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翻译技巧(2)Translation Skills (2),翻译技巧(2):用词的增省与被动句翻译,专业英语翻译的过程:,表达阶段,校核阶段,理解阶段,词性转换,词性转换,用词增省,确定词义,数的翻译,被动句翻译,否定句翻译,复杂长句翻译,确定词义,1. 用词的增省,用词的增加和省略: 在翻译过程中,必要时可添加一些原文中没有的词,或者省略一些原文中已有的词,是的译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习惯,词语联想方面与原文一致起来。,有些词汇没有在英文中出现,但它的意义暗含在句子中 英文中省略的词汇,若不将其译出,则译文将不连贯 逐词译出的汉语意义模糊,需要增加词量使译文完整,原则: 使每句话的意思清楚明白 使每句话和上下文连贯 符合汉语科技文章的文体风格,用词的增省,增词,减词,原则:省词不省意,增词,减词,1.1 用词的增省增词,1. 主语的增译,英译汉过程中,有时会将被动语态译作主动语态。这时英文中没有出现的行为主体便会在译文中出现,从而引起增译。,1) All bodies on the earth are known to possess weight.,大家都知道地球上的一切物质都有质量。,2) It is said that numerical control is the operation of machine tools by numbers.,人们说,数控就是机床用数字加以操纵。,(词语不出现,但词义暗含句中),3) Rubber is found a good material for the insulation of cables.,人们发现橡胶是一种用于电缆绝缘的理想材料。,1.1 用词的增省增词,2. 解释性词语的增译,1) A new kind of computer cheap, small and light is attracting increasing attention.,一种新型电脑正引起人们越来越多的关注它价格低、体积小、重量轻。,2) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.,每一个作用力都有一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力。,某些词的词义隐含在其基本词义中,翻译时若不将这种意思讲明便不能准确地表达句意,从而引起增译。,1.1 用词的增省增词,3. 省略词的增译,1) The letter I stands for the current in amperes, E the electromotive force in voltage, and R the resistance in Ohms.,字母代表电流的安培数,E代表电动势的伏特数,R代表电阻的欧姆数。,英语最忌重复,故常省略前文出现过的词,但在翻译时则需要将其补充上,否则,译文则不连贯。,2) When you turn a switch, you can easily operate lighting, heating or power-driven electrical devices.,旋转开关,就能轻而易举地控制照明装置、供热装置或电动装置。,stands for,stands for,devices,devices,1.1 用词的增省增词,4. 概括性和分述性词的增译,1) Based upon the relationship between magnetism and electricity are motors and generators.,电动机和发电机是以磁和电这二者之间的关系为基础的。,英语在列举事实时很少用概括性的词语,在分述事物时也很少用分述性词语,但汉语恰恰相反,故逐词译出的汉语意义模糊,需加词使译文完整。,2) There are three basic ways of producing or storing electricity: by generator, by battery, or by accumulator.,发电和储电的基本方法有三种:分别是通过发电机、电池和蓄电池。,1.1 用词的增省增词,5. 抽象名词的增译,3) People know that liquids can turn into gases under certain condition from the evaporation of water.,(汉语意义模糊,需加词使译文完整),1) The operation of electric generators is based on this relationship between magnetism and electricity.,许多抽象名词直译时意义模糊,故需加上: 情况、作用、现象、效果、方法、过程、设计、变化、性,发电机的工作原理是以磁和电之间的相互作用为基础的。,2) Oxidation will make ground-wire of lightning arrester rusty.,氧化作用会使避雷装置的接地线生锈。,人们从水的蒸发现象了解到,液体在一定条件下能变成气体。,1.1 用词的增省增词,6. 连词的增译,英语句式中的因果、转折等连接关系通过语法习惯或用词习惯来体现。翻译此类句子时应增译某些关联词。,1) If the system gain is increased beyond a certain limit, the system will become unstable.,如果增益超过了一定界限,系统就会不稳定。,2) The pointer of ampere meter moves from zero to three and goes back to one.,安培表的指针先从0转到3,然后又回到1。,1.2 用词的增省减词,1. 动词的省译,1) The importance of Internet becomes known to all day by day.,互联网的重要性日渐为所有人所认识。,2) Pentium CPU provides a relatively high speed than X86.,奔腾中央处理器的运行速度比X86相对要快。,英语语句:必须有谓语动词(省略句除外) 汉语:形容词也可以作谓语,3) When heated, gases act in exactly the same way as liquid acts.,气体受热时发生的变化与液体完全一样。,1.2 用词的增省减词,2. 同义词的省译,1) Electric generator, or dynamos, are most useful of all electrical devices.,发电机是一切电气装置中最有用的装置。,2) It is essential that the mechanic or technician understand well the proper methods for connecting batteries and cells.,重要的是技术人员要深入了解连接电池的恰当方法。,英语:一物多名,汉语:仅对应一词,3) Technology is the application of scientific method and know-ledge to industry to satisfy our material needs and wants.,技术就是在工业上应用科学方法和科学知识以满足我们物质上的需求。,1.2 用词的增省减词,3. 连词的省译,1) Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.,实际上,一切物质都是热胀冷缩的。,2) The average speed of all molecules remains the same as long as the temperature is constant.,温度不变,分子的平均运动速度就不变。,英语:连词表示词间、上下文间的逻辑和语法关系, 汉语:词序体现逻辑和语法关系,1.2 用词的增省减词,4. 介词的省译,1) They found the automatic production line in proper operation.,他们发现自动生产线运转正常。,2) A strain means either a change in size or a change in shape.,张力就意味着大小或形状的变化。,英语:介词表示词间的关系 汉语:暗含于词序中,1.2 用词的增省减词,5. 代词的省译,1) Different metals differ in their conductivity.,不同的金属具有不同的导电性能。,2) Turn the knob until you get a clear picture on the screen.,请转动旋钮直到屏幕上图像清晰为止。,3) The gas distributes itself uniformly throughout a container.,气体均匀地分布在整个容器中。,英语中的人称代词、物主代词、反身代词和关系代词,没有特指的情况下,可以根据汉语表达习惯省略不译。,Exercises(1): 增词译法,4) Using a transformer, power at low voltage can be transformed into power at high voltage.,3) The frequency, wave length and speed of sound are closely related.,2) Electrical energy can be turned into mechanical energy by an electric motor and into light energy in a lamp.,1) Speed and reliability are chief advantages of IPC.,Exercises(2): 减词译法,5) Insulators can also conduct electricity to some extent, though they give a high resistance to an electric current.,4) In the transmission of electric power a high voltage is necessary.,3) Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.,2) Semiconductor devices have no filaments and heaters and therefore require no heating power or warming up time.,1) The output of transformer has a voltage of 10 kilovolts.,2. 数的翻译,数词复数形式与of连用:表示不确定的约数,2.1 数词的复数形式翻译,tens of dozens of scores of decades of hundreds of thousands of millions of,数十,几十,许多,好几十,大量,几十年,数百,成百上千,数千,成千上万,数百万,千百万,Thousands and tens of thousands of machine parts are made up of simple geometric
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