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精选,1,核心考点精讲,精选,2,20142018年安徽中考非谓语动词考点分布,2018年安徽纲要附录语法项目表 非谓语动词是一些特殊的动词,它们在句中不能单独作谓语,而有谓语以外的其他语法功能。非谓语动词分不定式、动名词和分词三种。它们在句中作定语、状语、表语和补语。,精选,3,从近五年来的安徽中考题可以看出,基本上没有对非谓语动词进行考查,但非谓语动词作为一个重要的语法项目,考生还是要掌握其基本用法。 预计2019年安徽中考对非谓语动词的考查可能性很小。如果出现,只要注意一些固定短语和动词不定式、动名词形式的用法。,精选,4,核心考点精讲,精选,5,考点一:动词不定式,精选,6,【典例解析】 (2018黔南)Parents should always tell their kids_ with strangers. Anot to talkBnot talking Cto not talkDnot talk 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中的tell后面接动词用不定式形式,即tell sb. to do sth.,否定形式是tell sb. not to do sth.。 【答案】A,精选,7,考点二:动名词,精选,8,【典例解析】 (2018上海) Sue practises _ the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances. AplayBplayed Cto playDplaying 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中的动词practise后面接动词必须要用动名词形式。 【答案】D,精选,9,考点三:动词的过去分词,精选,10,【典例解析】 (2018安顺)Tom, have you ever read the book A Tale of Two Cities _ by Charles Dickens? Yes , I finished reading it last winter vocation. AwroteBto write CwritingDwritten 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中的write修饰前面的名词book,意为“由查尔斯狄更斯所写”,表示被动关系,因此用动词的过去分词作后置定语。 【答案】D,精选,11,()1.(2018天水)You look worried.Youd better _ your problem with others. Oh, yes._ a problem is like cutting it in half. Ashare; SharingBsharing; To share Cto share; To shareDshare; Shared,A,精选,12,()2.Whenever we kids come over, Auntie Susan just stands there and watches us _ sure we dont break anything. Amake Bmade Cto make Dmaking ()3.Jack, remember _ off the lights when _ your bedroom. OK,I wont forget, Mom. Aturning; leavingBto turn; leave Cturning; leftDto turn; leaving,C,D,精选,13,()4.I didnt see you _ in.You must have been very quiet. AcomesBto come CcomeDhave come ()5.(2018德阳)What are you going to do tonight? I plan _ Days of Our Past. AwatchBwatching Cto watchDwatched,C,C,精选,14,()6.(2018安顺)You should do what you can _ your English, Li Ming. OK, I will.Thank you, Ms.Hu. AimproveBto improve CimprovingDimproved,B,
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