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2016届高考英语词汇综合练系列06(三模前)一、单项填空1-5代词、连词和名词1.(浙江省东阳市第二高级中学2016届高三上学期第一次教学调研)A new survey released by Yale University finds that Americans trust scientists most when _ comes to information on climate change.A. that B. this C. it D. there【答案】C2.(浙江省东阳市第二高级中学2016届高三上学期第一次教学调研)My cousin is really enthusiastic about playing basketball. _ he shoots a ball, he likes to think of himself as a Kobe Bryant.A. At one time B. All the time C. The first time D. Every time【答案】D【解析】句意:我的堂兄对打篮球很有热情,每次他投篮,他都会把自己想象成科比布莱恩特。这里需要用连词短语Every time“每次”。The first time也是连词短语意为“第一次”;At one time介词短语意为“曾经,一度”;All the time副词短语意为“一直”。所以选D。3.(江苏省苏州市北雅国际英语学校2016届高三2月周测)Intheabsenceofmycommandingofficer,Iactedon myown _.A.initiative B. principle C. criterion D. perspective 【答案】A【解析】on ones own initiative主动地,自发地,自觉自愿。principle原则,原理;criterion标准,准则;perspective观点,看法。句意:指挥官不在场,我主动见机行事。4.(浙江省2016届高三下学期六校联考)The rising admission prices of scenic attractions may cast a _ over your plans for the coming holiday. A. shame B. shelter C. shadow D. shade 【答案】C【解析】shame羞愧,羞辱;shelter避难所,遮蔽;cast a shadow over给笼罩上阴影;shade遮阳,遮棚,挡风物,玻璃罩,(画的)阴暗部分。句意:景区门票价格的上涨也许会给你即将到来的度假计划笼罩上阴影。5.(浙江省金丽衢十二校2016届高三第二次联考)What really counts is not the _ of life but the depth of life.A. weightB. heightC. widthD. length【答案】D【解析】weight重量;height高度;width宽度;length长度。句意:真正重要的不是生命的长度,而是生命的深度。6-10介词和介词短语6.(浙江省东阳市第二高级中学2016届高三上学期第一次教学调研) _ our efforts to save the houses dating back to the Ming Dynasty, the local government decided to pull them down to build modern buildings there.A. In case of B. In spite of C. In terms of D. In praise of【答案】B【解析】句意:虽然我们努力拯救那些始建于明朝的(历史可以追溯到明朝的)房子,但是当地政府却决定把它们拆掉以便在那里建现代化的建筑。in case of 以防,如果;in spite of虽然;in terms of就而言;in praise of表扬。根据句意选B。7.(浙江省金丽衢十二校2016届高三第二次联考)How do you find your first visit to your net friend Jane?Oh, wonderful! Her warm welcome left me completely _.A. at easeB. under attackC. beyond doubtD. in tears【答案】A8.(浙江省2016届高三下学期六校联考)Body language is particularly important when we attempt to communicate _ cultures. A. across B. over C. beneath D. through 【答案】A【解析】across cultures跨文化。句意:肢体语言在我们试图跨文化交流时尤为重要。9.(浙江省2016届高三下学期六校联考)Deeply impressed by her motherly care, the boy learned to accept his step-mother _. A. in time B. by chance C. in relief D. by turns 【答案】A【解析】in time及时,迟早,最后,经过一段时间之后;by chance碰巧,偶然地,意外地,无意之中,偏巧;in relief如释重负地,轻松地;by turns轮流地,交替地。句意:由于深深被继母慈母般的关怀所打动,这个男孩最后学会了接纳他的继母。10.(浙江省金丽衢十二校2016届高三第二次联考)Why are your red cherries so expensive?You see, the price of fruit always varies _ the seasons.A. fromB. withC. inD. by【答案】B【解析】with the seasons随季节。句意:你的红樱桃为什么卖这么贵?你知道的,水果的价格总是随季节而变化的。11-16副词和形容词11.(浙江省东阳市第二高级中学2016届高三上学期第一次教学调研)To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, many countries are increasing the use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _ energy.A. abandoned B. original C. alternative D. precious【答案】C【解析】abandoned被放弃的,被遗弃的,热情洋溢的;original 最初的,原始的;alternative可替换的,可供选择的;precious珍贵的。句意:为了减少温室气体的排放,许多国家在增加天然气,风和其他可替代能源的使用。所以选C。12.(浙江省2016届高三下学期六校联考)She knew that their relationship was coming to an end, for he sounded very cold and _ every time she phoned him. A. natural B. distant C. hopeful D. blank 【答案】B13.(浙江省2016届高三下学期六校联考)Human beings are born with the ability to recognize a change in number. _, experiments show that many animals are, too. A. Fortunately B. Surprisingly C. Disappointedly D. Importantly 【答案】B【解析】句意:人类生来就有认识数字变化。令人惊讶的是,实验表明动物也具有这种能力。根据上下文句意,此处表示惊讶(surprisingly),居然动物也具有这种能力。14.(浙江省2016届高三下学期六校联考)John had planned to make a compromise, but _ he changed his mind at the last minute.A. anyhowB. otherwiseC. thereforeD. somehow【答案】D【解析】句意:约翰打算妥协的,但是不知道什么缘故,在最后几分钟,他改变了主意。anyhow无论如何;otherwise否则;therefore因此;somehow不知道什么缘故。故选D项。15.(浙江省金丽衢十二校2016届高三第二次联考)Children acquire language more quickly than adults, simply by learning it _they listen, copy, and communicate.A. fluentlyB. naturally C. carefullyD. particularly【答案】B【解析】fluently流利地,流畅地;naturally顺其自然,自然地,表现自然地,顺理成章地;carefully仔细地,小心谨慎地;particularly格外,特别地。句意:儿童习得语言比成人快,他们只是通过顺其自然地学习语言他们聆听、模仿、交流16.(浙江省绍兴市第一中学2016届高三下学期开学考试)Job interviews are carried out _ face to face in four cities including Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou andShaoxing in Zhejiang province every year. A. slightly B. officially C. extremely D. completely 【答案】B 【解析】句意:官方的工作洽谈会在浙江省四个城市包括杭州、宁波、温州和绍兴每年举行一次。 slightly稍稍,轻微地;officially官方地;extremely极端地;completely完全地。根据句意,进行正式的访谈(如通过电话、电子邮件、传真或面谈),应选副词officially。故可知选B项。17-30动词和动词短语17.(浙江省东阳市第二高级中学2016届高三上学期第一次教学调研)Scientific researches show that to _ a language one had better often ge
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