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学 海 无 涯,1,2,学 海 无 涯,学 海 无 涯,Sign a sales contract Effect a sales contract 教学重点、难点 重点:Warm-up activity, Language summary, Intensive watching, Extensive watching 难点:Intensive watching, Extensive watching, Speaking 课时安排: 2 periods 教学方法 Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role-playing by the students; Explanation and demonstration by the teacher. 教具 Multimedia, blackboard 教学内容和步骤 Watching1 Task 2 Signing the contract Objective: Ss can learn the skills of describing and explaining a contract. Step1: Warming-up Suppose you are to sign a sales contract, what should you do before signing your name in the contract? Work in pairs and list them. Step2: Ss watch a video clip and tick those that are covered in the talk. Step3: Ss watch a video clip again and answer the related questions. Step4: Ss compare the words and expressions in Language Summary. Speaking 1 Objective: This part aims at guiding Ss to practice the skills theyve learned in Listening1 and Watching 1. Step1: Ss work in pairs. Complete and practice conversation. Step2: Ss work in pairs. Role-play a conversation. Step3: Ss work in pairs. Make sentences with the help of the tips.,3,学 海 无 涯 Step4: Ss work in pairs. Suppose you are going to sign a contract. One act as a sales representative and the other acts as a client. Listening 2 Task1 Preparing the Order Objective: Ss can understand a description of preparing the Order. Procedures: Step1: Ss learn some brainstorm for preparing the order by finishing Warming-up. Step2: Ss listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. Step3: Ss listen to the conversation intensively and fill in the blanks with proper words. Step4: Ss translate the following sentences into Chinese. 课后作业: Finish the corresponding exercise 课后小结:,4,
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