailor told his many adventures.答案:of2.China Daily is a kind of newspaper that comes daily.答案:out3.It was at nine oclock we came here.答案:that4.She played the part a teacher in the drama.答案:of5.The old house belonging the old couple was flooded.答案:to6. our ,such a young lady was the mother of two children.答案:To;surprise7.They fell love with each other madly at first sight.答案:in8.He seemed (anxiety)about the meeting.答案:anxious9.The audiences were to tears hearing the story.(move)答案:moved;moving10.When I came in,everyone looked at me surprise.答案:in六、阅读理解导学号37860025Peter Jackson,one of the worlds most well-known directors,was born on October 31,1961 in Pukerua Bay,New Zealand.He liked to take photographs,so a family friend bought young Jackson a super 8mm camera.He has been a film-maker ever since.At age nine,he even attempted to remake his favourite film,King Kong,using his own stop-motion effect.Unlike many of the film-makers working today,Jackson never went to film school.Instead,he created his own short films with the help of his family and friends.He was turned down for a job at the National Film Unit,New Zealands government organization that produces tourist films about the country.Jackson began doing other jobs to make a living,while shooting shorts on weekends.One of these weekend films expanded from its original ten minutes length into a feature film.The project took four years to complete (19831987) and was called Bad Taste.After the success of Bad Taste,Jackson became recognised as a director.He gave up his job at a local photographers shop and became a well-known director of horror movies.The Lord of the Rings(指环王) trilogy(三部曲) is a huge landmark(里程碑) in Jacksons work.Not only did the films become some of the most commercially(商业上地) successful of all time,but they also lifted Jackson to the top of the Hollywood pecking order.His digital effects company,WETA Digital,became one of,if not the most respected effects company in the world.Jackson has also expressed an interest in returning to his roots and directing some lower-cost films again.1.Peter Jackson became recognised as a director in .A.1961B.1970C.1987D.1969答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,Bad Taste的成功使Jackson的导演身份得到了人们的认可;结合第二段最后一句中提到的时间可知,Bad Taste完成于1987年。由此可推知,他是在1987年被公认为一位导演的。2.From the passage we can learn that Peter Jackson .A.has been working as a photographer since 1968B.is a well-known director of horror moviesC.has made two films in allD.never went to school答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,他是一位著名的恐怖电影导演。3.What is the purpose of the passage?A.To introduce some film stories made by Peter Jackson.B.To give us some information about Peter Jackson.C.To tell us there is a famous actor in New Zealand.D.To show us Peter Jackson is a well-known director.答案:B解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文重在介绍Jackson的基本
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