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Section BLanguage Focus,课堂互动探究,Unit 1,预习多维感知,Section B,预习多维感知,.词语翻译 1be likely to _ 2be crazy about _ 3put off _ 4take care of _ 5give up _ 6on ones own _ 7in the shadow of _,答案:1.有可能的,要发生的2.疯狂热爱3.推迟4.照顾5.放弃6.靠自己7.在的阴影之下,.语法现象体验 1(2011年高考浙江卷)Bats are surprisingly longlived creatures,some _ a life span of around 20 years. Ahaving Bhad Chave Dto have 解析:选A。考查非谓语动词。句意:真想不到,蝙蝠竟是长寿生物,有些蝙蝠的寿命长达20年。结合语意和句子结构可知,此处为独立主格结构,having的逻辑主语是前面的some。,2(2010年高考山东卷)The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already _for a meal to be cooked. Alaid Blaying Cto lay Dbeing laid 解析:选A。考查非谓语动词。句意:客厅既干净又整洁,已摆好了餐桌准备做饭。“with名词/代词过去分词”为with的复合结构,a dining table和lay是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。,3Come on,please give me some ideas about the project. Sorry.With so much work _my mind,I almost break down. Afilled Bfilling Cto fill Dbeing filled 解析:选B。答语句意:对不起,脑子里装着这么多工作,我几乎要崩溃了。work与fill为主动关系,且动作不表示将要发生,故用现在分词作宾补。,课堂互动探究,独立主格 规则展示 一、独立主格的定义 独立主格,又叫独立结构。它没有主语和谓语,只有逻辑上的主语,因此,它在句法上不是句子,而是一个独立于句子成分之外的独特结构形式。独立主格结构可置于句首、句尾,常用逗号与主句隔开。,独立主格结构可分为两部分,一部分是名词或代词 (主格),起着逻辑主语的作用;另一部分由形容词、副词、名词、分词、不定式、介词短语等构成,表示前面名词或代词的状态、状况或动作。,【注意】在名词介词短语的独立结构中,如果逻辑主语与介词短语中名词都是单数名词,在这些名词前习惯上不用冠词。 He was standing there,pipe in mouth. 他站在那里,嘴里叼了一根烟管。 He stood under a tree,hand in pocket. 他站在树下,手放在口袋里。 如与with连用,名词前需加冠词。 He was standing there,with a pipe in his mouth.,二、with的复合结构 “with的复合结构”与独立主格结构相近,二者经常可以互换,with复合结构常在句中作状语,有时也可以作定语。,规则运用 1The meeting _over,he went to pick up his son directly. Ato be Bis Cwas Dbeing 解析:选D。由句中逗号可知,第一部分不能以句子形式出现,排除B、C;由语境可知“会议结束了,他就直接去接儿子了”,排除A,选用D形成独立主格,此时,因逻辑主语是名词the meeting,being还可省略。,2Everything _into consideration, they ought to have another chance. Ato take Btaken Cto be taken Dtaking 解析:选B。根据句子结构可知前半部分作状语,everything和take之间是被动关系,排除A和D两项,由句意“考虑到所有的事情,他们应该还有一次机会”,可知动作已经完成。排除C项。,3I send you 100 dollars today,the rest _in a year. Afollows Bfollowed Cto follow Dto be followed 解析:选C。由in a year可知动作尚未发生,可排除A、B两项;the rest与follow之间是主动关系,故D项错误;不定式表示将要发生的事,故C项正确。,4With so many trees and flowers _, our school campus looks like a beautiful garden. Aplanted Bto be planted Cplanting Dbeing planted 解析:选A。句意:因为种了很多树和花,我们的校园看起来像一个美丽的花园。trees and flowers与plant之间是被动关系,且动作已经发生了,故用过去分词作补语。,5The children were happily making a snowman,_with cold. Atheir faces turned red Btheir faces were red Ctheir faces red Dtheir faces to be red 解析:选C。句意:孩子们正欢快地堆着雪人,他们的脸都冻红了。此处为“名词形容词”构成的独立主格结构作状语。逗号不能连接两个独立的句子,故排除A、B项。,1.likely 观察理解 1)Tickets are likely to be expensive. 2)Its more than likely that the thieves dont know how much it is worth. 3)Me?Join the army?Not likely!,归纳拓展 be likely to do sth.很可能做某事 It is likely that.很可能 not likely绝不可能(才不呢),表示强烈反对,比较网站 likely,possible,probable 1)likely是指从外表、迹象上进行判断,有可能发生;possible指客观上有可能,但往往含有希望很小的意味;probable的可能性比possible大,表示“很可能,十有八九”。 2)likely既可以用人也可以用物作主语,常用句型是:It is likely that.或Sb./Sth.is likely to.;possible和probable都不能用人作主语,常用句型有:,It is possible (for sb.)to do sth.或It is possible that.;probable只能用It is probable that.句型。,现学现用 1)It is _,though not _,that he will come tomorrow. 他明天可能来,但也不一定准会来。 2)The _cause of his failure was that he had been too tired. 他失败大概是因为太累了。 3)He is very _to ring me tonight. 今晚他很可能会给我打电话。 答案:1)possible;probable2)probable3)likely,2.absence 观察理解 1)The absence of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon. 2)Every time after a long absence from school,I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others. 3)Im doing Marys job in her absence.,归纳拓展 (1)absence from school/lecture缺课 absence of mind心不在焉,精神恍惚 in the absence ofin ones absence在某人不在时 (2)absent adj.缺席的 absentminded心不在焉的 be absent from.缺席,现学现用 4)Why wasnt the conference held on time? For the _of you. Aintention Babsence Cglory Dlack 解析:选B。考查名词辨析。句意:“为什么大会没有按时举行?”“因为缺了你。”for the absence of sb.因为少了某人。intention打算;glory荣誉;lack缺少,缺乏;absence缺席。故选B。,
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