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旋毛形线虫(旋毛虫) Trichinella spiralis,寄生于人和多种哺乳动物,引起旋毛虫病(trichinellosis),是人兽共患食源性寄生虫病。,病例,Distribution of Trichinella spiralis,Trichinosis is most common in temperate and arctic climates - high prevalence in pork-eating areas of the world.,arctic,temperate,五、流 行(Epidemiology),1. 流行概况,Trichinellosis Outbreaks (2019-2019),trichinella.org/,我国旋毛虫病的地理分布,形态(morphology),1.成虫(adult): 虫体细小呈线状,前端较细,后端较粗。两性成虫的生殖器官均为单管型。,(1.41.6)mm(0.040.05)mm, (34)mm0.06mm,2幼虫(larva):,虫体细长,大小约1006m。主要是在宿主的横纹肌纤维内寄居,长大后自行卷曲,形成梭形的幼虫囊包(larva cyst),大小约为0.。,Larvae of trichinella spiralis in muscle section,生活史(Cycle parasitaire ),囊包,侵入肠粘膜,24h后回到肠腔,幼虫,成虫,(十二指肠),48h后,(4次蜕皮),(肠粘膜内),虫继续长大,产新生蚴,虫死亡,幼虫囊包,幼虫,(交配),入血,(横纹肌),宿主吞食,宿主关系:人是中间宿主又是终宿主, 猪等动物是保虫宿主,2. 感染期和感染途径: 囊胞,经口感染,3、寄生部位: 成虫寄生于小肠上端,以肠组织(肠绒毛)为食; 幼虫寄生于横纹肌,以肌细胞为营养。,生活史要点:,肌纤维损伤,炎性细胞浸润,纤维组织增生, 囊包形成,机械及化学刺激,4. 囊包形成,旋毛虫幼虫在肌肉内形成囊包的过程,三、致 病(Pathogenesis),影响因素:食入的囊包数量及活力大小、幼虫侵犯部位、宿主的机能状态等。,致病过程分三期:,侵入期(约1周):自感染囊包至发育为成虫,幼虫移行、寄生期(2-3周):新生蚴经血循 环侵入肌组织,囊包形成期(4-16周),1.侵入期(Invasion),又称肠型期,约1周 胃肠道症状,Nausea 恶心, vomiting呕吐, diarrhea腹泻, abdominal pain腹痛, headache 头痛 slight fever低热,又称肌型期,持续2周至2月 (1)全身变态反应症状 (2)肌肉酸痛:尤以腓肠肌、肱二头肌 (3)重症,2幼虫移行期(migration of larvae),Deaths are rare and due to myocarditis 心肌炎, encephalitis 脑炎 and pneumonia肺炎,又称恢复期: 急性症状消退, 肌痛可持续数月,3囊包形成期:(Calcification),重症患者可呈恶病质、虚脱,或因心衰、毒血症、呼吸衰竭等死亡,四、 诊 断(Diagnosis),检出率为50%,患者食剩的肉食品应同时作压片镜检或动物接种,病史询问结合临床特点(发热、肌痛或乏力、嗜酸性粒细胞增多),1. 肌肉活检( Muscle biopsy ) 确诊!,Muscle samples were squeezed between two glass plates 肌肉压片,2免疫诊断:,应选用2-3种方法同时进行,以提高诊断的准确度,皮内试验:,环幼沉淀试验:,皂土絮状试验:,酶联免疫吸附试验ELISA:,间接血凝试验IHA:,间接荧光抗体试验IFA:,免疫酶染色试验IEST:,3其它检查:,幼虫移行期,白细胞总数及嗜酸性粒细胞,第4周,尿液中肌酸酐,出现肌酸尿最明显,宿主广泛,动物之间的传播是由于相互残食形成的“食物链”成为人类感染的自然疫源。,人感染主要是食入含旋毛虫幼虫囊包的生或半生的猪肉及其它动物肉类,猪是人类感染旋毛虫的主要传染源。,2流行因素:,六、防 治(Treatment and prevention),1治疗患者: 甲苯哒唑(Mebendazole) 阿苯哒唑,丙硫咪唑(Albendazole),2改变饮食习惯,3加强肉类检查,4改善养猪方法,5. 灭鼠,summary,Trichinella spiralis is a nematode parasite, occurring in rats, pigs, and humans, and is responsible for the disease trichinosis. Adults : small, 1.54 mm Larva: females give birth to larva Eggs: hatch in uterus Distribution: Trichinosis is most common in temperate and arctic climates - high prevalence in pork-eating areas of the world.,Pathogenisis: 3 stages : 1. Invasion 1 week, first symptoms appear 12 hours to 2 days following ingestion of trichina cysts. 2. migration of larvae 2 week to 2 months, penetration and encystment in skeletal muscles 3. calcification (if one survives stage2!) - occurs several months after infection - calcium is deposited around the cysts - Larva eventually die in a year or longer Diagnosis: Muscle biopsy Treatment : Mebendazole, Albendazole Prevention Thorough cooking (temperature above 58o C) 2. freezing for 20 days will kill temperate climate strain 3. Do not feed pork scraps in garbage to pigs,
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