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2014高考英语完形填空一轮练习(6)及答案或解析 (2012重庆调研)I had a cigarette one morning as I walked along the wooded path toward my house deep in the forest.I know smoking is bad for me, and _1_. I had tried to kick the habit, but _2_. Not even when my aunt Bernie got lung cancer. How many times had she begged me to give _3_ up? After she died, I made up my mind to stop, and did so, but _4_ I started up again. The house had been one of Aunt Bernies favorite places to stay. Lately, I had earned some _5_ income by renting it out. New renters were _6_ to arrive that afternoon. The house has no electricity, so I had to _7_ there was enough propane (丙烷) in the tank to _8_ the fridge and the stove (火炉). Seeing the house in the distance through the trees, I thought about _9_. I could still hear her _10_ telling me, “Give up smoking; it will _11_ you.” As I was _12_ the house, the voice grew stronger, _13_ my aunt were standing right beside me. Finally, I couldnt _14_ it any longer. I smothered (闷熄) it. “Fine, Auntie, I _15_. See?” I continued down the path, _16_ the urge to light up again. Reaching the house, I opened the door. Whoa! I stepped back. The _17_ was strong. Propane gases! I ran around to the back and found the problem. The previous _18_ had forgotten to turn off the propane tank before they left. The house had been _19_ up with gas for a week! If I had still been smoking that cigarette. I thought now, _20_. My aunt Bernie was right. Smoking can kill me. The next day I started a quitsmoking program, and I havent lit up since.1. A. helpless B. harmful C. useless D. dangerous2. A. hadnt B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. couldnt3. A. it B. her C. this D. that4. A. possibly B. naturally C. shortly D. hardly5. A. special B. extra C. high D. low6. A. able B. glad C. due D. willing7. A. take care B. find out C. make out D. make sure8. A. start B. manage C. run D. stop9. A. my cigarette B. my aunt C. new renters D. the tank10. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. cry11. A. harm B. damage C. kill D. hurt12. A. approaching B. passing C. opening D. entering13. A. even if B. as C. because D. as if14. A. see B. find C. bear D. hear15. A. put it out B. gave it up C. put it away D. gave it way16. A. stopping B. resisting C. feeling D. keeping17. A. desire B. house C. voice D. smell18. A. owners B. renters C. neighbours D. guests19. A. mixed B. covered C. filled D. caught20. A. frightened B. excited C. surprised D. disappointed答案与解析:1D从文章最后的Smoking can kill me可知抽烟不但有害,而且还很危险(dangerous)。2D作者尝试戒烟,但不能(couldnt)戒掉。3A指请求作者戒烟,故用it指代抽烟。4C作者下决心戒烟,但很快(shortly)又开始吸了。5B作者继承了Aunt的房子,将它出租,当然可赚得些额外(extra)的钱。6Cbe due to do sth.意为“预定要干某事”,符合语境。7D这里指确保(make sure)有足够的丙烷,让冰箱和炉子运行。8C从上题解析可知应用run。run此处意为“(使某物)运转,起作用”。9B在远处透过树林看这个房子作者想起了Aunt。10B从常识及下文的the voice grew stronger可知应该是voice。11C从上文可知,作者的Aunt,就是因为吸烟患肺癌而死,再结合此处作者的Aunt告诫如果不戒烟,它会让作者丢掉性命。12A随着作者靠近(approach)房子Aunt的声音变得越来越大。13D好像Aunt就站在我身边一样,故用as if。14C想起Aunt的话,终于作者不能再忍受(bear),把烟熄灭了。15A从前面的I smothered(弄熄)it可知是灭掉烟,故用put out。16B把烟弄熄后,作者开始作思想斗争,抵制(resist)想抽烟的诱惑。17D下文反复提到房子里丙烷泄漏了,这里指气味(smell)很强烈。18B指以前的租客(renter)忘记关气罐了。19C指整个房子里都弥漫着丙烷气体。fill up with意为“充满”。20A作者想到如果自己还在抽烟的话,后果不堪设想,当然是害怕(frightened)了。*结束.完形填空As I sat down to dinner yesterday the phone rang.It was a childs _1_ on the other end that I didnt recognize.He _2_ that they had found the phone he was calling me on.They had looked up “Home” in the contacts file and so they were phoning the number that turned out to be mine.From their _3_ I recognized my sons phone.Hed left it _4_ on the football pitch where hed been playing.I asked them to _5_ a few minutes.I put my dinner in the oven, and headed over to the _6_ they had given me.When I arrived I saw a group of five children, aged about 79 years old.They came running over to _7_ me and they were just charming and wellspoken kids.They told me how and where theyd _8_ the phone.They also told me some bigger kids had tried to take it but they hadnt let them.I just couldnt get over how nice and _9_ they were.Because we were near a _10_, I asked if they would like a sweet for a _11_.They looked surprised by the _12_.I had a few pound coins in my pocket so I gave them one each.And each and every one of them looked very _13_ and said thank you.I told
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