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Unit 4 Global warming 全球变暖,. 单词盘点 根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇 1. _(adj. )胡乱的;任意的 2. _(vi. )趋向;易于;照顾; (vt. )照顾;护理 3. _(n. )种类;范围,random,tend,range,4. _(vi. )看一下;扫视 (n. )一瞥 5. _(adj. )平稳的;持续的;稳固的 6. _(adj. )分布广的;普遍的 7. _(adj. )平均的 8. _(vt. )拥护;提倡;主张 9. _(adj. )随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的,glance,steady,widespread,average,advocate,casual,10. _(n. )环境;情况 11. _(vt. )使恢复;使振作 12. _(n. )现象 _(pl. )现象 13. _(n. )量;数量 _(n. )质量 14. _(vt. )反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 _(adj. )反对的;对立的,circumstance,refresh,phenomenon,phenomena,quantity,quality,oppose,opposed,15. _(n. )结果;后果;影响 _(adv. )因此;所以 16. _(vt. )陈述;说明 _(n. )说明;说法;表白 17. _(n. )生存;存在 _(vi. )存在 18. _(n. )贡献 _(v. )贡献;撰稿,consequence,consequently,state,statement,existence,exist,contribution,contribute,【品词自测】根据所给词的适当形式填空 They _ a lot of food and clothing to the refugees(难民) and their _ will certainly help the refugees live through the winter. (contribute) When did the world come into _, i. e. begin to _? (exist),contributed,contributions,existence,exist,. 短语回放 1. 发生;造成_ 2. 而不是_ 3. 同意;赞成;订购_ 4. 大量的_ 5. 上升;增长;升起_ 6. 导致_,come about,rather than,subscribe to,quantities of,go up,result in,7. 反对_ 8. 即使_ 9. 继续_ 10. 大体上;基本上_ 11. 代表一方;作为的代言人_ 12. 忍受;容忍_ 13. 只要_,be opposed to,even if,keep on,on the whole,on behalf of,put up with,so long as,. 句式扫描 1. _ (毫无疑问) the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming _ (而不是) a random but natural phenomenon. 2. _ (即使)we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.,There is no doubt that,rather than,Even if,3. It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on _ (只要) you are using itif not, turn it off! 4. _(需要大量能源) to make things from new materials, so, if you can, buy things made from recycled materials.,so long as,It takes a lot of energy,【仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子 so/as long as引导条件状语从句 仿写:只要你有自信,你会获胜的。 So long as you have confidence in yourself, youll win. even if即使;尽管,引导让步状语从句 仿写:即使受到邀请我也不去参加他的聚会。 Even if I am invited, I will not go to his party.,1. quantity n. 量;数量 a large/vast quantity of 大量的 large/huge/vast quantities of大量的 in quantity (in large amounts)/in large quantities 大量地,Its a lot cheaper if you buy it in quantity. 如果你大量购买要便宜得多。 There are large quantities of rain in this area. 这个地区的雨量很大。 _ _ of oil are imported from abroad every year. 每年要从国外进口大量的石油。,Large quantities,【点津】 a quantity of后同样可接不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式。但当它作主语时谓语动词一般根据其所修饰的名词的数而定,而quantities of作主语时,不论其后的名词可数或不可数,谓语动词都用复数。,There _ (is/are) a small quantity of water left in the bottle and there _ (is/are) large quantities of food left in the basket. (选词填空),is,are,【真题链接】 2009福建,22Because _ _, the lake smells terrible. (quantity) 因为大量的水已经被污染了,所以这湖很难闻。,large quantities of water have been,polluted,2. oppose vt. 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 (1)oppose (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事 oppose sb. doing sth. 反对某人做某事 (强调动作) oppose sth. to/against sth. 使某事物与另一事物对照或对抗 (2)opposed adj. 反对的;对立的 be opposed to反对;与对立(强调状 态),He opposed the proposal to build a new hall. 他反对修建新礼堂的建议。 Do not oppose your will against mine. 不要用你的意愿和我的相抗衡。 She seems _ _ your going abroad. 她好像反对你出国。,opposed to,3. consequence n. 结果;后果;影响 in consequence =as a consequence因此;结果 in consequence of as a consequence of 因为;由于, 因为的缘故 take/suffer/face the consequences of 承担的后果 answer for the consequence对后果负责 of little / no consequence不重要的,无足轻重的,He broke the law, and now he must face/take/suffer the consequences of his action. 他违反了法律,现在他必须得为他的行为承担后果。 Your opinion is of little consequence to me. 你的观点对我来说不重要。,She was over the age limit; _ _ _, her application was rejected. 她超龄了,因此,她的申请被拒绝了。 Jack failed to pass the exam _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ being lazy in study. 由于懒于学习,杰克考试没通过。,as a consequence,in consequence of,as a,consequence of,4. state vt. 陈述;说明 n. 状况;状态;国家;政府 (1)in a state of. . . 在情况下 in a good/bad state状况良好(不好) a state of mind心态 (2)It be stated that. . . 据称,The spokesman states that the agreement will be signed on 15th June. 发言人声明条约将在六月十五日签订。 The room was in a very dirty state. 房间里非常脏。 She is in a poor state of health. 她的健康状况不佳。,【点津】 state用作可数名词时,有以下几种用法:(1) 表示“状态,状况,情况”时常用单数,常指人或事物存在的情况,或在某一阶段的性质与形式,并通常与冠词a连用,在不定冠词前用介词in。(2)表示“国家”时,侧重政体,即政治独立的国家,也可指其政府,也可指国家的一部分“州;邦”。此时其首字母要大写。,5. range n. 种类; 范围; 幅度; 界限 v. (在一定范围内)变动,变化;排列 (1)a wide range of. . . 范围广泛的,各种各样的 in/within range在射程内;在范围内 beyond/out of range在射程外;在范围外 out of ones range某人能力达不到的;某人知识以 外的,(2)range from. . . to. . . 在范围内变动;包括 (由到)之间的各类事物 range between. . . and. . . 在和范围内变动,He has a wide range of interest, ranging from chess to canoeing. 他兴趣
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