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初中英语仁爱版七年级下册,Unit7 Topic2 总复习课件,.,1,词汇训练营,1,句型大闯关,2,语法加油站,3,内容大纲,.,2,词汇训练营,1,.,3,一、快速说出下列单词或短语。 1.钢琴 n. _ 2.别的;其他的v. _ 3.表演 v. _ 4.伦敦 n. _ 5.聪明的 n. _ 6. (按顺序)数数 v. _ 7.以前 adv. _ 8.玩得高兴 _,piano,else,perform,London,smart,count,词汇训练营,快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!,ago,have a good time,play the piano 弹钢琴,.,4,9.单词 n. _ 10.在岁时 _ 11.再也(不),(不)再 _,word,at the age of,notany more,词汇训练营,快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!,.,5,词汇训练营,单词填空,考查综合运用能力!,1. There are some new _ (单词) in this lesson. Lets study them first. 2.Can you _ (数数) these books for me, Kangkang? Of course, Miss Gao. 3. Mr. Wang goes to _ (伦敦) by plane once a month. 4.Where _ (其他的) do you want to go? The Great Wall. 5. Polly can speak English a little. Its so _ (聪明的).,二、根据提示填空。,words,count,London,else,smart,.,6,句型大闯关,2,.,7,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,1. What else can you do? 你还会做什么呢?,else adv. 意为“别的,其他的”,常用在疑问词who, what, how, when, why, where.和不定代词somebody, anything.之后。 else与anybody, everybody等连用,表示“他人的”时应用anybody elses/ somebody elses。,.,8,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,2. Im sure well have a good time at the party.我确信我们在聚会上会玩得很高兴。,1)sure意为“深信的,确信的,对有把握”,为表语形容词,主语必须是人。结构为:be sure of/about sth. /doing sth./ be sure + (that)从句。 2)have a good time意为“玩得开心”,这是一个固定短语,其意思等同于have a great/nice/ wonderful time,此外enjoy oneself也可以表示“玩得开心,过得愉快”,在用法上可以彼此互换。,.,9,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,3. Can Ann dance or draw ? 安会跳舞还是会画画? She can dance. 她会跳舞。,此句是选择疑问句,回答不能用Yes或No,而是直接选择答案。,4. At the age of five, she could play the piano very well, but she could only write a few words.在她五岁的时候,她弹钢琴弹得很好,但是她只会写几个字。,1) at the age of意为“在岁时”,常可以和“when + sb. + be + 年龄”互换。 2) play the piano “弹钢琴”,在乐器前通常加定冠词the。,.,10,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,5. Jenny could not see anything any more. 珍妮再也看不到任何东西了。,anything意为“任何事(物),无论何事(物)”,通常用于否定句或疑问句中。 not .any more ( = no more),主要用来表示数量和程度,一般常修饰短暂性动词,指某动作不再重复发生。,6. With her mothers help, Jenny can write well now.在她妈妈的帮助下,现在珍妮字写得很好了。,with ones help = with the help of sb. “在某人的帮助下”。,.,11,学以致用,你掌握了吗?,一、按要求完成句子。 1. With the help of John, the kitchen fan works again. (改为同义句) _ _ _ , the kitchen fan works again. 2. Li Fang could swim when she was six years old. (改为同义句) Li Fang could swim _ _ _ _ six. 3. Mary can play the guitar. (用play the piano改为选择疑问句) _ Mary play the guitar _ the piano?,句型大闯关,With Johns help,at the age of,Can or,.,12,语法加油站,3,.,13,语法加油站,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,一、情态动词can/could,can的用法: 情态动词can无人称和数的变化,不能单独使用,后面接动词原形。 表示能力,意为“能,会”。 Can you lift this heavy box? She can skate. 2) 表示请求和允许(多用于口语)。 Can I go now? 我现在可以走了吗?,.,14,语法加油站,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,3) 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。 Can this be true? This cant be Jims book. How can this be true?,.,15,语法加油站,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,can与could的用法区别: 1)could是can的过去式,表示过去的能力。 2)could表示现在的情况,用于提出请求、建议等,语气比can委婉,回答时用can。 Could I come to see you tomorrow? Yes, you can. ( No, Im afraid not. ),.,16,语法加油站,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,选择疑问句是指提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择的句式,用or连接。在语调上通常在前一个供选择的答案用升调,后一个用降调;如果有两个以上供选择的答案,则在最后一个用降调,其余都用升调。 例: Would you like a gin,or a whisky,or a beer? 你是要喝杜松子酒,还是威士忌酒,还是啤酒? Shall we leave at six or seven?我们是6点动身还是7点动身?,二、选择疑问句,.,17,语法加油站,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,选择疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,不能用yes/no来回答,而必须选择其中一个选项进行回答,或者将选项全部否定。 如: Can you sing or dance? I can sing. Which vase shall I use, the short one or the tall one? The tall one.,.,18,学以致用,各个击破语法点,单项选择。 ( )1.Lucy, _ you draw pictures? Yes, I _. can; could B. could; could C. can; can D. could; can ( )2.Can I eat these apples? _ Please help yourself. A. Yes, you could. B. No, you couldnt. C. No way. D. Of course you can.,句型大闯关,C,D,.,19,( )3.Can you play ping-pong _ basketball? I can play ping-pong. A. and B. or C. but D. with,语法加油站,学以致用,你掌握了吗?,B,.,20,谢谢观看! 2020,
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