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四年级英语 Unit1 阶段测试题 一、选择你所听到的单词。(一、选择你所听到的单词。(10 分分) ( )1. A. tigers B. lions C. horses ( )2. A. great B. grape C. mango ( )3. A. pencils B. pineapples C. pandas ( )4. A. have B. nice C. like ( )5. A. monkey B. mother C. make ( )6. A. orange B. mango C. monkey ( )7. A. many B. any C. an ( )8. A. 13 B. 15 C. 17 ( )9. A. nine B. nice C. name ( )10. A. 14 B. 16 C. 19 二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子(二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子(5 分分) ( )1. A. Look at my toy animals. B. Look at my stickers. C.Look at the animals ( )2. A. How many tigers can you see ? B. How many lions can you see ? C. How many dogs can you see? ( )3. A. What about you? B. What do you have? C.whats this? ( )4. A. Do you like elephants? B. Do you like tigers? C. Do you like monkeys? ( )5. A. What would you like? B. Id like a pie. C. Would you like a pie? 三、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答。(三、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答。(5 分)分) ( )1. A.Yes, I am. B.Yes,it is. C.Yes,I do. ( )2. A.Great B. Yes,I do. C. No,I dont. ( )3. A.Thank you B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( )4. A.four B. How nice! C. sure ( )5. A. Yes,it is. B.Yes,I can . C.Yes,I do. 四听录音,完成下列对话。(四听录音,完成下列对话。(10 分)分) A: _ do you have? B: I _ some_. A:_ many apples do you have? B: I have_. A: I have_bananas. B: _ you have_bananas? A: _,I dont.I have some pears. A: Can I have _? B: Sure. 五、从下列选项中,选择一个不同于其它五、从下列选项中,选择一个不同于其它 3 项的。项的。(10 分分) ( )1. A.tiger B.horse C.egg ( )2. A.apple. B.bird C.orange ( )3. A.door B.window C.bed ( )4. A.cat B.pen C.rubber ( )5. A.sixteen B.nineteen C.grape ( )6. A.father B.boy C.girl ( )7. A.dogs B.cats C.animal ( )8. A.basketball B.football C.stickers ( )9.A.these B.those C.lions ( )10.A.tigers B.elephants C.toy. 六、英汉互译。(每空六、英汉互译。(每空 1 分分,共共 10 分)分) 1.Look at _ 2.like dogs_ 3.toy lions_ 4.How nice_ 5.an apple_ 6.Here you are_ 7.very beautiful_ 8.我的小猫_ 9.看一看 _ 10.多少_ 七、单词归类(七、单词归类(10 分)分) Panda, fourteen, mango, sixteen, lion, nineteen, thirteen, grape, orange, monkey 1.banana_ 2.fifteen_ 3.tiger_ 八、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(八、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(10 分)分) ( )1. _ this cat. A. see B. Look at C. Look ( )2.-_pies can you see? -Two A.who B. How many C. what ( )3. Do you _? A. like cat B. like monkey C. like lions ( )4.Do you like pandas?_ A. Yes, I dont B. Yes, I do C. No, I do ( )5. What _you have? A. are B. do C. is ( )6. I _ a cake here. A. has B. have C. no ( )7.-What would you like? -_a pie A. I am B. I have C. I would like ( )8._is the pineapple? A. Where B. Who C.How 9. Thats_pen A. I B. My C. he ( )10. This is for you._ A. How nice. B .Happy new year. C. Thank you 九、选择合适的单词填空。(九、选择合适的单词填空。(10 分)分) 1. Do you like _(grape, grapes)? 2. This is _(our, us) fruit salad. 3. I have _(a, two) bananas. 4. Here _(you, I) are. 5._(How, What) many dogs can you see? 十、连词成句十、连词成句(首写字母大写首写字母大写)(每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 1. like you do tigers (?) 2. have I bananas some (.) 3. like this I dog toy (.) 4. Have one can I (?) 5. at look my stickers (. ) 十一、根据所给的情境,选择正确的答案。十一、根据所给的情境,选择正确的答案。(每题每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分分) 1.你想邀请对方一起打乒乓球,可以说( ) A. Can you play table tennis? B. lets play table tennis. C. Do you like table tennis? 2. 你想知道你的书包在哪里,可以说( ) A. Do you have schoolbags? B. Where is my schoolbag? C.Do you like my schoolbags 3. 你喜欢玩具汽车吗?可以说( ) A. Do you have any toy cars? B. Do you like toy cars? C. How nice! 4.你有一些葡萄吗?可以说( ) A. Do you have any grapes? B. I have a grape. C.Do you like dogs? 5.别人夸你的书包漂亮,你可以说( ) A. Its cute. B. OK C. Thank you.
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