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Module 10 Units 12Building the future People on the move,重点单词,1claim v主张;宣称;夺去生命 n要求,主张 【用法拓展】 claim to have done 声称曾经做过某事 make a claim 提出主张或要求 give up a claim 放弃要求 have a claim on sb.to do 要求某人做某事 Every citizen may claim the protection of the law. 所有公民都有权要求得到法律的保护。 The tornado claimed dozens of lives.那场龙卷风夺去了几十条人命. After her house was burgled,she made a claim on her insurance. 她家被盗后,她要求按保单赔付。剑桥高阶,即学即用,完成句子 The earthquake _ _ _ _(夺走 了数以万计人的生命) in Haiti in 2010. 答案:claimed thousands of lives After her car collided with a bus,she _ _ _ _(向索赔)her insurance. 答案:made a claim on,2target vt.把作为目标 n靶子,目标 【用法拓展】 target sb./sth. 把作为目标 target sth.on/at sb./sth. 目的在于 hit a target 完成指标 set a target for sth. 为制定目标 meet a target 达到目标 on target 按目标 an easy target 容易击中的目标;容易受攻击的人 Our bombers went out today to target the enemys airport. 我军轰炸机今天出击,以敌人的机场作为轰炸目标。 The paper is targeted specifically at young people. 这份报纸是专门面向年轻人的。剑桥高阶 The governments target of 3.5% annual growth seems easily attainable. 政府制定的3.5%的年增长目标似乎很容易实现。剑桥高阶,即学即用,完成句子 What type of reader is the new magazine _(把 作为目标)? 答案:targeting This book will be _ _(对象) of bitter criticism. 答案:the target This program _ _ _(目的在于) improving the health of women of all ages. 答案:is targeted at,3doubt n怀疑,疑惑,疑问 v怀疑,不信 【用法拓展】 without doubt 无疑地,必定地 no doubt 确实地,必定地 beyond/out of doubt 毫无疑问地,确实地 in doubt 不肯定,不确定 doubt about/as to sth.关于的怀疑 The outcome of the election remains in doubt. 选举的结果仍然不能肯定。 There is no doubt about his innocence. 他完全是无辜的。 She is without (a) doubt the best student I have ever taught. 毫无疑问,她是我教过的最优秀的学生。剑桥高阶 【温馨提示】 doubt用于肯定句时,从句用whether和if引导。 doubt用于否定句和疑问句时,从句常用that引导。 They doubted whether the meeting will be put off. 他们怀疑会议是否会被推迟。 I dont doubt that you are honest.我不怀疑你是诚实的。 Nobody can possibly doubt what he says.没人会怀疑他说的话。,即学即用,完成句子 If you _ _ _(有疑问) about the trip, you can ask your tour guide. 答案:have some doubts 单项选择 It is _ that people pay more and more attention to their health. Asure Buncertain Cwithout doubt Ddoubtful 答案:C I dont doubt _ he will come to my party tonight. Awhether Bif Cthat Dwhen 答案:C,4. switch v转换,转变 n开关 【用法拓展】 switch on 接通(电源) switch off 关闭(电源) switch. to. 把转换成 Im going to switch my job soon. 我很快要跳槽了。 Ill switch your telephone number over to Mr.Clark. 我将您的电话转给克拉克先生。 After the bank robbery,the gang switched cars(left one car and got into another) 抢劫银行后,匪徒们换了汽车。剑桥高阶 Please switch the radio off because Im going to bed. 请关掉收音机,因为我要睡觉了。,即学即用,They switched the talk _ a more interesting subject. Aoff Bdown Cto Don 答案:C,5handy adj.手边的,近便的;有用的;易使用的;手巧的 【用法拓展】 be handy with 擅长 be handy to do sth.方便做 be handy for 离很近,便于 come in handy 派上用场 handily adv.敏捷地,便利地 Firsttime visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy. 初次来法国的游览者会发现这本旅游指南很有用。剑桥高阶 Its a nice house and its handy for(near)the station. 这座房子很漂亮,离车站也很近。剑桥高阶 Dont throw those bottles awaytheyll come in handy (be useful)for the picnic next Sunday. 别把那些瓶子扔掉下周日出去野餐会派上用场。剑桥高阶,即学即用,完成句子 Dont throw that awayit might _ _ _. 别把它扔掉,它或许有用。 答案:come in handy Its always _ _ _ a couple of spare batteries. 有两三块多余的电池总是很方便。 答案:handy to have The house is _ located near the park. 这栋房子离公园很近。 答案:handily,6. head 【用法拓展】 (1)vi.朝行进,常与for,towards,across连用 (2)vt.负责,主管;位于首位,在当中名列第一;位于 队伍之首,带领 (3)n.头脑,智力 keep ones head 保持头脑冷静 be out of ones head 发疯,精神错乱 lose ones head 慌神,失去自制 use ones head 认真思考,动脑筋 The ship was heading for Shanghai.船正开往上海。 Its about time that we were heading home.我们该动身回家了。 A delegation headed by former President George Bush are visiting China now. 一个以前总统乔治布什为首的代表团正在中国访问。 The movie heads the list of Oscar nominations. 这部影片在奥斯卡提名影片中名列首位。,During an emergency,its important to keep your head. 紧急情况下保持镇定很重要。美国传统 He tends to lose his head in a crisis. 他在危急关头容易惊慌失措。美国传统 If you believe his story,youre out of your head! 如果你相信他的故事,你就是发疯了!美国传统,即学即用,完成句子 In the early morning,we headed _ the destination. 答案:for,7exchange vt.交换,调换 n交换,互换;兑换 【用法拓展】 exchange angry words 争吵 exchange A for B 拿A与B交换 exchange sth.with sb. 同某人交换某物 in exchange for 以作为交换 exchange information/ideas 交流信息/想法 exchange rate 兑换率,汇率 I exchanged my pesos for dollars. 我把比索兑换成美元。美国传统 I exchanged the tie for a belt at the store. 我在商店里把领带换成皮带。美国传统 The watch seemed a fair exchange for the compass. 这块手表换那个指南针似乎还算公平。美国传统,即学即用,将句子补充完整 This book is broken.Can I _ _ _ _ _? 这本书坏了,我可以换另一本吗? 答案:exchange it for another one They _ _ _ before the meeting but were finally persuaded to agree. 他们在会议前吵起来了,但经过劝说言归于好。 答案:exchanged angry words Hes giving her French lessons _ _ _ her teaching him English. 他给她上法语课,作为交换,她给他上英语课。 答案:in exchange for,8submit vi.
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