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Unit 4 Pygmalion 例 1例 1 To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten,the students in our school started a discussion “Save Our ”. (2019安徽,24)(2019安徽,24) A.SkyB.LifeC.ArtsD.Voices 答案答案D 课文原文课文原文 .(in her own voice) Ill see whether you can get that for me. 例 2例 2 You dont have to know the name of the author to find a book.You find the book by the title. (2019湖南,28)(2019湖南,28) A.mustB.needC.canD.would 答案答案C 课文原文课文原文 You can place a man by just a few remarks. 例 3例 3 The two sportsmen congratulated each other winning the match by shaking hands. (2019上海,25)(2019上海,25) A.withB.onC.inD.to 答案答案B 课文原文课文原文 Let me congratulate you! 例 4例 4 You will be successful in the interview you have confidence. (2019福建,29)(2019福建,29) A.beforeB.onceC.untilD.though 答案答案B 课文原文课文原文 What are we going to do once the experiment is over? .用所给词的适当形式填空.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.“Things lost (lose) never come again!” I couldnt help talking to myself. 2.Peter received a letter just now saying (say) his grandma would come to see him soon. 3.All the staff in our company are considering going (go) to the city center for the fashion show. 4.To ensure (ensure) the safety of gas,the government has checked the citys gas supply system thoroughly. 5.When first introduced (introduce) to the market,these products enjoyed great success. 6.Lost (lose) in the mountains for a week,the two students were finally saved by the local police. 7.The old man, having worked (work) abroad for 20 years,is on the way back to his motherland. 8.It is believed that if a book is interesting (interest),it will surely interest (interest) the reader. .词语应用.词语应用 pass.off as,in need of,in terms of,in disguise,in amazement,take away,fade out,show in,the other day,once more 1.The doctor says I am in need of a holiday by the seaside. 2.When he reported to the service desk,he was surprised to find his suitcase taken away by someone. 3.Shall Mr.Jones be shown in right now? Wait a minute,please! 4.She passed herself off as an experienced actress of getting the role in the play. 5.The customers think highly of the new product,but in terms of actual sales,its not well received. 6.When he came to himself,he looked at everything around him in amazement. 7.The luggage escaped being examined in disguise at the customs. 8.The other day I traveled to the West China,and took many photos there. 9.Having been away from home,Jack was back once more. 10.When she started insulting the government during the television interview,they faded her out and showed an advertisement. .完成句子.完成句子 1.The novel was adapted for a film (改编成了一部电影). 2.Seeing the boy drop into the river,he jumped in without any hesitation (毫不迟疑地). 3.The answer to the question came out wrong (结果是错的). 4.Bob has a mistaken idea (错误的想法) that tomorrow is holiday. 5.Its unfair to classify people according to complexion into (把人们按肤色分类成) the master and his slaves. 6.If you are late again,Ill dismiss you from the job (解雇你). 7.I had little acquaintance with modern poetry (对现代诗所知甚少). 8.He is smaller than you,but he is superior to you (比你优秀). 9.Make sure you give each word the correct pronunciation (发音正确). 10.This happened on a horrible night (在一个可怕的夜晚). .句型转换.句型转换 1.He is friendly to his classmates. He treats his classmates in a friendly way. 2.They are alike.He mistakes Tom for Mike. They look exactly like each other.He takes Tom for Mike. 3.The students took part in the game.Some teachers took part in it as well. Not only the students but also some teachers took part in the game. 4.Not considering the bad conditions,the workers kept on working there for three hours. Regardless of the bad conditions,the workers continued working there for three hours. 5.As a result of their useful help,we overcame all the difficulties. Thanks to/ Because of their useful help,we overcame all the difficulties. 6.Work hard and you will succeed. If you work hard,you will succeed. 7.Would you like to go fishing this afternoon? What/How about going fishing this afternoon? 8.You will know what happened as soon as you see him. Once you see him you will know what happened. 9.Six minus four is two. If you take four away from six,that leaves two. 10.I hadnt known your address,so I didnt write to you. If I had known your address,I would have written to you. .单项填空.单项填空 1.Most co-workers think him superior manager though he is an ordinary employee. A.withB.byC.atD.to 答案答案D 2. of the consequences,he did whatever he liked to and nobody could stop him. A.RegardingB.As regardsC.RegardlessD.With regard 答案答案C 3.Sir.Wait a minute,please let me show you . Thanks.I can find the way out. A.outB.upC.aroundD.off 答案答案A 4. saving oil,youd better buy this kind of car. A.In name ofB.In terms ofC.In order toD.In spite of 答案答案B 5.As time passes by,everything about him fades from my memory. A.inB.outC.awayD.off 答案答案C 6.He hesitated his mother with housework. A.to helpingB.to helpC.on helpingD.on help 答案答案B 7.I t
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