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TDK 各系列磁带比较(2014-08-06 09:23:52) 标签:整理分类:音响 资料来源于 Vintage Cassetteso 对于磁记录老大TDK,这样完整的系列属于正常。对于我来说, 许多系列也是第一次听说,自己使用过的仅仅只是其中不到10款左 右。如果你是那个年代过来的人,看看其中的哪一些你曾经使用过。 TDK cassettes: Type I Low-level: TDK A, TDK B, TDK J, TDK FE, TDK T1 Entry-level: TDK D, TDK DS, TDK DS-X, TDK AE, TDK LN, TDK Dela Medium-level: TDK CDing-I, , TDK DJ1, TDK Beam 1, TDK Optima 1, TDK CD Bass High-level: TDK AD, TDK AD-X, TDK AD-S, TDK SD, TDK AD1, TDK Super CDing-I Top-level: DK AR, TDK AR-X, TDK ED, TDK OD, TDK IF Type II Low-level: TDK CDing-II, TDK CV-II, TDK DJ2, , TDK CD Power,TDK Nana,1,Entry-level: TDK AD2, TDK Optima 2, TDK Beam 2 Medium-level: TDK Super CDing-II, TDK Walker, TDK Super D High-level: TDK SD, TDK SF, TDK SR, TDK SR-X, TDK CUE, Top-level: fDK SA, TDK SA-X, TDK SA-XG, TDK SA-XS, TDK HX, TDK HX-S Type IV Low-level: TDK CDing-IV, TDK DJ Metal, TDK Optima 4 Entry-level: TDK Super Cding-IV Medium-level: MA High-level: MA-X, MA-EX Top-level: MA-R, MA-XG 原装日本TDK空白磁带是当年质量最好的磁带之一,在收录机盛行的年代,我们并不 我买过20合,每盒5元。,2,SAM 4099JPG (106.79 KB,下载次数:14),SAM 41O1JPG (140.22 KB,下载次数:13),3,伯1 !N JAPAN,夾Normal Bias 12Ops EQ Q,SAM 4102JPG (141.39 KB,下载次数:15),IOIN DOUT,MAUL iN JAPAN,Nikon,嫌TDK Normal Bias 120psEQ D,Nikon,IDIN GOUT,ELEKTRONEI i EL,盹娜音皿I,4,钩心冬丝(H7.54 KB,下载次数:14),uouisod leuujON,Ealradio.,linearity.,Tokyoi03. Japan,th. 1OO Harn* Street, Pyrmont.,再 EMF: 臨爲;既M薯忠f *5牧.o or,夠35 (159.44 KB,下载次数:13),TDK (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LTD.,Normal TYPE I),iBiasNormal EQ:120/a,TDK D cassettes equal or exceed the performance of premium normal bias cassettes costing much more. The High Grained Ferric Oxide used in TDK D delivers a flat frequency response with excellent high end linearity. TDK D is perfect for general purpose music and speech re,cording on all types of home, portable, and car decks.,TDK CORPORATION 13-1. Nihonbashi i-ch,虫翊PS (96.05 KB,下载次数:14),TDK D60 (90m) 60min. 1-7/8ips(2X30min.), SPEE NENBLIT;,TDK Cassettes are .,standards. If this product proves to be defective in materials or workmanship, it will be replaced. This warranty does not affect the statutory rights of the con,sumer. (Effected only in U.K.) Note: TDK will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage, dir arising out of the use of, or the inability to use, this product.,5,SAM 4107JPG (115.47 KB,下载次数:14),SAM 4108JPG (104.62 KB,下载次数:13),6,crystaiEo,cotOmg on a type o home.,twaftytrMury.iOMCxMn1 lh mtixMy to UW. EI,no UM I,7,
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