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xx年12月大学英语六级翻译练习题 广场舞 xx年12月大学英语六级翻译练习题:广场舞 在中国,广场舞非常受中老年妇女们的欢迎,在城市广场或开阔的地方你经常可以见到她们卖力做动作的身影。但因其噪音大又扰民,很多人对此颇有怨言。你认为广场舞扰民吗? Editor s note: Square dancers in Bei _g may be fined if their acts disturbpublic order, aording to the Bei _g Municipal Public Security Bureau. Thesquare dancing or guang chang wu is a popular pastime among older Chinese women,who can often be spotted displaying their moves in open areas in the city. Thepractice has generated widespread public plaints about loud music anddisruption. Do you think square dancing is causing annoyance? 北京市公安局日前已出台管理条例,如果跳广场舞扰乱公告秩序,相关人员将被罚款。在中国,广场舞非常受中老年妇女们的欢迎,在城市广场或开阔的地方你经常可以见到她们卖力做动作的身影。但因其噪音大又扰民,很多人对此颇有怨言。你认为广场舞扰民吗? Quarrytone (China) Quarrytone(中国) There s a growing chorus of plaints in society about the loud music lateat night. If it s near a mall or public square, there is no problem, but whenit s near apartment blocks and disturbs residents, it would be better if thegovernment regulates it, just like in many western countries。 社会越来越多人抱怨晚上吵闹的音乐。我认为如果是在购物中心或者公共广场附近,那没有问题。但是如果是在住宅区附近,打扰到居民时,政府就应该出面管理一下,很多西方国家 _做的。 Bebilzebub (UK) Bebilzebub (英国) It s a load of (mostly) older women getting together to do some exerciseand, judging by the smiles on their faces, having a good time while they re atit. I love cycling around a city and seeing people dancing. It s fantastic. Longmay it continue。 现在很多中老年(大部分是)妇女们聚在一起做锻炼,从她们脸上的笑容就能看出她们很享受。我喜欢骑自行车在城市里瞎转,看大家一起跳舞。感觉非常棒。希望广场舞可以继续跳下去。 Chris (Australia) Chris (澳大利亚) I live in China, and find this a rather charming pastime. But there is aneed for a restriction on the number of loudspeakers in a given area。 我住在中国,我认为广场舞是个非常有魅力的娱乐活动。但是一块区域的喇叭数量应有所限制。 Glen (UK) Glen(英国) Oh please. The dancing grannies are hardly out there all night long rockingout. Yes, it s a little loud for about an hour somewhere between 7-9 pm. Iabsolutely love cruising around Shanghai on a nice evening and seeing all theladies getting their groove on, such as it is. It s a lovely aspect of lifehere。 拜托,这些跳舞大妈又没有一晚上都在嗨皮。的.确,7点9点那会儿确实会有点吵。但我特别喜欢在舒服的傍晚绕着上海市瞎转悠,看见这些女士们开心地跳舞,虽然她们有时跳得并不好。这是这个城市生活中很有爱的一面。 Smartnova (US) Smartnova (美国) I absolutely HATE it because I experienced it. They dance more than 10hours a day everyday, often til midnight, on the ground of your apartmentbuilding with loud, noisy music. Is this kind of you life you want to live ondaily basis? It bees so infectious now in the cities throughout China. It stime to have government step in to regulate it。 我真的很讨厌。广场舞,因为我经历过。她们在楼下一天能跳十个小时以上,经常会跳到深夜,音乐声很大,很吵。要是你,你愿意每天在这种环境中生活吗?现在广场舞在中国太泛滥了。政府是时候介入来管一管了。 【xx年12月大学英语六级翻译练习题:广场舞】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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