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学 海 无 涯,Film Review of,- 1 -,Shawshank Redemption,Name: Major: No.: Class: Date:,- 1 -,学 海 无 涯,Film Review ofShawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption,a famous American movie direct by Frank Darabont,although did not get an Oscar, although there is no action, no special effects, and even no beautiful girls , still be able to deeply impress the audience, and never in the past two decades, have the charm of the film been abated. The movie tells a story of Andy,a young banker with full of talent,who was sentenced to life imprisonment because of murdering his wife and her lover , completed the self-redemption and save others in the dark Shawshank prison. Like the classic lines in the movie said:” It takes a strong man to save himself,a great man to save others.” With the question what impress you most in the film,different person will gives different answers. Below let me introduce this movie and some of my own thoughts. Everyone in the Shawshank not just their roles, they represent a certain type of people in society, and the Shawshank also reflected the real society in America.Warden Norton,the superior of the Shawshank, usually very pious on the surface,can recite every word of the Bible.But in fact,he is unscrupulous, cruel, sinister and greedy for his own benefit.Haley,the prison guards,and other police officer,are savage and help Norton to enslave the prisoner.Their are the rulers of the “small society”. Prisoner in shawshank can be divided into several categories. In addition to the hero Andy, Red (Morgan Freeman) is a key figure, of course, I think he is the whole movie clue: Actually,there is not much dialogue in the whole movie.A lot of things are showed by Red monologue and most of the monologue are in order to summarize the life in shawshank and reflect his reading of Andy.Red is a wise man who can committed peoples any needs.He fared very well in Fort shark. His has insight into the nature of life in Fort shark with his wisdom.He said to Andy: Hope is a dangerous thing.However, like the so-called wise men in the real life,although Redinsight into the essence of the shark fort,he is only conform to the rules in order to protect themselves in the shawshank rather than to fight for free and hope, not to mention influence and change others. Until Andy appear, changed his, and eventually lead him to the freedom of the other shore.”Theres not a day goes by I dont feel regret. Not because Im in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid,- 2 -,学 海 无 涯 who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I cant. That kids long gone and this old man is all thats left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? Its just a bull* word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I dont give a shit.”These sentence are said by Red when he applied for parole.He get a approved because of these thoughtful sentence. Tommy, one of the main characters in the film who come to shawshank lately, is as hopeful to his future as Andy. He is effort to improve his Knowledge with the hope of Andy so that he could have a bright future. But he is young and naive to protect himself.He was murdered by Norton and Haley because he know the truth of Andys case before hes success. Without hope, they can feel at ease in this live, until to die,so as the most shocked and thought-provoking role in the film,I think, Brooks.Leaving prison after his first parole,in which he has lived for 50 years,he gets some freedom but feels nervous and afraid instead of happy.Brooks life was finished by the way of suicide because he could not fit into the life outside.From his suicide note,he said that he had no idea to adapt to the society.When he was young,he only saw one car,but now is full of cars in the street.Every middle night,waking up from the nightmare,he must take a while to remember where he was, without doubt that freedom gives him hope,but this hope brings to him only worry and fear to life.Such a life may not as free and peace in as in prison. If there was no Andy,Brooks ending is red and other most of the prisonersfuture. And will it be a lot of peoples final in our real life ? Some bird arent meant to be caged, Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up. dose rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that theyre gone. I guess I just miss my friend.if red was called a “strong man”,Andy should be called as a “great man”.Not only does he save himself, he does everything he can to save the soul of the prisoners. Few details was mentioned about Andys escape in front of film,which let me felt a little awkward when I see the scene when he escapes. But recall the plot of the film about Andys asking for hammer and beauty posters and so on, we can see that he
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