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Unit4 I have a pen pal,人教版(PEP)六年级英语上册,B.Read and write,What are their hobbies?,singing,dancing,listening to music,playing the piano,playing the pipa,seeing a film,watching TV,reading a book,playing chess,drawing,playing ping-pong,playing basketball,playing football,doing kung fu,swimming,flying a kite,going hiking,climbing mountains,singing,dancing,listening to music,playing the piano,playing the pipa,seeing a film,watching TV,reading a book,playing chess,drawing,playing ping-pong,playing basketball,playing football,doing kung fu,swimming,flying a kite,going hiking,climbing mountains,A: What are your hobbies? B: I like _.,Fill in this table with your partner P42,写下你的爱好和你同桌的爱好。,singing,dancing,listening to music,playing the piano,playing the pipa,seeing a film,watching TV,reading a book,playing chess,drawing,playing ping-pong,playing basketball,playing football,doing kung fu,swimming,flying a kite,going hiking,climbing mountains,Report P42,报告你的爱好和你同桌的爱好。,I like My partner likes ,If you have the same hobbies,You can be,good friends,good pen pals,good partners,伙伴,Amy writes a notice.,notice,Listen and find 听音,找答案,Why does Amy write the notice? _,Because,she,needs,a partner.,dancing,134XXXXXX49,Read and find 读一读,找答案,Whats Amys contact way (联系方式)?,Phone number: 134XXXXXX49,134xxxxxx49,Title 标题,Content 正文,Contact way 联系方式,notice,布告;通知;公告,Read after it 跟读,Amy puts the notice on the,公告栏,How many notices do you see?,134XXXXXX49,136XXXXXX39,Read, answer and write. P43,Yes,they do,dancing,likes playing football,likes reading,likes science,4,阅读四则公告,完成练习。,Who writes this notice? What does he want? A. Football players B. Basketball players 3. Whats the contact way?,Notice 2: Read and answer.,Who writes this notice?,John.,Notice 2: Read and answer.,2.What does he want? A. Football players B. Basketball players,参加,Notice 2: Read and answer.,3. Whats the contact way?,Email address:,Notice 2: Read and answer.,Notice 2: Read after it. (课文跟读),进球!进球!进球,Who writes this notice? If you like _, 3.Whats the contact way?,Mike.,reading,Phone number: 136XXXXXX39,分享,Notice 3: Read and answer.,you can join this club.,136XXXXXX39,Notice3: Read after it. (课文跟读),136XXXXXX39,Notice4: Read and ask,请你来提 几个问题,Who writes this notice? What can you learn (学到) in this club? Whats the contact way?,Robin.,We can learn how to _.,make robots,Email address: ,Read (选择一则朗读),Tip: Pay attention to the sentence stress, pauses and intonation.(注意句子中的重读、意群的停顿以及声调。),134XXXXXX49,136XXXXXX39,Notice Board,Shall we dance? There is a dance class on Sunday at 1p.m. I like dancing, and I need a partner. Call Amy: 134XXXXXX49,Notice Board,Notice Board,Notice Board,Science Club, YOUR club! Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots. ,Who can they contact(联系)?,Bai Ling wants to find a dancing partner. She can contact _.,Ming likes reading. He can contact _.,Tom wants to join a football club. He can contact _.,Sue wants to learn how to make a robot. She can contact _.,Amy,Mike,John,Robin,talks,cooks,makes,does,(美食俱乐部),Try to write an ad for your club. 为自己的俱乐部(社团)写个广告吧!,_ What do you do on_? Do you like_? Join our_club. See you _. _,(可以选择其中一种格式来写。),Word bank,play chess play basketball swim sing do kungfu climb mountains speak English draw cartoons go hiking,Sentence Bank,What is your hobby? Do you like? Do you want to? Lets together! We can share. See you We meet,_ _ _ _ _ _,Homework 1. Read p42、43. Listen and repeat after the CD for 5 times. (跟着CD朗读书本P42、43五遍,注意模仿重音、停顿、语调) 2. Share the ad with your friends, try to make more friends. (与朋友分享写的广告,结交更多的朋友),Life is just like cooking. Hobbies are just like seasonings(调味品).,Enjoy hobbies! Learn to share!,享受爱好!乐于分享!,
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