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精选,1,典 题 链 接,第6课时Section B (3aSelf Check) 单元写作链接,话 题 剖 析,能 力 提 升,写 作 积 累,精选,2,话 题 剖 析,精选,3,写 作 积 累,shake hands,get used to,make friends,make mistakes,get mad,make an effort to,drop by,to ones surprise,go out of ones way,makefeel at home,精选,4,Its important to,find it difficult to,Its polite(impolite)to,am/is gradually getting used to,You are(not)supposed to/ You are(not)expected to/You should(shouldnt),精选,5,精选,6,典 题 链 接,精选,7,能 力 提 升,精选,8,I am glad that you and your family will come and live in China.Chinese people are very friendly, so you dont have to be nervous when you are having a meal with them. In China, the oldest and guests usually start eating first.You are not supposed to pick up your bowl to eat or stick your chopsticks into your food.Its rude to talk with your mouth full of food.When you are eating noodles or having the soup, you are not supposed to make noise. See you in China and I will help you learn the Chinese customs.,
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