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德国古典哲学的求索the exploration of the German classical philosophy虽然德国启蒙运动的开展是在英法等国之后进行的,当德国开始进行时,英国的启蒙运动己经结束了,法国也已经到了后期,但是,康德的启蒙思想并不落后。康德关于历史的主要著作比孔多塞的人类精神进步史表及其纲要还要早十年。有人说,康德既是启蒙运动的完成者,又是启蒙运动的征服者。康德的历史哲学,既代表着启蒙运动的高峰,又开启了以后几个世代的哲学思维方式的变化。他对法国大革命的基本原则:自由、平等、博爱以及启蒙运动的理想:理性、幸福、和平都有着康德式的论述。The German enlightenment is conducted after many countries such as Britain and France. Although when Germany began, the British enlightenment has ended and France was also going to end. However, Kants thoughts of enlightenment are not backward. The publishing of Kants major works on history is ten years earlier than Condorcets the development of the human spirit table and its outline. Some people think that Kant is not only the accomplisher of the enlightenment, but also the conqueror of the enlightenment. Kants philosophy of history not only represents the peak of the enlightenment but also guide the change of mode of philosophical thinking several generations later. All of his basic principles of the French revolution: freedom, equality, fraternity and ideal of the enlightenment: rational, happiness, peace were stated in the way of Kant.康德同伏尔泰、杜尔哥、孔多塞等启蒙思想家在一些基本的观点上是一致的,那就是他们都把人类历史的发展看作是人类理性与自由的进步的过程,而且最终理性会引导人类走向至善。用康德的话来说就是走向永久和平的公民社会。康德“以启蒙运动的真正风格,把以往的历史看作是人类之非理性的一幕,并且期待着一种理性生活的乌托邦。”同时,康德又提出了比其他启蒙思想家更为深刻的思想,那就是关于人类历史进程的目的论的思想。康德没有象维科和孔多塞那样把人类的历史划分为三个时代或十个时期,但是这并没有妨碍康德对他们观点的继承性或相似性。Some of Kants basic views are consistent with Voltaire, Turgot, Condorcet and other enlightenment thinkers. That is they all consider the development of human history is the progress of human and freedom in the process. And rationality will eventually lead human to supreme kindness. In Kants words is to a civil society of permanent peace. Kant believes that the true style of the enlightenment, the history of the past as the human irrational act, and look forward to the utopia as a rational life. At the same time, Kant put forward a more profound though again than other enlightenment thinkers, which is about the human history of skopos theory. Kant did not divide human history into three times as Vico or ten times as Condorcet, but it did not hinder the inheritance or similarities of Kants views to them.康德的历史哲学是从自然出发的。他受卜顿的影响非常之大“人自然决不做徒劳无功的事”。康德认为,历史就是大自然一项隐秘计划的实现,而自然的意图就是把理性和自由赋一予给人类。但是,自然的意图不能在个人的短暂生命中得以体现,而只有在漫长的人类历史中充分地展现出来,在整个物种的身上实现。在此可以看出维柯的天意的影子。但是康德比维柯更直接强调历史过程的进步性。这种进步表现为理性的进步,自由的获得,人性的完善。历史的进步过程,也就是人性的不断觉醒的过程。因为历史是理性发展的过程。大自然把理性和自由赋予给人类。历史的过程就是理性不断地展现不断进步的过程,也就是人逐渐获得自由的过程。正因为人有了理性和自由,才有了高贵和尊严,历史才有了进步。Kants historical philosophy sets out from nature. His view of “people do not do things in vain by human nature” is very large influenced by ABU. Kant believed that history is a realization of the natures secret plan. And the intent of nature is to assign rationality and freedom as grant to the human. However, Natural intention cannot be reflected in the individuals short life. It can only be fully demonstrated in the long human history and on the whole species. The shadow of the divine can be seen here. But Kant emphasis the historical process of progressive more directly than Vicao. The expressions of this progress are the progress of rational, the gain of free and the perfection of human nature. The progress of the historical process can be seen as the progress of human natures awakening, because history is a process of rational development. Nature has given rationality and freedom to human. The process of History can be seen as the process of rational constantly show and continuous improvement. It also can be seen as the process of human acquires freedom gradually. As people acquire rationality and freedom, then they get the nobility and dignity and history has made progress.应该满足于天意,应该满足于人间事物全体的总进程,这个进程并不是山善开始而走向恶,而是从坏逐步地发展到好;对于这一进步,每一个人都受到大自然本身的召唤来尽自己最大的努力做出自己的一份贡献。”大自然是上帝的创作,而历史是人类的创作,自然赋予人类理性,因此人类的历史是从恶开始的,是经恶到善的过程。正是人性中的恶-“非社会的社会性”,把人类从自然状态推向公民社会的状态。公民社会不冉是权力统治的机构,而是一种自由的公民社会。在公民社会中,手莎一个人都是日的而不是手段。All the process should meet gods will and all human things. This process is not from a good start then goes to bad, but to develop from bad to good step by step. In this progress, every one will receive the call of nature to do their best to make a contribution. Nature is the creation of god and history is the creation of the human. The nature gives the rationality to human, therefore, humans history starts from the evil. Its progress is from evil to good. The humans evil nature forwards the human from natural state to a state of civil society. Civil society is no longer the institution governed by power, but a free civil society. In the civil society, and hand her a people is not. 同样,在国与国之间建立永久的困际和平将成为可能。这是人类历史的目的,也是人类历史的中心任务。“大自然迫使人类去力以解决的最大问题,就是建立起一个普遍法治的公民社会。唯有在社会里,并且唯有在一个具有最高度的自由,因之它的成员之间也就具有彻底的对抗性,但同时这种自由的却又具有最精确的规定和保证,从而这一自由便可以与别人的自由共存共处的社会里。唯有在这样的一个社会里,大自然的最高目标,亦即她那全部察赋的发展,才能在人类的身上得到实现。Also, the establishment of international peace permanently between countries becomes possible. This is the
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