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Unit 5 B卷一、阅读理解AFlying in 2050 is going to be a real pleasure,the engineers at European manufacturer Airbus say,with 360degree views whenever the“intelligent cabin membrane(客舱壁)”is set on transparent(透明的)One of their new ideas involves absorbing passenger body heat to meet some of the planes energy needs,while another refers to seats with selfcleaning fabrics(纺织品)that adapt to each individual body form.The first,business and economy class system would be abandoned,and replaced by individual seating arrangements.The air would be vitaminenriched,while passengers could enjoy virtual games of golf high up over the clouds,go shopping,or try on the latest fashions in virtual changing cabins.This cabin of the future,whose shape is modeled after that of birds,is part of Airbuss total concept for 2050.CEO Thomas Enders says the company expects the demand for aircraft to go up worldwide despite the ongoing problems faced by many airlines,particularly in Europe.“Air travel continues to hold more longterm growth potential than any other sector(领域),”Enders said.According to Airbus figures,air travel currently makes up 8%,or 580 billion dollars worth of the European GDP.Airbus engineer Champion says that the three biggest current challenges are that people want flying to be cheap,efficient and environmentally friendly.The sector has to find satisfactory ways of meeting these demands,which is why flying will probably look completely different a few decades down the road.“By 2050,the sector will be carrying 9 billion passengers around the world,”Champion says.Airbus visions for the airports of the future no longer include gates.Instead,planes would roll right up to a station,with passengers boarding quickly through several doors,using touch screens to check in.But Champion says the airports themselves may be slow to adjust.“We can come up_with_all_kinds_of_great_stuff,but when a_plane_has_to_circle_for_40_minutes_over_Heathrow_before_landing,a_lot_of_it_gets_lost.”1According to the engineers,future planes _.Awill offer passengers a full view of the skyBwill allow people to play golf on boardCwill be safer than any other means of transportDwill be the most environmentallyfriendly ever2CEO Thomas Enders tends to think that _.Aa cabin shape modeled after the shapes of birds is bestBair travel has great potential for economic growthCEuropean airlines are facing the most serious challengesDthe level of airtravel employment remains high worldwide3What is implied in the text?AAirbus will lead the industry.BPassengers should be happy with the coming changes.CMore people will fly on Airbus planes by 2050.DPassengers will be completely satisfied with the services of Airbus.4With the underlined statement,Champion means that _.Aairports ought to have more gatesBplanes in the future will need more time to landCthere should be more doors for passengers to check inDthe airports have to be changedBMost American kids love Halloween treats,but a bucket of Halloween candy can be a dentists nightmare.Some parents try to get rid of half of the candy after their children go to bed,but dentists say parents also need to separate the good kinds of treats from the bad ones.It is not exactly what a child eats that truly matters,but how much time it stays in his mouth.According to pediatric dentist Dr.Kaneta Lott,the most damaging stuff is something that is sticky or very hard and thus stays in the mouth for a long time.This is because we all have bacteria in our mouths.When we eat,the bacteria take our food as their food and produce an acid that destroys the surface of the teeth,causing cavities to form.The longer the food stays in the mouth,the more likely cavities will develop.Therefore,potato chips are worse than candy because they get stuck between teeth.For the same reason,raisins and crackers are not the best choice.Hard candies take a long time to consume and are also a bad choice for Halloween treats.If children really love candy,dentists recommend that they eat chocolate instead.Unlike hard candies,chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth.Besides,chocolate contains tannins,which help to kill some of the bacteria in the mouth.But no matter what a child eats,brushing after each meal is still the best way to fight cavities.5What is the main purpose of this passage?ATo discuss how cavities can be treated.BTo point out the problems with Halloween celebrations.CTo tell parents what sweets are less damaging to their childrens teeth.DTo teach parents the meaning of Halloween candy for their children.6Why are hard candies especially bad for teeth?AThey may break the childrens teeth.BThey contain too much sugar.CThey help bacteria to produce tannins.DThey stay in the mouth for a long time.7According to the passage,which of the following is a better choice for Halloween treats?AChocolate.BCrac
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