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Unit 2 A卷一、单项填空1President Hu Jintao emphasized in the National Ceremony speech:“In our country development,it is important to build up the material civilization._ important is to advance the spiritual civilization.”AEquallyBGenerallyCSimilarly DNamely2The boss wishes that his sick outstanding manager could _ and come back to work as soon as possible.Apull through Bput throughCgo through Dlook through3As we know,many Europeans _ the continent of America in the 16th century.Aexplored BdevelopedCopened out Duncovered4The man stated that he had done nothing wrong so he had a clear _.Awill BcharacterCspirit Dconscience5The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.Abring out Blet outCleave out Dmake out6Many university students plan to find a job first,_ the opportunity for further study.Agiving up Bgiving inCgiving away Dgiving out7This worker is _ skilful;he usually makes fewer products than others.Atoo far Bfar tooCfar from Dfar away8Though _ money,his parents managed to send him to university.Alacked Blacking ofClacking Dlacked in9(2012安徽模拟)Facing the emergency,we were at a loss and none of us could _ a solution to the problem.Acome about Bcome outCcome up against Dcome up with10_ more effectively with others,more and more people equip themselves with a higher education.ATo compete BBeing competedCCompeting DCompeted11We _ the old scientist _ his contributions _ the country.Aadmire;for;to Badmire;at;toCrespect;on;for Drespect;on;at12John is very _if he promises to do something hell do it.Aindependent BconfidentCreliable Dflexible13I put the suggestion to him,but he didnt seem very _about it.Ainterested BimpressedCkeen Danxious14We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started.Awhen BwhileCuntil Dbefore15Do you think that the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou were a success?Yes,_!It couldnt be _.Arelatively;better Bapproximately;worseCabsolutely;better Dfortunately;worse二、完形填空When your kids were six or seven,you sent them to school.Did you ever wonder what goes through a teachers _1_ as he or she tries to teach your kids?Did you ever wonder what the teacher _2_ from you,the parents?Parents can be _3_ or suspicious.They can be of great help to the teacher _4_ be in need of help themselves.Some teachers think parents are too _5_ on their children.Here is _6_ one teacher puts it.“I usually have the _7_ of parents coming in and _8_ me how much they care about the kidseducation and how they really _9_ their kids.They tell me they stand and _10_ them closely when they do their homework.Sometimes they _11_ offer help with the kidslessons as if they were teachers.They check their school work,and are too sensitive to _12_.They blame the kids on everything having to do _13_ school.When a parent asks me how his or her kid is getting on in my class,my answer usually isWell,you know,he is _14_ a good kid.He is fine in my class.Maybe you dont have to be so _15_ with your kid.”Teachers want parents to know that they are professionals at _16_ with children.They have _17_ many children and even parents.Because of this,teachers can be _18_ at educating children.Teachers are _19_ that parents want their children to do well,but they know more about what children should be able to do at different ages and _20_.1A.heart BmindCsoul Dspirit2A.reflects BresultsCbenefits Dexpects3A.effective BattentiveCsupportive Dpositive4A.but BorCthus Das5A.hard BkeenCdependent Dcrazy6A.where BhowCwhen Dwhy7A.problems BcontractsCaccidents Dagreements8A.advising BexaminingCtelling Dinstructing9A.help with Bdeal withCmake up Dgive up10A.connect BguideCwatch Dinspire11A.even BalreadyCstill Dmerely12A.marks BeffortsCpains Dwords13A.at BbeyondCin Dwith14A.nearly BreallyCseldom Dhardly15A.satisfied BcarefulCstrict Dcautious16A.working BplayingCstaying Djoking17A.fed BobservedCattended Dgreeted18A.pleased BworriedCdisappointed Dexperienced19A.content BdoubtfulCaware Dsuspicious20A.stages BclassesCschools Dprojects三、阅读理解(2012开封模拟)Matt Scott,who was born with spina bifida(脊柱裂),grew up in Detroit,Michigan,where he participated in a variety of sports alongside his healthy friends.Now as a member of University of WisconsinWhitewater wheelchair basketball team,Scott has won four national championships,and has recently been selected to the Paralympic team for the second time.The 23yearold college senior owes his achievements to h
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