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unit 13 -lesson25The Kalenjin,Do you like travelling?,Where do you want to go ?,What about Africa?,Lets go to Kenya.,record rek:d,vt. 记录下来 rik:d He recorded everything that happened on his travel. 他把旅途中发生的每件事都记录下来。,1. n. 纪录 He broke the record for the one-hundred meter dash. 他打破了百米赛跑纪录。,They are winners.,among m 在 之中,三者或三者以上 The cat is among the dogs.,The cat is between the dogs.,among,between,两者之间,star 明星,Music star rock star,Jay Zhou is a music star.,race track,border 边界,north,south,west,east,north west,north east,south east,south west,China is our homeland/motherland.(家乡、祖国) England is her homeland.,Qinghai-Tibet,plateau pltu 高原,metre/meter mi:t eg:This ruler is 2 metres. This road is about 500 metres. above bv 在.之上,超出 eg:Todays temperature is above zero.,sea level 海平面 si:levl,The plateau is 2500 meters above sea level.,2500,heart rate 心率,75次/分左右,honour 荣誉,Its a great honour for China.,n,Its my honour.,hundred hundreds of thousand thousands of million miljn millions of 300 three hundred 3,000 three thousand 3,000,000 three million,nature neit 自然 natural ntrl 自然的 athlete li:t 运动员,New words and expressions,record winner distance race among star race track border North West homeland plateau meter,记录 获胜者 长跑 在之中 明星 跑道 边界 西北部 祖国,家乡 高原 公尺,米,New words and expressions,above sea level natural athlete heart rate unusually million win honour a few,在之上 海平面 自然的 运动员 心率 不寻常地 百万 获胜 荣誉 少数,几个,Listening and Understanding 听力理解 Listen to the recording, and then answer these questions: How many distance races are there now for women? 听录音,然后回答问题:目前有多少项女子长跑比赛?,Understanding,Take a look at the (记录)of international running events in the last fifty years. Before 1980,the (获胜者)of distance races were usually from North America and Europe. There were some winners from other countries,but there werent very many of them. There were no African names (在.之中)the winners then,but things are very different now.,records,winners,among,Question one: There were some winners from other countries, werent there?,Question two:Were there no African names among the winners, werent there?,Take a look看一看 Look at+sth 看某物,International running event 国际赛跑比赛 race 跑步 sprint 短跑 distance race 长跑 marathon 马拉松 cross-country race 越野跑,Marathon,is a distance race project.,Today,the (明星)of the (跑道)are the Kalenjin.,stars,race track,The Kalenjin are an African people from the (边界)of (西北部)Kenya and Ethiopia.,borders,North West,Their (祖国,家乡)is a hot,dry (高原) about 2,500 (米,公尺) (在.之上)sea level.,homeland,plateau,meters,above,These people are (自然的,天生的) (运动员).,natural,athletes,They have long,thin legs. Their heart rate is (不寻常的,不一样的)slow.,unusually,There are only three (百万)of them.,million,Question three: The Kalenjin are from Kenya and Ethiopia, arent they?,Question four: Their homeland is about 2,500 meers above sea level, isnt it?,Hot dry plateau,2500 meters above sea level.,above 在 之上,above 在 之上,不接触物体,over 在 之上,指正上方,on 在 之上,接触物体,There is a bird above the house.,There is a bird over the house.,There is a bird on the roof.,Twelve of the worlds top twenty marathon runners are now Kalenjin.,Every year, they win 40 percent of the top (荣誉)in all international distance races.,honours,And its not just the men.,Good,Question five: They win a lot of the top honours in international distance races, dont they?,A few years ago,there werent any distance races for women.,These days, there are lots of them.,Kalenjin women win all their events as well.,Question six: A few years ago,there werent any distance races for women,were there?,a few 少数,几个(修饰可数名词) eg: a few days a few years a few apples,a lot of = lots of许多,大量(修饰可数名词、 不可数名词) eg: a lot of apples a lot of coffee a lot of rice a lot of pens,Summary,There were no African names before 1980.,But today,the stars of the race track are the Kalenjin.,The Kalenjin are an African people. They have long,thin legs. Their heart rate is unusually slow.,Twelve of the worlds top twenty marathon runners are now Kalenjin.,Nowadays,there are many Kalenjin women in the race.,
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