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图表类 专题五 记叙文 图表类作文要求通过对图表中文字、数据内容进行表述、记述、说明、分析与讨论,准确地表达图表所包含的思想内涵或得出必要的结论。 图表作文形式有: 1.数字表:曲线图(line graph);表格(table) 2.图形表:饼状图(pie chart);条状图(bar chart) 图表类作文一般以说明文或议论文为主,记叙文比较少,写这类作文时多采用三段式。记叙文是记叙人物、经历或事件发展过程的一种文体,新闻报道、游记、报告文学、故事、看图写故事、回忆录、访问等一般都属于记叙文的范畴。而图表类记叙文在文体上仍属于记叙类的作文,具有记叙文的一般特点,但是用图表的形式呈现记叙的内容,围绕图表所提供的有效信息并适当添加细节进行描述,表达自己的看法。,图表类记叙文的写作对象大多是人们周围的现实生活,作者精心选择生活中的典型材料(如一个生活侧面,一个精彩场面、一个动人片段)采用图表形式来反映现实生活。图表类记叙文一般应采用生动形象的语言,使读者如见其人,如闻其声,如临其境。 写图表类记叙文应注意以下几点: 抓住图表信息,即要把记叙文的六要素交代清楚。六个要素分别是时间(time)、地点(place)、人物(people)、事件(event)、原因(cause)和结果(effect)。 理清写作思路,即要抓住主要线索有条不紊地进行叙述。首先要确定写什么,然后懂得如何收集、选取素材。我们可以借用英语写作中经常提到的五个“W”和一个“H”的概念,即What, Who, When, Where, Why, How来理顺文章的材料。 材料取舍得当,即要根据图表的主题决定材料的取舍,紧扣主题的内容要详写,与主题关系松散的内容要略写或不写,做到裁剪适当、主题突出。 明确叙事角度,根据题材的不同,作者可采用第一人称或第三人称来叙述。,请根据下表的内容提示,用英语以Life in Senior Three为题写一篇短文,叙述高三生活。 注意:1. 词数:100左右。 2. 可适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。,1.文体信息: 文体:记叙文; 语体:非正式语体; 人称:第一人称; 中心大意:高三生活的现状及对未来的展望。 2.主导时态:一般现在时。 3. 内容要点: 高三的总体印象; 现实生活的紧张、辛苦; 如何进行放松(看书、打球); 对未来的展望,满怀信心度过快乐的高三。 4.温馨提示:高三的学习繁重,一定要理清思路,把握好文章主线,重点突出,适当发挥。行文尽量使用高级词汇、句式,恰当地运用连接词。,Life in Senior Three Life in Senior Three is tiring, exciting and meaningful. As everyone knows, Senior Three is far from relaxing and easy. Every minute counts. Working late at night is often the case. There is much homework and we have to take many exams, such as monthly exams. We have to meet with and overcome a lot of difficulties in our studies. We have made constant and great progress with the help of the teachers. Besides our lessons, of course, we also manage to make full use of our free time to relax ourselves, reading colorful magazines and playing basketball. Busy and tired as we are, we still feel happy and confident of our future.,文章涵盖了题中所给的全部要点,时态、人称均正确,符合记叙文要求。全文以实际生活为主线,以对未来的展望为补充,详略得当。文章最吸引人之处是一些短语和动词的准确运用,如is far from;made constant and great progress;make full use of;counts;overcome等,另外文中用到了as引导的让步状语从句,分词短语作伴随状语及最后一段的倒装句,使全文语言表达灵活、充满变化,值得模仿。 如能把下列句子加以优化则文章能更上一个档次: 1. There is much homework and we have to take many exams, such as monthly exams. 改为分词短语作原因状语 There being much homework, well feel tired. In addition, we have to take many exams, such as monthly exams. 2. We have to meet with and overcome a lot of difficulties in our studies. 改为定语从句We have to meet with and overcome a lot of difficulties which are hard to deal with in our studies.,常用句式: As everyone knows, _. We have made constant and great progress with the help of_. We also manage to_. Busy and tired as we are, we still feel_.,Life in Senior Three Stepping into life in Senior Three, all of us feel as if were experiencing a different life, exhausting, thrilling and significant. The deepest impression left for us is that the time is so limited that we often stay up till midnight, because there is always so much homework to do as well as so many exams to take. Heavy though the burden is, we feel happy. Seeing our development little by little, we improved our self-confidence. We made up our minds to overcome any difficulties which occur to us in our studies. At the same time, we dont forget to relax ourselves by reading magazines and playing basketball, because all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Looking to the future, we are full of passion and fighting spirit. We believe its a bright one.,假设有一批英国中学生将来你校就读,校方要求你在开学典礼上介绍一下学校的有关校规。请按以下要点写一篇发言稿。 注意:1. 词数: 100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:许可证 permit,One possible version: Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to our school. Now please allow me to introduce some of our school rules to you. As high school students, firstly, we are expected to be neatly dressed when at school. Secondly, it must be made clear that we should never be late for class or leave school before it is over. The school is a place for us to study and live in, so we must keep it clean. Lastly, when you are walking on the road, please remember to keep to the right, and, if you want to go to school by bike, you must have a bicycle-permit. Thanks a lot.,
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