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Unit 2 The Olympic GamesSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。1.replace1)Do you think newspapers can be (取代) by the Internet?2)有什么东西能代替母爱吗?答案:1)replaced2)Can anything replace a mothers love?2.take part in1)Four years ago they the Olympic Games.2)我的哥哥喜欢参加运动。答案:1)took part in2)My brother likes taking part in sports.3.compete1)The woman athlete often with her teammates.2)他们正在为奥运会进行竞争。答案:1)competes2)They are competing for the Olympic Games.运用所学单词或短语造句。4.as well答案:He likes music and his friend likes music as well.5.stand for答案:UK stands for United Kingdom.6.admit答案:They had to admit breaking the womans window.二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义。1.Whats his motto?Two heads are better than one.含义:答案:座右铭;格言;警句2.The Olympic Games will take place in our city.Do you want to be a volunteer?含义:答案:志愿者3.Her words had a magical effect(影响) on us.含义:答案:魔术的;有魔力的4.His grandfather used to be a slave on the farm.含义:答案:奴隶5.Which country did he stay last winter?Greece,a European country.含义:答案:希腊三、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空compete withtake part instand foras wellbe admitted toevery two years1.Do you know what the meaning of CPU is?It Central Processing Unit.答案:stands for2.He is a good actor and an excellent director of TV plays .答案:as well3.Usually they have to be replaced .答案:every two years4.Every year only a few new members our organization.答案:are admitted to5.As a student,he not only devotes himself to his study,but also all kinds of activities after school.答案:takes part in6.How many runners will us in the marathon to be held next month?答案:compete with四、单句填空1.He never moved a thing without (replace) it exactly.答案:replacing2.You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.Not exactly.It was his courage as well his skill that really struck me most.答案:as3.导学号02000018Excuse me.But can you tell me what ATM stands ?答案:for4.It was in the central park I got to know my girlfriend.答案:that5.Will you join us the discussion or take part in the evening party to be held at Toms?答案:in6.How does the No.55 Bus run?Once every thirty minutes.答案:often7.About 2,000 singers competed each other six medals in the National Singing Competition.答案:against;for8.导学号02000019The girls (admit) into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work.答案:admitted五、同义句改写1.Some famous athletes in the world took part in the Asian Games.Some famous athletes in the world the Asian Games.答案:competed in2.The boy admitted that he had broken the window.The boy that he had broken the window.答案:made an admission3.I am going to London and my sister is going as well. I my sister is going to London.答案:Not only;but also4.The workers will be replaced by some robots.The workers will be by some robots.答案:taken the place of5.Each of you should be responsible for what you have done.Each of you should what you have done.答案:take responsibility for六、完成句子1.I dont eat meat, (她也不吃).答案:nor/neither does she2.He (不仅帮我)with my English gave me some advice.答案:not only helped me;but also3. (多久一次) do you go to the movies with your child? (每两周一次).答案:How often;Every other week/two weeks4. (就是在那个房间里) they were arrested by the police.答案:It was in the room that5.We should depend on (我们现有的) to finish the work.答案:what we have now七、阅读理解A导学号02000020Montgomery County Special Olympics held its eighth yearly show of unified(联合的) basketball at Blessed Sacrament School.The gym was filled with cheerleaders(啦啦队队员),parents and friends.The walls were covered with posters made by third-and fourth-graders at the school.And all the elementary,middle and high school unified teams were playing hard and having fun.Every basket,no matter which team scores,is cheered and celebrated.Special Olympics support more than 20 unified games.What are unified games?They are programs designed for players with special needs.In the games,they play with kids who are volunteers,called unified partners.The special athletes are unable to play normally like other healthy kids,and some of them are wheelchair(轮椅) users.In basketball,the unified partners rebound(抢得篮板球),pass and sometimes push a special athletes wheelchair.As Brian Ross,a seventh-grader at St.Albans School in Washington,says,“You just try to help and get everyone to take part.”Some special athletes have come a long way to be where they are.Caleb Head is a 15
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