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What is this?,weather,Unit 6 Its raining!,What is the weather like?,Its sunny.,How is the weather ?,Its cloudy.,What is the weather like ?,Its windy.,What is the weather like?,Its rainy./Its raining.,How is the weather ?,Its snowy./Its snowing.,1,2,3,4,5,Its cloudy,Hows the weather in Shanghai ?,Match the words with the pictures.,1a,1.raining_,2.windy_,3.cloudy_,4.sunny_,5.snowing_,a,e,d,c,b,2,Moscow,Shanghai,4,Boston,5,Toronto,1,Beijing,a,b,e,e,Listen and write these city names in the boxes above.,1b,Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai,Beijing,Moscow,Boston,Shanghai,Toronto,Hows the weather in?,根据这只小熊要带的东西猜一猜 “Hows the weather today?”,Guess,Hows the weather today?,Hows the weather today?,Hows the weather today?,Hows the weather today?,仔细想一想,When the sun comes out, its_. When there are some clouds, its_. When its raining, its_. When its snowing, its_. When the wind is blowing(吹), its_.,sunny,cloudy,raining,snowing,windy,1.Whats the weather like today? It is cloud . 2.How is the weather like today? It raining. 3.What are they doing? They read newspapers.,火眼金睛辨正误,y,are,ing,s,Summary,rain v.下雨;n.雨水 rainy adj.有雨的 windy adj.有风的,多风的 cloudy adj.多云的,阴天的 sunny adj.晴朗的 snow v.下雪;n.雪 snowy adj.有雪的 weather n.天气,气候(不可数),Hows the weather in ? =Whats the weather like in ? Its sunny/cloudy/windy,
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