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2014届高考英语一轮写作综合训练17第一节:完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1The 26 th Shenzhen Summer Universiade was grandly opened on August 12 th_ (最吸引我们的) was the door to the world formed by the 365 electronic giant LED screen(appeal)2Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?Of course, I haveIt was in our village that _(拍摄的)(make)3Not until I turned on TV _ (我知道) that the Chinese ship was rescued by the European Union Task Force4Advertisements have become part of everyday life so it is important that we educate ourselves about them _ (避免受愚弄)by them(avoid) 5I _ (多亏了我的父母) that I went through the hard time after I lost my jobEverything couldnt have been going so smoothly without them(owe)6Its important for the figures (更新)regularly(update)7_ (全心投入)your job and finally you will succeed(devote)8The secretary forgot to type her business letter, _(集中注意力去阅读)an interesting report(focus)9He made a commitment that he would spend as much time as he could _(教这位调皮的孩子)(teach)10However, Australia has a federal government _(负责) matters that affect people all over the country such as defence, foreign policy and taxation(responsible)2013高考英语(书面表达)怎样写好单位介绍式书面表达二、写好具有自我特色的开篇交待句和末尾总结句,提高文章的照应性 为提高单位介绍式书面表达的照应性,我们应写好开篇交待句和末尾总结句。写开篇交待句时,因单位详情尚未交待,读者对其没有完整了解,可适当写得笼统一些,但写末尾总结句时因单位详情已作介绍,读者对其已有完整了解,因此适宜写得具体一些,针对性强一些。如本篇书面表达习作的开头和结尾一句就有效增强了文章的照应性。 (未完待续) 怎样写好单位介绍式书面表达 -作者:郝昌明 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:44 更新时间:2004-12-31 文章录入:admin 减小字体 增大字体三、用好过渡性词汇,提高文章的连贯性 写单位介绍式书面表达交待地点变换时可用:here, there, on the one side, on the other side;写单位今昔对比、转换时间时可用:in the past, at present, in the future;写单位具有多种优势时可用:at the same time, both.and., not only.but also., as well (as), whats more;写单位因人们的努力而更加辉煌时可用:as a result (of) , thanks to, so, therefore, as we can imagine;对单位前景表达自信时可用:Im sure, I believe, I think 等过渡性插入语。当然和写其它角度书面表达一样,也要根据需要应用好其它过渡性词汇。 本篇书面表达习作实例参考答案成功运用了As we all know, and, Im sure等过渡性词汇,有效增强了文章的连贯性、逻辑性和可读性。 四、采用具有自我特色的不同表达方式,提高文章的灵活性 写单位介绍式书面表达时同学们会发现原材料中多次出现有,介绍单位不同时期的面积和人口时,也会多次出现面积为.、人口为.等文字。所有这些意义上重复的场合,语言上最好不要机械重复,否则文章便会显得机械、呆板,毫无可读性。同学们应尽可能采用不同的表达方式,使文章显得形象生动,而具有较强的吸引性。如在介绍单位各方面情况的文章中,多次出现有,可用下列句式机动灵活地表达:There are many buildings in our school including. Our school is made up of three grades and thirty-six classes. You can see lots of flowers and green grass in our school.人口和面积可表达为:The population of our school is. Our school has a population of. The size of our school is. Our school has a size of.或Our school covers. 本篇书面表达习作实例参考答案分别用is made up of, covering和has来表达有,使得句式绚丽多姿、丰富多彩,大大提高了语言的灵活性。 五、熟悉具有自我特色的语言现象,提高文章的吸引性 单位介绍式书面表达有不少句型是有规律出现的,如列举单位多个建筑物时可使用: There are many buildings in our school such as a teaching building, a library, a laboratory and a computer center.介绍单位绿化工作做得好时可使用:Our school is like a garden. Trees and flowers can be seen everywhere.介绍单位有关人员努力工作时可用:Both.and.work hard.表达主人公以单位为荣时可用:Im proud of our school. 介绍单位地点时可用:Our school lies.介绍单位交通状况时可用:It is very convenient for us to travel anywhere. 介绍单位资源丰富时可用:Our country is rich in natural resources.介绍单位新气象时可用:Our school has taken on a new look. 介绍单位前途时可用:Our school will have a wonderful future.本篇书面表达习作参考答案出现了Western China is rich in natural resources, Western China will take on a new look and have a bright future等具有自我特色的句型,有力地提高了文章的吸引性。 六、采用较复杂的词汇或句式,提升文章的表达档次 写单位介绍式书面表达时同学们应尽可能使用一些较复杂的语法结构和词汇,以降低文章的单调性、枯燥性和乏味性,增强文章的生动性、趣味性和醒目性,从而有效提升文章的表达档次。如在单位介绍式书面表达中同学们可使用下列一些复杂语法结构和词汇。 What a beautiful school it is! (运用感叹句) It is because of the hard work of all the teachers that our school has become very famous.(采用强调句型) Our school is just like a beautiful garden with a lot of flowers and green grass in it.(采用with复合结构)Im sure youll be deeply impressed by our school after you visit it. (采用被动语态) 这些句型复现率高,使用效果好,同学们如能熟记并增强表达意识,就一定能做到即学即用,即用即效。 以上就是有关写好单位介绍式书面表达的几点建议,希望同学们认真积累、积极思考,写好文章,以顺利通过书面表达这一关。 *结束第二节:写作如果有一场神奇的“价值拍卖会”,你可以拍下自己最想要的东西,你会为什么而举牌?请在以下的竞拍内容中,选出你最想得到的三样东西,并阐明你选择的理由。1、竞拍内容:爱心、梦想、名牌大学录取通知书、聪明、快乐、诚信、自由、权利、友情、金钱等;2、字数120左右,不含开头语。Different people may bid for different things_*结束1What appealed to us m
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