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牛津小学英语6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend (Part BCD),flash,Saturday afternoon Beijing opera meet 1:30 Garden Theatre Sunday afternoon school concert violin Nancy piano,Lets retell(复述),in front of the Garden Theatre,at one thirty in the afternoon,David, Gao Shan and his Dad,see a Beijing opera,in the school,on Sunday afternoon,play the violin at the concert,play the piano at the concert,go and watch them,Lets review,see a Beijing opera 看京剧,Look, read and learn学习新单词,Learn the new words,picnic 野餐,have a picnic 去野餐,Learn the new words,outing 远足,go on an outing 去远足,Learn the new words,play 演出,see a play 看演出,Learn the new words,take part in 参加,sports meeting 运动会,take part in a sports meeting 参加运动会,Learn the new words,contest 比赛,singing contest 歌咏比赛,take part in a singing contest 参加歌咏比赛,B Look, read and learn,see a Beijing opera,have a picnic,go on an outing,see a play,take part in a singing contest,take part in a sports meeting,Lets play-Magic mirror(魔镜),have a picnic,Lets play-Magic mirror(魔镜),see a play,Lets play-Magic mirror(魔镜),take part in a singing contest,Lets play-Magic mirror(魔镜),go on an outing,Lets play-Magic mirror(魔镜),take part in a sports meeting,Lets play-Magic mirror(魔镜),才,see a Beijing opera,A: What are we going to do ?,C Look and say,B: Were going to ,this morning/afternoon/evening tomorrow (morning/afternoon/evening) this/next weekend ,表示将来的时间词:,A: What are we going to do this morning?,B: Were going to see a Beijing opera.,A: What are we going to do ?,C Look and say(P49),B: Were going to ,A: What are we going to do this afternoon?,B: Were going to have a picnic.,A: What are we going to do this evening?,B: Were going to see a play.,A: What are we going to do tomorrow morning?,B: Were going to go on an outing.,B: Were going on an outing.,A: What are we going to do tomorrow afternoon?,B: Were going to take part in a sports meeting.,A: What are we going to do tomorrow evening?,B: Were going to take part in a singing contest.,D. Listen and write,Answer,Q1.What is Ben going to do after school?,He is going to buy some presents.,Q2.What is David going to do?,He is going to watch a race.,D. Listen and write,Ben _ _ _ see his _ in New York. He is going to _ some presents with his _ Liu Tao and Wang Bing. They are going to buy some _ at the _ _ near their _. David is not going with them, because he and his _ are going to watch a _.,is,going,to,parents,buy,friends,kites,shopping,centre,school,Dad,race,
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