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On Analysis the Tragedys Inevitability of Romeo and JulietbyLi Tianbin 2009031340A thesis submitted to School of Foreign Languagein conformity with the requirements for theDegree of Bachelor of ArtsQujing Normal UniversityQujing, Yunnan, P. R. ChinaApril 28, 201318 AcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the people who have offered me generous help and unconditional support during the past four years.First of all, I would like to express my thanks to my supervisor Mr. Liu Yongliang for teaching me writing my paper. Without his teaching, I would not complete this paper successfully. I owe a lot for his expert advice and valuable insights of the thesis.My gratitude also goes to all the teachers who have helped me during my study in Qujing Normal University. From their lessons, I have learned a lot about English literature and writing. I also would like to say thanks to my classmates. Without their help, I would not get so efficient and accurate data.Last but not least, I want to thank my family members, who support me a lot to complete my paper. Here I want to thank all the people around me.AbstractIn this paper, it will tell you how love and hate are reflected in Romeo and Juliet, and also it will give a right comment to the two heroes brave behavior. This famous tragedy is full of enthusiastic and romantic. The reason for the tragedy is the contrast between the two young lovers and their families hate. It expresses the conflict between free love and feudal force. Love and hate go through the whole story, the love of the two lovers make them look down upon their families hate, they even died for love. They fell in love with each other deeply at the first sight in a dancing party. In the garden, with the moonlight, they expressed their love. They got marry secretly. True love gives the hero and heroin courage to pursuer the free love. Although Juliet knows that Romeo was from her enemys son. She can not help resisting her love to Romeo, it is love that gives their courage to fight against feudalism. Love also gives their loyalty. They choose death to show their faithful love to their lovers. Their love never ended by the boundary of their hatred. With the true love they never mind ending their precious lives. No matter how hard the reality is, love is always the most powerful thing to make their life significant. The paper mainly expresses the tragedys inevitability in two aspects: One is love and hate of Romeo and Juliet, the Other one is the social setting which Romeo and Juliet live in.Key Words: William Shakespeare; Romeo and Juliet; love; hate; social setting; tragedy.摘 要这篇论文将陈述罗密欧与朱丽叶之间的爱恨,并且为两个主人公的勇敢行为给出正确的评论。这是一部非常著名的充满激情与浪漫的爱情悲。他们的爱情悲剧是两个年轻人和家庭之间的冲突所造成的。它展现了自由恋爱与封建力量之间的冲突,爱和恨贯穿整个故事,两位恋人的爱使他们忽视两家之间的仇恨,他们甚至为爱而死。他们在一个舞会上第一次见面时就深深地爱上了彼此。在美丽的花园里,有美丽的月光相伴,他们互相表达爱意。他们也秘密地结婚了。真爱给予了男女主人公勇气去追求自由的爱。尽管朱丽叶指导罗密欧是她的仇家的儿子,她还是情不自禁地爱上李罗密欧。是真爱给予他们力量和勇气来反抗命运,也是真爱让他们彼此给予忠诚。他们用死亡来表达彼此至死不渝的爱。当他们指导彼此的死亡时都选择了自杀。他们的爱从来没有因为仇恨的束缚而结束。因为真爱,他们从不介意结束他们宝贵的生命。无论现实多么残酷就、艰难,真爱都是令他们的生活富有意义的最有力的东西。这篇论文主要从两个方面分析罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧的必然性。一方面是两位主人公之间的爱和恨,另一方面是他们生活的社会环境。关键词:威廉姆莎士比亚;罗密欧与朱丽叶;爱;恨;社会环境;悲剧。ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstractii摘 要iiiContentsivI. Introduction51.1 A brief introduction to William Shakespeare51.2 An introduction to Romeo and Juliet5II .Literature Review72.1 Studies abroad72.2 Studies at home7III. The tragedys inevitability of Romeo and Juliet93.1 Love and hate of Romeo and Juliet93.1.1 Love of Romeo and Juliet93.1.1.1 Romeo and Juliets love embodied in their personalities93.1.2 Hate of Romeo and Juliet113.1.2.1Romeo and Juliets hate embodied in their personalities113.1.2.2 Romeo and Juliets hate embodied from their fate and chance133.2The relationship between love and hate14 3.3 The social setting which Romeo and Juliet live in.16IV. Conclusion17Bibliography18I. Introduction1.1 A brief introduction to William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1615) was an English dramatist and poet, generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets in his lifetime. His imagination, his richness of language and his deep understanding of human behaviors have made him universally known and loved. His influence on English literature and on the writers of other countries is immense.When he was seven, he went to a grammar school. But at the age of fourteen, he had to be a schoolmaster to help support his family because of the decline of his family. After arriving in London he was connected with drama. He used blank verse developed in to a happy vehicle to express all kinds of thought and emotion freely. He writes so many famous works,
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