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2016届高考英语词汇冲刺段综合练01一、单项填空1.(原创)China began relaxing the original family planning policy in January 2014, allowing a couple to have a second baby on condition that _ is an only child.A. another B. both C. all D. either2.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02福建卷)We need some more facts and figures _ we take the final decision. A. sinceB. afterC. beforeD. until3.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 01江苏卷)On top of a gardener, Mrs. Johnson has also taken up an _ as a wine-maker. A. inspiration B. ambition C. affair D. occupation4.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02江苏卷)Nowadays, peoples lifestyle has become remarkably fast-paced and so in order to catch up with such a pace of life, the _ of smart and time-saving methods is of great significance.A. abolition B. abortion C. adoption D. avoidance 5.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 03江苏卷)Whats your _ towards working on the weekends? I am strongly against it.A. impression B. attitude C. courage D. opinion6.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 04江苏卷)The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents _.A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromise7. (2015年高考英语原创预测卷 03浙江卷)The new system in our school allows students to have easy and quick _ to the digital resources of the library.A. passageB. access C. way D. approach8.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 01江苏卷)The accident that happened at an oilfield _ the southeast coast of the USA has caused great damage to the environment.A. away B. from C. off D. beyond9.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02江苏卷)Andy sold us the house at a low price and threw in some of the furniture _.A. for a change B. for my part C. for good measure D. for a song 10.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 01浙江卷) _ what I had previously thought, my new biology teacher turned out to be a rather interesting person.A. In spite of B. As a result of C. Contrary to D. In addition to11.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 01浙江卷)Im sorry I didnt phone you, but Ive been very busy _ the past couple weeks.A. beyond B. over C. with D. among12.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02浙江卷)As an official, one should serve the people at any cost _ sitting back to protect the chair. A. in term of B. instead of C. in need ofD. in favor of13.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 01江苏卷)In yesterdays business training course the consultant instructed us that a good salesman must be _ if he wants to succeed.A. aggressive B. conventional C. visual D. fragrant14.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 01江苏卷)The Bitcoin is a form of electronic money which has been created _ for use on the Internet.A. perfectly B specifically C. extremely D. especially 15.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02江苏卷)To tell the truth, his behavior displeased me more than_. A. somehowB. somewhereC. somewhatD. sometimes16.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02江苏卷)In my teaching years, I discover that nowadays teenagers always have many _ approaches to many problems completely beyond our expectations.A. novel B. adequate C. sensitive D. normal17.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 03江苏卷)The industry is _ to the national economy. It is expected to account for 38.4% of our countrys GDP by 2015.A. valuable B. vagueC. vitalD. valid18.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 04江苏卷)How do you like the film we saw last night?Its completely a bomb! The plot is too simple, and the acting of the heroine is too _.A. vivid B. artificial C. awesome D. glamorous19.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 04江苏卷)You must not be governed by the opinions of others; _, you should stick to your own view.A. besidesB. otherwiseC. instead D. therefore20.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 01浙江卷)The more _ we take the safety standards, the further we can speed up the development of the school bus industry.A. constantlyB. seriously C. generallyD. immediately21.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02江苏卷)Lets _ Football World tonight, Frank. Okay? Just this once! Let me guess. You want to watch the History Channel, dont you?A. employ B. skipC. modify D. review 22.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02江苏卷)According to the data, China supplies more than 90 percent of the worlds rare earth metals, but its reserves only _ about one third of the worlds total.A. take up B. build up C. make up D. polish up23.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 02江苏卷)Now I need some time to _ my thoughts thoroughly, because I want to give them a perfect report. After all, it is the first time that I have visited this school and given a lecture to the students.A. make out B. bring out C. leave out D. sort out24.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 03江苏卷)No transportation will be arranged, but participants can _ the map on the reverse showing the route to the race ven
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