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Chapter 1Human Resource Management:Gaining a Competitive Advantage,Review,Concept of HRM HRM Practices Responsibilities of HR Departments Roles of HR Departments,HRM refers to the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees behavior, attitudes, and performance.,Review,Concept of HRM HRM Practices Responsibilities of HR Departments Roles of HR Departments,Review,Concept of HRM HRM Practices Responsibilities of HR Departments Roles of HR Departments,Strategic Partner Administrative Expert Employee Advocate Change Agent,Homework,Explain the Importance of HRM. 企业所面临的外部竞争性挑战与内部环境的变化,使人力资源管理在企业管理实践中已越来越重要。这种变化主要表现在两个方面: 第一,企业外部竞争环境的变化 第二,企业内部经营环境的变化 一方面,管理者需要转变角色,管理层次将越来越少,管理者的能力及水平也不断提高; 另一方面,这些变化对企业员工的素质要求也越来越高,为企业人力资源管理提出了新的要求与挑战。,Chapter Outline,1-1 Introduction 1-2 Responsibilities of HR Departments 1-3 Roles of HR Departments 1-4 How is the HRM Function Changing? 1-5 Competitive Challenges Influencing HRM 1-6 Meeting Competitive Challenges Through HRM Practices,1-4 How is the HRM Function Changing?,The amount of time that the HRM function devotes to administrative tasks is decreasing and its roles as a strategic business partner, change agent, and employee advocate are increasing. Reasons for the changes Technology changes Change of HR Managers position,Technology changes,Self-service : Giving employees online access to information about HR issues. Outsourcing : The practice of having another company provide services. Accenture 埃森哲 Hewitt 翰威特 Convergys肯沃基,Accenture 埃森哲咨询公司,埃森哲公司是全球最大的管理咨询公司和技术服务供应商,它原是全球安达信(Arthur Andersen)会计事务所的管理咨询部门。1989年成立安盛咨询公司(Andersen Consulting),2000年与安达信从经济上彻底分开,2001年公司更名为埃森哲(Accenture)。 作为财富全球500强企业之一的管理咨询、信息技术和外包服务公司,埃森哲在49个国家设立了分公司,员工逾150,000名. 2006年8月31日结束的财政年度净收入为166.5亿美元.财富全球500强企业中三分之二以上是埃森哲的客户。,Accenture 埃森哲咨询公司,海尔、TCL、华为、中海油、南京汽车制造厂、中石油,现在则是中国移动。不久前,这些名字对于中国以外的大多数全球商业管理人士而言还很茫然。然而,现在这些公司已经成为冲击全球商业世界大潮的组成部分。 埃森哲公司中国给世界经济一个发展的未来的研究报告 报告得出这样的结论:“中国的兴起并非零和游戏,收购能够为外国投资者创造新的股东价值,为经济萧条地区带来生机”,“不论是否得到每个人的欢迎,中国向外融入世界经济的进程将一如既往加速前行,中国走向全球化有利于全球经济”。,返回,Chang of HR Managers position,Executive team includes: CEO ( Chief Executive officer ) CFO ( Chief Financial officer ) CAO( Chief Administrative officer ) VP ( Vice President of HR) Executive Vice President of Store Operations,1.5 Competitive Challenges Influencing HRM,Three competitive challenges that companies now face will increase the importance of HRM practices: 1.The Sustainability Challenge 2.The Global Challenge 3.The Technology Challenge,1. The Sustainability Challenge,Sustainability refers to the ability of a company to survive and succeed in a dynamic competitive environment. Sustainability includes the ability to deal with economic and social changes engage in responsible and ethical business practices provide high quality products and services put in place methods to determine if the company is meeting stakeholders needs,1. The Sustainability Challenge,Reflections of Sustainability Challenge (1) Economic Changes (2) The Balanced Scorecard: Measuring Performance to Stakeholders (3) Customer Service and Quality Emphasis (4) Changing Demographics(人口特征) and Diversity of the Workforce (5) Legal and Ethical Issues,(1) Economic changes,Economic environment 经济环境 Increased value placed on knowledge 更加注重知识 Skills requirements 技能要求 Changes in the employment relationship 雇佣关系变化 Demanding work, but with more flexibility 弹性工作,Economic environment,Financial Crisis,Financial Crisis汽车行业挣扎在死亡线上,U.S. auto sales in October (2008) plunged 31% to about 850,000 vehicles, the worst month in the post World-War II era. Auto sales declined 36% In December.,Financial Crisis原材料价格“高台跳水”,包含钢铁、三合 板在内的18种工 业原料的JOC 工 业品价格指数10 月份下跌56%, 创1949年来最大 跌幅。 原油、铜和小麦 等商品跌幅均超 过50%!,S进出口总额第三;利用外资第二;外汇储备第一 中国经济增长对出口的依存度 GDP增长中, 三分之一来自出口,出口额占GDP比例由2001年的20%上升至2007年的40%; 德意志银行发布的中国经济报告显示,中国出口与美国GDP呈80%相关性;2001至2005年,美国GDP每下降一个百分点,中国出口便相应下降6.5个百分点。,对策失衡的“三驾马车”,为拉动内需,刺激消费,保持国民经济的平稳增长,拟近期推出十大工程项目: 给长城贴瓷砖 给太阳安开关 给珠峰安电梯 给飞机装倒档 给赤道镶金边 给月亮装缆车 给荒漠披绿装 在四大洋装栏杆 在五大洲架桥梁 在南北极开隧道,出口,投资,消费,4万亿? 20万亿?,Increased value placed on knowledge,Intellectual capital Creativity, productivity, and service provided by employees. Knowledge workers Empowering Giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions. Learning organization Employees are continually trying to learn new things.,Skills requirements have changed,Occupational Group (2004),Skills requirements have changed,The demand for specific skills is being replaced by a need for cognitive skills and interpersonal skills. Variety and customization requires employees who are creative and good problem solvers.,Changes in the employment relationship,Psychological contract 心理契约 Expectations of employee contributions and what the company will provide in return. Alternative work arrangements 多种工作安排 Independent contractors On-call workers Temporary workers Contract company workers who are not employed full-time by the company.,(2) The Balanced Scorecard: Measuring Performance to Stakeholders,Balanced Scorecard
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