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(十九) Unit 5 Lessons 3738 (20分钟 50分),. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(3分钟, 10分) 1. L_ and doctors can make a lot of money in the US. 2. The boy answers his teachers question c_ and quickly. 3. The two workers w_ are both English teachers. 4. He cant come into the house because his k_ are lost. 5. What a lovely k_ Lynn is! 答案:1. Lawyers 2. correctly 3. wives 4. keys 5. kid,. 单项选择(3分钟,10分) 1. This is the key _ the lock. A. of B. to C. with D. on 2. _ , she had to work hard in a factory. A. To finish her study B. Finish her study C. Finishing her study D. To finishing her study,3. I hope _ a writer when Im older. A. becomes B. become C. be D. to be 4. Please dont make the dog _ outside in the snow. A. lie B. to lie C. lying D. lies 5. Because he was ill, _ he couldnt come to school. A. so B. / C. but D. or,. 完成句子(4分钟,10分) 1. 我们确信他能够快速提高英语。 We _ _ he can improve his English quickly. 2. 我认为他不知道这件事。 I _ _ he _ it. 答案: 1. are sure 2. dont think; knows,3. 除了她没人去过那里。 _ has been there _ _ . 4. 我想在最顶层有一间办公室。 I want to have an office _ _ _ _ . 5. 他最大的目标是拥有一个幸福的家庭。 _ _ goal is _ _ a happy family. 答案:3. Nobody; but her 4. at the very top 5. His biggest; to have,. 完形填空(5分钟,10分) Mr. Black works in a hospital. As a good 1 , the people in the town like him. He is often 2 to the patients and looks over them carefully. 3 hes always busy and has little time to rest. One morning, Mr. Black got to the hospital and saw there was a fat woman in the 4 . He called her into his office and asked, “ 5 , madam? ”,“It was my birthday yesterday, sir. ”said the woman. “My husband gave me a 6 , but I couldnt push my way in(设法进去)it. ”“ 7 , madam. ”said Mr. Black. “You have to lose some weight. Youll be able to 8 your coat if you do all what I say. ” “Youre 9 , sir. ”said the woman. “He bought me not a coat, but a dear 10 . ”,1. A. doctor B. farmer C. soldier D. cleaner 2. A. bad B. dangerous C. cold D. kind 3. A. Or B. But C. So D. Then 4. A. classroom B. waiting room C. park D. street 5. A. How do you do B. How are you C. Whats the matter D. How old are you,6. A. house B. school C. shop D. present 7. A. It doesnt matter B. Its a pleasure C. I have no idea D. Its my favorite 8. A. show B. wear C. sell D. wash 9. A. right B. wrong C. easy D. safe 10. A. bike B. bus C. car D. tank,. 阅读理解(5分钟,10分) Wendy: What do you want to be when you grow up? Arnold: A police officer, and I want to drive around in a police car and catch bad guys all day. Wendy: Wont you be afraid? Arnold: No. Because Ill have my police dog with me. And Ill have a partner. Hey, you can be my partner! Wendy: No, thanks. Arnold: Thats OK. I can also call you on my police radio.,Wendy: Cool! But youd better call me before 9: 00 p. m. . Thats my bedtime. Arnold: Then what do you want to be? Wendy: I dont knowmaybe a nurse, or a pilot, or a scientist. Arnold: You want to do all of those things? Wendy: No, silly, only one. Im just not sure which one. Arnold: Still, youll have to go to college.,Wendy: Thats fine. My mum and dad went to the same college in Miami. I want to go there, too. Arnold: Dont you hate school? Wendy: No, I think its all right. How about you? Arnold: Yeah, I guess its not too bad. Hey, do you think I can go to college? Wendy: If you try hard, you can do anything you want.,1. Arnold is _ about his future job. A. not sure B. very sure C. undecided D. not thinking 2. Wendy doesnt want Arnold to_. A. be a police officer B. have a dog C. go to sleep D. call her late at night,3. What job is Wendy not interested in? A. To be a police officer. B. To be a nurse. C. To be a scientist. D. To be a pilot. 4. Why does Wendy want to go to college in Miami? A. There are many good schools. B. Her parents went to college there. C. Its near her house. D. Arnold wants to go there.,5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Wendy wants to go to college. B. Wendy hates school. C. Wendys mum and dad went to the same college. D. Wendy isnt sure about her future job.,
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