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情景交际 (1),1.(2013山东,23) How far can you run without stopping? _. Ive never tried. A. Dont mention it B. Thats all right C. I have no idea D. Go ahead,【解析】C句意:你能不停地跑多远?我不知道,我从未试过。根据回答Ive never tried.可知回答者“不知道”自己能跑多远,故选C。,2.(2013山东,32) This is a really lively party. Theres a great atmosphere, isnt there? _. The hosts know how to host a party. A. Dont worry B. Yes, indeed C. No, there isnt D. It all depends,【解析】B句意:这是一个真正充满活力的晚会,气氛很好,是不是?是的,确实是这样。这些主持人知道如何主持好一个晚会。根据回答“这些主持人知道如何主持好一个晚会。”可知回答者的回答是肯定的,故选B。,3.(2013陕西,15) Im tired. Im taking next week off. _, honey. You do need a break. A. Not so sure B. Forget it C. Great idea D. No way,【解析】C句意:我感到累了,我下周要休假。好主意,亲爱的,你确实需要休息了。根据回答“你确实需要休息了”可知回答者的回答是赞成前者的说法的。故选C。,4.(2013安徽,35) How did your interview with the manager go? _ He seemed interested in my experience, but he didnt ask for references. A. Perfect! B. Im not sure. C. Thats right. D. Couldnt be better.,【解析】B句意:你与经理的见面如何?他好像对我的经历感兴趣,但他没有要资料。根据回答的转折语气,可知回答者对面试的情况是没有把握的,故选B。,5.(2013全国新课标卷,1) Im sorry I made a mistake! _. Nobody is perfect. A. Take your time B. Youre right CWhatever you say D. Take it easy,【解析】D句意:对不起,我犯了个错误! 没事,人无完人。根据回答的“人无完人”可知回答者是在安慰对方,故选D。,6.(2013浙江,1) Hey, can I ask you a favor? Sure, _ A. here you are. B. just as I thought. C. how is it going? D. what can I do for you?,【解析】D句意:嗨,能帮个忙吗?好的,能为你做什么呢?回答别人帮忙的请求,一般可以用what can I do for you?其他选项不符合题意。,7.(2013浙江,20) Excuse me, but could I trouble you for some change? _. Will pennies do? A. I know B. Never mind C. I am sure D. Let me see,【解析】D句意:打搅一下,可以麻烦你打散点零钱吗?让我看看。分钱可以吗?根据回答的内容“分钱可以吗?”可知回答者在寻找零钱,故选用Let me see。,8.(2013江西,21) Thanks a lot for your book. I found it very interesting. _. Im glad you enjoyed it. A. All the best B. It is nothing C. No thanks D. Very well,【解析】B句意:非常谢谢你的书,我觉得它非常有趣。没什么,很高兴你喜欢它。回答别人表示感谢的话通常可用It is nothing“没什么。”,9.(2013江苏,35) Thank you for the flowers. _. I thought they might cheer you up. A. Thats right B. All right C. Im all right D. Its all right,【解析】D句意:谢谢你的花。别客气,我想它们能让你振作点。A.“是对的”;B.“行”;C.“我没事”;D.“没事,别客气”,通常可用来回答别人的感谢。,10.(2013辽宁,21) What do you think of the house? _ Its everything weve been looking for. A. Perfect! B. Good idea! C. Not bad. D. Soso.,【解析】A句意:你认为这房子怎样?完美!一切都是我们想要的。根据回答“一切都是我们想要的。”可推出空格处表示很满意,故选A。,11.(2013辽宁,35) Im afraid you have the wrong number. Sorry! _. A. See you later B. I didnt know that C. Hold on, please D. I hope I didnt bother you,【解析】D句意:你恐怕打错号码了。对不起,希望没打扰到你。表示烦扰了别人的歉意可以用“希望没打扰到你。”故选D。,12.(2012江苏,24) Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu. _! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious. A. What a relief B. Congratulations C. How surprising D. Im so sorry,【解析】A句意:别担心,妈妈。医生说仅是感冒。这就放心了。我将告诉爸爸没什么严重的。根据句意,A项正确。,13.(2012山东,31) I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather. _. I cant stand all this rain. A. I dont care B. Its hard to say C. So am I D. I hope so,【解析】C句意:我不知道你怎么样,我是厌烦了这种天气。我也是,我忍受不了这儿的雨。根据语境,两人都表达了负面消极态度,故选C。,14.(2012山东,22) Sorry Im late. I got stuck in traffic. _. Youre here now. Come in and sit down. A. You are welcome B. Thats right C. I have no idea D. Never mind,【解析】D句意:非常抱歉,我迟到了,我遇上了交通堵塞。没关系的,现在你来了,过来坐下吧。前者道歉之后,根据后者后面的语句,可知后者并不介意。A项用来回答Thank you,其余两项与问句相差甚远,故选D。,15.(2012重庆,35) Look, here comes your dream girl. Invite her to dance. _ What if she refuses me? A. I dont know. B. Why me? C. With pleasure. D. So what?,【解析】A句意:看,你梦中的女孩来了,请她跳舞吧。我不知道(该不该去),要是她拒绝我怎么办;A项意为“我不知道”;B项意为“为什么我去”;C项意为“十分乐意”;D项意为“那又怎样”;由句意可知A项正确。,16.(2012全国大纲,6) What shall we do tonight then? _ whatever you want. A. Help yourself B. Its a deal C. No problem D. Its up to you,【解析】D句意:今天晚上我们干什么?由你决定你想干什么就干什么。A项意为“随便吃”;B项意为“一言为定”;C项意为“没问题”;D项意为“由你决定”。根据句意D项正确。,17.(2012安徽,32) I love the Internet. Ive come to know many friends on the Net. _. Few of them would become your real friends. A. Thats for sure B. Its not the case C. I couldnt agree more D. Im pleased to know that,【解析】 B句意:我喜欢因特网。在网上我已经认识了很多朋友。不是那么回事儿。这些人当中很少会成为你的真正朋友。Thats for sure“那是一定的”; Its not the case“不是这样的,不是那么回事儿”; I couldnt agree more“我非常同意”;Im pleased to know that“知道那件事我很高兴”。根据后面的Few of them would become your real friends。可知对方并不赞同第一个人的说法,故选B项。,18.(2012天津,5) You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you dont. _. Confidence is really important. A. Its not my cup of tea B. Thats not the point C. I dont think so D. I couldnt agree more,【解析】D句意:你必须相信你自己,如果你自己都不相信自己,没有人相信你。我非常同意你的看法。自信真的非常重要。A项意为“这不是我擅长的”;B项意为“那不是重点”;C项意为“我不这样认为”;D项意为“我非常同意你的看法”。根据答语的第二句话“自信真的非常重要”可知D项正确。,19.(2012重庆,26) The Modern Art in the City Museum has been cancelled. Oh, no! _. A. Its a pity B. It doesnt matter C. I know it already D. Its not interesting at all,【解析】A句意:在城市博物馆的现代艺术展已经被取消。哦,不!太遗憾了。故A项正确;B项“没关系”;C项“我知道了”;D项“很没意思”。,20.(2012福建,21) What are you going to do this weekend? _. If time
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