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高考总复习一轮用书,立体设计走进新课堂,英 语,选修8,Module 3 Foreign Food,课程解读,课程解读,课程解读,知识要点,要点一 单词 1.manner n.方式,方法;(常用复数)风俗,习惯,礼貌,规矩 归纳拓展 (1)in a/the.manner以的方式 in the manner of以的风格 manner of (doing) sth.的方式 in a manner=in a way/in some degree在某种意义上 (2)manners礼貌,礼仪;风俗 be in good/bad manners有/无礼貌 Its good/bad manners to do sth.做某事是有/没有礼貌的,知识要点,例句:The manner of their meeting makes a good story. 他们相见的方式似乎有些传奇色彩。 It is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye. 不辞而别很不礼貌。 We listened to her story in an interesting manner. 我们饶有兴趣地听她的故事。,知识要点,同类辨析 manner,means,method与way (1)manner表示“方式、方法”,指人喜欢采用的方式。 (2)means表示“方法、手段、工具、财产”。 例句:The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的旅行方式是乘飞机。 (3)method指做某事的具体步骤或程序,也指系统、抽象概念的原理。 例如:method of teaching教学方法;method of study学习方法 (4)way是最通用的词,也是最不正式的词。本义是“通路”,引申作“方式、方法”讲,含义很广。 例句:In this way over several days,the artist and his mouse became friends. 就这样过了几天,这位艺术家和他的老鼠成了好朋友。,知识要点,【链接训练】 It is _ to come into teachers office without teachers permission. A.manner B.a manner C.good manners D.bad manners 【解析】句意为:未经老师们的允许进入老师的办公室是很不礼貌的。manner作“礼貌”讲时,通常用其复数形式。 【答案】D,知识要点,2.abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的 归纳拓展 (1)an abundant year丰年 be abundant in在方面很丰富 (2)abundance n.丰富;充裕 in abundance大量;丰盛;充裕 an abundance of丰富的;充裕的 例句:The plants in this area are very abundant. 这个地域的植物很丰富。 The Changjiang River valley is abundant in resources. 长江流域资源丰富。 He has kept an abundance of records in weight lifting. 他在举重方面保持多项记录。,知识要点,【链接训练】 We are happy that the tree yields an/a _ of fruit. A.abundant B.response C.abundance D.attendance 【解析】an abundance of为固定用法,意为“丰富的,充裕的”。句意为:这棵树结了那么多的果实,我们很高兴。 【答案】C,知识要点,3.consequence n.后果,结果,影响(需用复数形式);重要性 归纳拓展 (1)as a consequence=in consequence结果,因此 as a consequence of=in consequence of由于;因为的缘故 answer for the consequences对后果负责 take/suffer/bear the consequences承担后果 be of no consequence (to sb.)对无关紧要 (2)consequent adj.结局的,由某事物引起 consequently adv.因而,所以,知识要点,例句:He may be a man of consequence in his own country,but hes nobody here. 尽管他在自己的国家举足轻重,但在此他却毫不显眼。 The animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical. 这些动物因为接触了这种化学物质而死亡。 You have to take the consequences of the accident. 你必须承担这次事故的责任。,知识要点,【链接训练】 Well,if you insist on eating so much, you will have to suffer the _ . A.consequences B.exercises C.evidence D.exchanges 【解析】consequence作“结果,后果”讲时,常用复数,指不好的结果;suffer the consequences意为“承担后果,自食恶果”。 【答案】A,知识要点,4.transform vt.改变,改造;使改观;使转化 归纳拓展 (1)transform.into.把改变成 transform sb./sth. from.从中转变 (2)transformation n.转化,改变 transformation from sth. to sth.从到的转变 transformer n.变压器,知识要点,例句:The appearance of electricity transformed peoples lives. 电的出现改变了人类的生活。 In only 20 years the country has been transformed into an advanced industrial power. 这个国家只用了20年就变成了一个先进的工业强国。 He has made a complete transformation from a comedian to a dramatic actor. 他已从喜剧演员彻底转型为正剧演员。,知识要点,【链接训练】 Mr.Smith is no longer the man he used to be. Success and wealth have _ him a lot. A.trained B.translated C.transported D.transformed 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。train“训练”;translate“翻译”;transport“运输”;transform“转变成”。句意为:史密斯先生不再是过去那个样子了。成功和财富已经改变了他许多。根据题意可知答案为D。 【答案】D,知识要点,要点二 短语 1.no wonder难怪 归纳拓展 (1)Its no wonder (that)./No wonder(that).难怪 Its a wonder (that).奇怪的是 Its little/small wonder that.对不足为奇 do/work wonders创造奇迹 (2)wonder at/about (doing)sth.对好奇;想知道 wonder to do sth.知道做某事 wonder+if/whether+clause不知道能否,知识要点,例句:No wonder he was so tiredhe stayed up late that night. 难怪他那么疲倦他那晚熬夜到很晚。 Its a wonder you recognized me after all these years. 让人惊奇的是,过了这么多年之后你还认得我。 I was wondering whether you would like to come to the theatre with me? 不知道你是否愿和我一起去看戏?,知识要点,【链接训练】 What a _ it is that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a ten-storied building. A.wonder B.wander C.surprise D.rider 【解析】句意为:他从一幢十层楼高的建筑物的屋顶上摔下来,仍然活着,真让人想不到。What a wonder!真想不到!wonder (n.)“奇迹,奇观”。 【答案】A,知识要点,2.make out(勉强地)看出,听出,理解;开出,填写;辨认出;声称,断言 归纳拓展 make.out of.把改成,用做成 make up for弥补,补偿 make fun of取笑 make a difference有关系,有影响 make it做成;成功,知识要点,例句:They could not make out the road where they came. 他们认不出他们来时的路。 He asked the children if they could make out what he meant by that. 他问孩子们是否能明白他指的是什么。 She always makes out shes the only one who does any work. 她总是声称她是唯一干了点儿活的人。 Hes finally bought a computer,and is making up for the lost time. 他最终买了台电脑,要把损失的时间弥补回来。,知识要点,【链接训练】 The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to _ . A.make it out B.make it off C.make it up D.make it over 【解析】考查make out用作“理解,明白”之意。句意为:这个想法如此困惑以至于我停了好几秒试图将其弄明白。 【答案】A,知识要点,Some students dont realize the good use _ the time. A.Tom made of B.which Tom makes C.for Tom to make D.Tom makes 【解析】考查“make use of利用”的固定用法。此处用其被动形式。 【答案】A,知识要点,3.set fire to sth.(=set sth.on fire)纵火烧,放火烧 归纳拓展 catch fire着火(表动作) be on fire着火(表状态) put out a/the fire灭火 play with fire玩火 make/start/light a fire点火 escape from the fire逃离火境 fight the fire救火 go through fire and water赴汤蹈火,历尽艰险,知识要点,例句:Whoever set the hospital on fire will
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