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第9讲 状语从句,状语从句是一个句子充当另一个句子的状语,表示主句动作发生的时间、条件、原因、方式、结果、目的等等。 状语从句是历年高考题的重点、难点。命题一般是考查学生连词的掌握情况,根据两个句子的意思,判断两个句子之间的逻辑关系,选择合适的连词。常见的状语从句有九大类。要牢记不同的连词的具体意思,是解题的关键。 一、时间状语从句 常见连词: when / while / as; before / after; since; until; as soon as / immediately / instantly / the,moment / the minute / the second; no soonerthan / hardlywhen; the first time / every time / each time / next time,【完成例句】 (1)我正在做饭,这时,门铃响了。 I was doing some cooking when the doorbell rang. The doorbell rang when I was doing some cooking. (2)我正要下班,这时,天开始下大雨了。 I was about to leave work when it began to rain heavily. 【结论1】when 通常意思为:当时候; 正在那时,【完成例句】 (3)你在北京期间能否给我收集一些红树叶? While you are in Beijing, can you collect some red leaves for me? (4)那个男孩在过马路时被迎面驶来的小轿车撞了。 While walking across the street, the boy was knocked over by a running car. 【结论2】 while从句只能用延续性动词,意思为:在期间。,【翻译句子】 (5)As time goes by, we are growing wiser and wiser. 随着时间的推移,我们变得越来越聪明了。 (6)She does her homework as she sings. 她一边写作业,一边唱歌。 【结论3】as 表示主句和从句的动作几乎同步进行。意思为:一边,一边; 随着,【完成例句】 (7)我还没到家就觉得饿了。(在到家之前就觉得饿) I had felt hungry before I arrived home. (8)我还没来得及向她道歉,她就离开了办公室。(在我能够说抱歉之前,她就离开了办公室) She left the office before I could say sorry to her. (9)还要过很久我们才能毕业。 It will be long before we graduate. 【结论4】 before 在之前 ;还没来得及才,【完成例句】 (10)我来上海已经4年了。 Its / has been four years since I came to Shanghai. 【结论5】 since “自从以来”;是现在完成时的标志。,【注意】从句中延续性动词意义为否定。 例:我当医生已经3年了。(自从我成为医生以来,时间已经过去3年了。) It is three years since I became a doctor 他不当医生已经3年了。 It is three years since he was a doctor. 我父亲不吸烟已有两年了。 It is two years since my father smoked. 我父亲吸烟已有两年了。 It is two years since my father began to smoke.,【翻译句子】 (11)我一直睡到闹钟响为止。 I slept until the clock alarmed. (12)直到爸爸回来我才开始睡觉。 I didnt sleep until my father came back. 【结论6】until 在肯定句中,表示动作持续“到为止”; 在否定句中,常与not连用,表示动作“直到才开始”。,【翻译句子】 (13)她一到日本就给她妈妈打电话了。 She gave a ring to her mother immediately she landed in Japan. 【结论7】as soon as / immediately / the moment / the minute / the second引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”,【完成例句】 (14)她一离开办公室电话就响了。 She had no sooner left the office than the telephone rang. (15)我们一吃过晚餐就开始修机器了。 We had no sooner had supper than we began to repair the machine. No sooner had we had supper than we began to repair the machine. (倒装句形式) 【结论8】 no soonerthan / hardlywhen 刚就(注意:主句时态用had done;从句用did ),【例句观察】 Every time I see the film, I cant help recalling my childhood in the countryside. 每当看那部电影,我就忍不住回想起在农村度过的童年。 Call me earlier next time you come to Shanghai. 你下次来上海早点儿给我打电话。 【结论9】特殊的状语从句连词有: every time 每当,每次;the first time 第一次时候,next time 下次时。,二、条件状语从句 【完成例句】 (16)如果完成了作业,放学后他们就去打篮球。 They will play basketball after school if they finish their work. (17)除非被邀请,不然我是不会参加会议的。 I will not attend the meeting unless I am invited. (18)一旦被发现,他就会被逮捕。 Once (he was) found, he would be arrested.,【结论】(1)常见连词:if / unless / once / as (so) long as / on condition that / provided(providing) that / suppose (supposing) that / say that / lets say that (2) unless ifnot , 意思是“如果不 / 没有”,三、原因状语从句 常见连词:because, for, since, as, now that, when 【例句观察】 Why didnt you come yesterday? 你昨天为什么没来? Because my mum was ill. 因为我妈妈生病了。 Its because my mum was ill yesterday that I didnt come. 我昨天是因为妈妈生病才没来的。,【结论1】because 表示直接的、必然的原因。回答why问句; 强调句中只用because表示原因。It is becausethat 【注意】表示补充说明的原因用for,而且不能放在句首。 The day has broken, for the birds are singing now. 天亮了,因为鸟儿在唱歌。,【完成例句】 (19)既然你回答不了这个问题,那我就问问别人吧。 Since you cant answer the question, Ill ask someone else. 【结论2】since 表示众所周知的原因,“既然”,常放在句首。,【翻译句子】 (20)由于天黑了,我们还是下班吧! As its dark, wed better go off work. 【结论3】 as 表示客观原因,“由于”,常放在句首。,【翻译句子】 (21)既然你生病了,那就躺床上休息休息吧! Now that you feel sick, you can have a rest in bed. 【结论4】 now that 通常表示用新出现的情况作为原因,“既然”。,【翻译句子】 (22)Why do you want to find a new job when you have a good job already? 既然你已经拥有一份好工作了,为什么还要再找新工作呢? 【结论5】 when既然(有轻微的责备口吻)。,【翻译句子】 (23)His request is unreasonable in that he knows we cant afford it. 他的要求不合理在于他知道我们付不起款。 【结论6】 in that从句“在于”。,四、结果状语从句 【例句观察】 She is such a clever girl that we all like her. She is so clever (a girl) that we all like her. 她是一个如此聪明的女孩以至于我们大家都很喜欢她。 【结论】常见连词:so / suchthat“如此以至于”。要牢记下面的几个句型。 so adj. / adv.that So adj. a / an nthat,So many / few / much / little(少) n. (不可数名词或可数名词复数)that Sucha / anadj. nthat Suchadj. n. (不可数名词或可数名词复数)that 【注意】 hat 后面必须是完整的句子,即必须要有完整的主语、谓语、宾语。,五、目的状语从句 【翻译句子】 (24)为了赶上早班车,我们早早地就起床了。 We got up early in order that we could catch the first bus. 【结论1】 so that / in order that 从句(从句用can / could / may / might 动词原形)为了,【翻译句子】 (25)以防错过早班车,我们早早地就起床了。 We got up early for fear that / lest / in case we should miss the first bus. 【结论2】 for fear that / in case that 从句(从句可以用虚拟语气即should动词原形)。 以防万一发生,六、地点状语从句 【翻译句子】 (26)在你有问题的地方做个标记。 Make a mark where you have problems. 【结论3】where 在地方 in the place where / in the place in which。,【翻译句子】 (27)无论他在哪,我都会找到他的。 I will find him wherever he may be. 【结论2】wherever 无论在地方 no matter where。,七、让步状语从句 【完成例句】 (28)尽管他很富裕,他从不浪费一个子儿。 Although he is rich, he never wastes a coin. 【结论1】although / though / whi
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