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Unit 1He lives the farthest from school.短语互译1. be late for _迟到_2. by taxi/bike/bus _乘出租车/骑自行车/乘公交车_3. a bit _一点_4. so much _如此多的_5. most of _大部分的_6. be careful _小心_7. 远离 _far_from_8. 乘坐地铁 _take_the_underground/by_underground_9. 靠近 _be_close_to_10. 与一样 _the_same_as_11. 一直 _all_the_time_12. 在某人去的路上 _on_ones_way_to_句型在线 1. 发生什么事了?_What_ _happened_?2或许我应该乘坐出租车去上学。_Maybe_ I should go to school by taxi.3. 它是最舒服的方式,但也是最昂贵的。Its _the_ _most_ _comfortable_ way, but its also _the_ _most_ _expensive_4. 不用担心。我会小心的。_Dont_ _worry_. Ill be careful.5. 他住得离家最远,因此他乘坐地铁(上学)。He lives _the_ _farthest_ _from_ school, so he takes the underground.6. 他也乘坐公交车,和我一样。He goes by bus too,_the_ _same_ _as_ _me_.1except prep. 除之外观察 But nobody was late, except me.但除了我,没有人迟到。探究 except 表示从所提到的人或事物中除去一部分,即从整体中除去一部分。该词和but用法相似。辨析 except, except for, besides与butexcept“除之外”,表示“(从整体中)减去”。(前后是同类事物)Nobody was late except Mike. 除了迈克之外,没有人迟到。except for“除之外”,说明整体情况之后,对细节加以纠正。(前后是不同类事物)His composition is very good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误之外,他的作文非常好。besides“除了之外(还)”,表示一种累加关系。I like history besides English.除了英语之外,我还喜欢历史。but“除之外”,侧重整体,常用在nothing, nobody等否定词之后。Everyone was there but him. 除他之外,大家都在那儿。 活学活用()(1)Were all here _ Lily. Wheres she?Shes gone to the library.AbesidesBexpectCexcept Dexcept for()(2)I think the car is very nice _ the price.Aexcept Bexcept forCbut Dbesides()(3)江西中考What language do you also speak_ English?French. But just a little.A. besides B. exceptC. beside答案 (1)C(2)B(3)A2far adv. 远;遥远adj. 远的;遥远的观察 He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground.他住得离学校最远,因此他乘坐地铁(上学)。探究 有关far的常用搭配:(1)be far (adj.) from 意为“离远”。Juliets home is quite far from her school.朱丽叶的家离她的学校非常远。(2)live far (adv.) from意为“住得离远”。Jerry doesnt live far from his company.杰瑞住得离他的公司不远。(3)how far 意为“多远”,对距离进行提问。拓展 far的比较级与最高级分别有两种形式,即farther/further, farthest/furthest。这两种写法都表示距离上更远、最远。此外,further还有“更进一步”的意思。furthest意为“最远地”,常用来表示抽象的概念。He goes farther than his father. 他比他爸爸走得还远。I want to learn English further in Canada. 我想在加拿大深造英语。He studies the subject furthest.他研究这门功课最深。 活学活用1用所给词的适当形式填空(1)He jumps _(the)_farthest/furthest_ (far) in our class.(2)I will go to America for_further_ (far) study.2单项填空()益阳中考Is Lilys home _away from school than Lindas?Yes, it is. Lily lives two miles away but Linda lives nearby.A. far B. fartherC. farthest答案 B1What happened? 发生什么事了?探究 (1)表示“某地/某时发生了某事”常用“sth. happen(s)/happened地点/时间状语”,此时主语是事物。(2)表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”常用“sth. happen(s)/happened to sb.”;提问时常用“What happen(s)/happened to sb.?”句型。(3)表示“某人碰巧做某事”常用“sb. happen(s)/happened to do sth.”,其同义句型为“It happens/happenedthat从句”。 活学活用改为同义句(1)What happens to him?Whats _the_ _matter/trouble_ _with_ him?(2)I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday._It_ _happened_ _that_ I _met_ a friend of mine in the street yesterday.2Maybe I should go to school by taxi. 或许我应该乘坐出租车去上学。探究 go to school by taxi意为“乘坐出租车去上学”。by和表示交通工具的名词(名词前不用任何冠词)连用,意为“乘坐”。如:travel by train/car/ship乘火车/小汽车/轮船旅行辨析 maybe与may bemaybemay be副词,意为“也许,或许”,常放在句首。“情态动词be动词”,意为“可能是,也许是”。Maybe our teacher is in the library. 或许我们的老师在图书馆。Our teacher may be in the library.我们的老师可能在图书馆。 活学活用1改为同义句(1)My father rides his bike to work every day.My father _goes_ to work _by_ _bike_ every day.(2)She may be a doctor._Maybe_ she _is_ a doctor.2单项填空()锦州中考Most of my classmates go to school _ bike.A. atB. byC. onD. in答案 B.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Lucy and Jim are in Class 3 and they are classmates_. 2. There are flowers on both sides of the road_. 3. My school is close_ to my home, so I always walk to school. 4. Yesterday all the students went to the zoo except_ Xiao Wei. 5. Two people died in the car accident_ . Im sorry to hear that. .用所给词的适当形式填空1This room is_bigger_(big) than that one.2Spring is the _best_ (good) time to plant trees.3Of all the students, who lives _the_farthest/furthest_(far)?4The bus stop is _crowded_ (crowd) with people at eight oclock in the morning.5Home is _the_most_comfortable_ (comfortable) place in the world.按要求完成下列各题1Jack walks_to work every day. (对画线部分提问)_How_ _does_ Jack _go_ to work every day?2Her friend lives the farthest from school. (改为反义句)Her friend lives _the_ _closest_ _to_ school.3Xiaoming is the tallest boy in his class. (改为同义句)Xiaoming is _taller_ than _any_ _other_ _boy_ in his class.4Jenny often goes to work by taxi.(改为同义句)Jenny often _takes_ _a_ _ta
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