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,中,考,英,语,2019,第二部分语法专题过关,专题三代词,CONTENTS,目 录,PART 01 考情,PART 01 考情,命题点,考情总结,从近10年安徽中考英语试题的情况来看,代词是每年的必考点,主要考查不定代词的辨析,人称代词、疑问代词、反身代词、物主代词偶有考查。对代词的考查主要体现在单项填空、完形填空两大题型中,着重考查考生在既定语境中理解和运用代词的能力。,1.2018安徽,33The fridges are on sale in the supermarket today. Really? Lets go and buy for our new kitchen. A. one B. it C. that D. them 2.2016安徽,33Helen has got two brothers.of them likes chocolate, but she loves it. A. NeitherB. NoneC. EachD. Any 3.2015安徽,32We cant do it that way but whether it will work is matter. A. other B. another C. eachD. every 4.2014安徽,45You can take of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother. A. both B. none C. either D. neither 5.2012安徽,31How is Helen in the new school? She is doing very well. There is to worry about. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything,命题点,链接中考,A,A,B,C,C,6.2012安徽,44We have red and yellow T-shirts. Which color do you like? Im afraid . I think blue will be OK. A. both B. either C. neither D. none 7.2011安徽,34Im hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge? but we have cakes. Would you like to have one? A. Some B. Much C. None D. Nothing 8.2010安徽,31I need something for cutting the paper. Oh, you want a knife? OK, Ill getfor you. A.it B. that C. this D.one 9.2009安徽,31Im leaving for the exam.Bye-bye, Mum. Well, make sure youve got ready. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 10.2009安徽,43Are Jim and Bob playing outside? .They are doing their homework in the study. A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None,命题点,链接中考,C,C,D,C,C,命题点,图解语法,PART 02 考点,考点1,考点,考点2,考点3,人称代词、物主代词与反身代词,考点4,考点1,考点,考点2,考点3,人称代词、物主代词与反身代词,考点4,人称代词可在句中作主语、宾语和表语。,考点1,考点,考点2,考点3,人称代词、物主代词与反身代词,考点4,提分速记,it的常见用法 (1)指代上文中提到过的事物, 如:You have saved my life. I will never forget it. 你救了我的命,这我永远不会忘记。 (2)指代时间、地点、距离、天气、温度等,如:It will be winter in a months time. 再过一个月就是冬天了。 (3)作形式主语,常用于以下句型:,考点1,考点,考点2,考点3,人称代词、物主代词与反身代词,考点4,It is difficult for him to make the decision. 做这个决定对他而言是很难的。Its very kind of you to help me. 你真好,了我忙。 It seems that she is not afraid at all. 她看起来好像一点也不害怕。 (4)作形式宾语,代替动词不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句,常用在find,feel,make,think,discover等词后。如:I think it important to protect the environment. 我认为保护环境很重要。,考点1,考点,考点2,考点3,人称代词、物主代词与反身代词,考点4,形容词性物主代词可在句中作定语,修饰名词。 The baby has got its first tooth. 那个婴儿长出了第一颗牙。 名词性物主代词可在句中作主语、表语和宾语。,反身代词可在句中作宾语、表语和同位语。,考点1,考点,考点2,考点3,人称代词、物主代词与反身代词,考点4,提分速记,常考的反身代词构成的固定搭配: by oneself 单独地;独立地 dress oneself 穿着;打扮 enjoy oneself玩得愉快 help oneself(to)随便享用 teach oneself=learn sth.by oneself自学 make oneself understood使他人理解自己,考点1,考点,指示代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点1,考点,指示代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,易失分点,(1)that和those的用法: that指代上文提及的单数可数名词或不可数名词,这时that=the one;those指代上文提及的复数可数名词,这时those=the ones。 The water in the cup is hotter than that in the bottle. 这个杯子里的水比那个瓶子里的水热。 The values of todays young people are different from those of their parents. 今天年轻人的价值观与他们的父母不同。 (2)在电话用语中,用this指代自己,that指代对方。 Hello!This is Lucy. Whos that? 喂,我是露西,你是哪位? Hey, Lucy. This is Mary. 嘿,露西。我是玛丽。,考点1,考点,指示代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,(3)it/one/that it是人称代词,特指上文提到的同一事物。如: The book is mine. Its very interesting.这本书是我的,它很有趣。 one是不定代词,泛指上文提及的同类事物中的一个,同类而不同物。如: Who has a pen? 谁有钢笔? I have one. 我有一支。 that是指示代词,常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的可数名词单数或不可数名词,以避免重复。如: The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou in winter. 在冬天,北京的天气比广州的天气冷。,易失分点,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,普通不定代词 常考的易混淆的普通不定代词主要有以下几组: 1.some/any,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,2.many/much/ (a) few/(a) little,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,3.either/neither/both/all/none,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,4.each/every,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,5.other/the other/others/the others/another,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,提分速记,another+基数词+可数名词表示再;又,相当于基数词+more+可数名词。如: He ate another three pears. = He ate three more pears. 他又吃了三个梨。,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,复合不定代词 初中阶段常见的复合不定代词:,1.复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。如: Is everyone here? 人都到齐了吗? Someone is knocking at the door. 有人敲门。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 2.当形容词或else修饰复合不定代词时,形容词或else必须放在复合不定代词之后。如: I found something interesting in English learning. 我发现英语学习的有趣之处了。 Someone friendly can be easy to make friends with. 友好的人容易与之交朋友。,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,提分速记,考点1,考点,不定代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点1,考点,疑问代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,疑问代词是用来构成特殊疑问句的代词,通常放在句首。,考点1,考点,疑问代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,1.所有疑问代词均可用作连接代词,引导宾语从句。 Im not sure who will come tonight. 我不确定今晚谁会来。 No one knows what will happen. 没人知道将会发生什么。 Do you know which is right? 你知道哪个是对的吗? 2.除what 外的疑问代词均可用作关系代词,引导定语从句。 如: Here is the man who you want to see. 你想见的人在这里。 I prefer the book which is educational. 我喜欢具有教育意义的书。,考点1,考点,疑问代词,考点2,考点3,考点4,得分巧记,含what的常考句型 (1)询问意见: What about.? 怎么样? What do you think of.? 你认为怎么样? What would you like to.? 你想? (2)询问职业: What is sb.?=What does sb. do? 某人是做什么的? (3)询问外貌: What does sb. look like? 某人长什么样? (4)询问性格: What is sb. like? 某人怎
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