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学 海 无 涯,Unite 1,1,1. About seventy of the trains 500 passengers were injured in the accident.,关于列车的 500 名乘客,72 人受伤的事故。 2. When mother saw my face, she knew immediately that,something was wrong.,当妈妈看到我的脸,她立刻知道事情不妙。,3. These two Chinese words look quite similar , but they are,opposite in meaning.,这字看起来颇为相似,但他们在相反的意思,4. I havent seen Mary in years. I wonder what she looks like now. 我已经多年没有见过玛丽。我不知道她现在看起来,5. Asia is the largest continent in both size and population.,亚洲是在规模和人口最多的大陆。,6. On streets and highways, a red traffic light tells drivers to stop and a green light tells them to go. 在街道和公路上,红灯告诉司机停下来,并开了绿灯,告诉,他们去。,7. Cultural differences between people from different countries,can sometimes lead to misunderstandings,来自不同国家人民之间的文化差异,有时会导致误解. 8. John got very drunk at the party, and his wife felt really,embarrassed about it,约翰在晚会上得到了非常醉,和他的妻子感到很尴尬它。,9. Because of the bad weather, most flights have been,cancelled (取消) today 由于恶劣的天气,大部分航班已被取消的今天。,10. Earthquakes (地震) are common in this part of the world.,地震是常见的,在这个世界的一部分。,11. Traffic police in Shanghai are again warning that overloaded,vehicles (超载车辆) are dangerous and can cause serious accidents.,上海交警再次警告,车辆超载是危险的,并可能导致严重事,故。,12. Police have searched the area for about two days, but so far have found nothing. 警方搜查了该地区两天左右,但至今一无所获。,词组,1.I ran to the railway station as fast as I could but found the train was almost full by the time I got on. 我快,我跑到火车站,但发现列车几乎全由我上的时间。,2.Having finished his work ahead of time, Philip was happy to,leave his office and head for the airport to enjoy his holiday.,说完他的工作时间提前,菲利普高兴地离开他的办公室和机,场的头,享受他的假期。,3.You should have seen Boriss face when Max tapped him on,the shoulder How surprised he was at that moment!,你应该看到鲍里斯的脸最大拍了拍他的肩膀,他在那一刻是,如何惊讶!,4.When a policeman saw the bus driver running a red light, he called to him to pull over and walked towards the bus.,当一个警察看见公交车司机闯红灯,他打电话给他拉过来,,向公交车走去。,5.His poor English has resulted in misunderstandings between him and his American boss. 他的英文不好,导致他和他的美国老板之间的误解。,6.What a lovely day it is! Do you feel like a walk along the mountain path?,这是一个多么可爱的一天!你觉得像一个沿山路步行?,7. By the time we got to the bus stop, the last bus had already left. 的时候,我们到了巴士站,最后一班车已经离开。,8.Though there were quite a few difficulties, I was sure that things were going to turn out all right,尽管有不少困难,我是肯定的事情,要打开所有权利,9.At the meeting, there were many different suggestions for our holiday, but in the end we decided to take Georges suggestion,and went to the seaside again.,在这次会议上,有许多不同的意见,为我们的节日,但最终,我们决定把乔治的建议,并再次来到海边。,10.I cant understand why they chose him instead of you you can do the job much better than he.,我不明白为什么他们选择了他,而不是你 - 你可以做的工作,比他好很多。,Unite 2 1. The boys say they would nt bother the girls if the girls dont bother them!,男孩说,如果女孩不打扰他们,他们不会理会的女孩!,2. Lisa is looking for a traveling companion to China.,丽莎正在寻找到中国旅行的同伴。,3. Shame on me! I forgot my mothers birthday again. 可耻的是我!我忘了我母亲的生日。,4. A number of foreign officials attended the forum(论坛)last week. 上周,一些外国官员出席了座谈会。,5. His attention was so concentrated on the road ahead that he failed to notice he was running out of gas.,他的注意力被集中在前进道路上,他并没有注意到他跑气了。,2,学 海 无 涯,6. I hadnt seen him for 20 years, but I recognized him immediately. 我从来没有见过他的 20 岁,但我立即认出了他。,7.Turn left to Mirror Street, and youll find a vacant spot in the parking lot there.,镜街左转,你会发现在停车场的空置当场。,8.A quiet country scene can take you out of a stressful situation 一个宁静的乡村场景可以把你的紧张局势(状况)。,9.Today we look at how to politely refuse an offer of food or drink.,今天我们来看看如何礼貌地拒绝提供食物或饮料。,10.Could you please describe what we are supposed to do? 能否请您介绍我们应该做的事情吗?,词组,1.“Well, well, thats enough,” Grandpa cut him short just,as he was about to tell another story.,“好,好,这就足够了,”爷爷打断了他只是因为他是要告诉 另一个故事。,2.Guests will find a television room, a swimming pool and a library at their disposal,客人会发现在他们的处置电视室,一个游泳池和图书馆,3.Youve got to be firm, but at the same time you must be sympathetic.,你一定要坚定,但同时还必须有同情心。,4. After that he walked out of the room and shut the door in,her face,之后,他走出房间,在她的脸上和关闭门,5. You cannot turn your back on this problem and leave us,with the responsibility.,对这个问题,你不能把你的背部和留给我们的责任。,Not until yesterday did I know that the Whites live just a couple of doors up from me. 直到昨天我才知道怀特夫妇住在我家隔几户的楼上,8.We turned the house inside out and upside down but didnt find Gwen.,我们把房子内而外的倒挂,但没有发现格温。,9. Look around in your garden or school plants and flowers are growing everywhere.,环顾四周,在你的花园或学校 - 植物和鲜花到处增长。 Unite 3 1.Making a living as a door-to-door salesman demands a thick skin, both to protect against the weather and against having the door shut in your face.,作为一门门推销员的生活,需要一个厚厚的皮肤,既要防止,天气和反对在你面前关上了门。,2.I have a very clear mentalpicture of what happened to me when I took my first examination in primary school.,我有一个很清楚发生了什么事,我当我把我的第一次考试,,在小学的心理图片。,3.After having a taste of life in a big city, Mary returned to her quiet life in the country. 在大城市的生活品味后,玛丽回到她在宁静的乡村生活。,4.She never tries anything new because she s afraid of failure. 她从来没有尝试什么新的东西,因为她害怕失败。,5.He of
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