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,读后续写教学策略探究,课例赏析,A Wise Deer a tiger; a jackal,in the tigers cave,Her reaction? stayed calm and thought of a plan,Mother deer was trying to lead her fawns out of the cave when she saw the tiger coming back.,What happened,to scare the tiger away by pretending to be a fierce animal waiting to kill it for food.,Did the plan work? The tiger got frightened and ran away ,Mother deer,clever / smart / intelligent, brave, stay calm in danger,While escaping, the tiger came across a jackal, who suggested they go back to the cave to find out the truth.,What happened,Agree? didnt want to take a chance; afraid of being left alone to die,Jackals proposal? knot their tails together; never leave,Agree? agreed unwillingly Why? frightened; didnt trust the jackal.,cowardly, timid,the tiger,the jackal,cunning (狡猾的), not reliable in the eyes of the tiger,整体阅读,确定故事基本情节,关注2:,who, when, where, what happed, how would the story continue,策略2:,策略2:,人物性格分析,关注3:,1. 从人物的动作中 2. 从人物的言语中 3. 从他人的评价中,策略3:,策略3:,Para. 1 The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together. Para. 2 The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now the jackal cheated him.,Task III: What to write?,What did the deer say that shocked the tiger and convinced him he was cheated by the jackal? Think about what the jackal did to the tiger just now? persuade the tiger to return to the cave; knot their tails together How would the jackal cheat the tiger by doing so?,the tiger,clever / smart / intelligent, brave, stay calm in danger,cowardly, timid,Mother deer,the jackal,cunning (狡猾的), not reliable in the eyes of the tiger,How frightened would the deer feel when seeing the tiger and the jackal coming?,Would the tiger have a peaceful talk with the fierce animal since he was afraid to be eaten by him?,Was he easily fooled? If he heard he would be eaten, would he believe it and get scared?,Para. 1 The deer saw the jackal and the tiger coming together. Para. 2 The tiger was shocked to hear this and he was sure now the jackal cheated him.,Task II: What to write?,How did the tiger feel and what would he do? What would happen to the tiger, the jackal and the deer in the end?,Theme: intelligence can save one from dangerous situations,续写情节发展,关注4:,1. 情节合理、上下文衔接连贯; 2. 已知情节+第二段开头句推断第一段可能的情节发展; 3. 人物性格和情节创设要吻合; 4. 渲染、升华主题 (寓言、心灵鸡汤类的文本)。,策略4-1:,策略4-1:,策略4-2:,策略4-2:,关于语言那些事儿,关注5:,问题:,1.句式单一,只会简单句; 2.语法错误严重,句不成句; 3.词汇严重缺乏,词不达意; 4.中式英语,缺乏地道表达; 5.标点混乱,往往一逗到底。,仝亚军,策略5:,1.地道的语言输入,阅读原文、原著,培养语感和文学修养; 2.语言微技能训练; 3.好词好句摘抄,分类整理;,读,写,续,地道的语言输入,阅读原文、原著,培养语感和文学修养;,语言微技能训练,语言微技能训练,语言微技能训练,语言微技能训练,语言微技能训练,语言微技能训练,从句子仿写说起,基本学情,语法基础很差,句子结构意识薄弱,平时很忙,没时间看好书好文章,肚子里没货,积累量少,流于表面,基本操作:,选取典型句子作为仿写对象,分析句子,划出句子主要成分,用该句子框架完成给定语言的翻译,翻译句子,完成句子框架结构式,用该句子框架学生自主完成新句子的创造,Yesterday when the bright sun blazed down on the wilted corn my father and I walked around the edge of the new ground to plan a fence. The cows kept coming through the chestnut oaks on the cliff and running over the young corn. They bit off the tips of the corn and trampled down the stubble. Love,示例:,Yesterday when the bright sun blazed down on the wilted corn my father and I walked around the edge of the new ground to plan a fence. The cows kept coming through the chestnut oaks on the cliff and running over the young corn. They bit off the tips of the corn and trampled down the stubble. Love,示例:,Yesterday when the bright sun blazed down on the wilted corn my father and I walked around the edge of the new ground to plan a fence.,示例:,昨日,当灿烂的阳光照在枯萎的玉米苗上,我和父亲沿着一片新地边缘,边走边商议着建栅栏的事情。,结构,时状(+定从)+ S + V + 地状 + 目的状语,翻译,一早,明媚的阳光照耀在蓝色的大海上,我和迈克叔叔登上他的小船去海里钓鱼。,Early in the morning when the bright sun blazed down on the blue sea Uncle Mike and I went aboard his small boat to go fishing in the sea.,造句,学生自己造句需要时间,往往留作作业,课后完成。,评价:,抽样批改,课内集中评讲作业中的错误;,小组展示一份经过共同修改过的某一个组员的作业,教师和学生一起赏析;,优秀作业集锦,打印下发,共同学习;,Yesterday when the bright sun blazed down on the wilted corn my father and I walked around the edge of the new ground to plan a fence. The cows kept coming through the chestnut oaks on the cliff and running over the young corn. They bit off the tips of the corn and trampled down the stubble. Love,段落仿写:,结构,时状(+定从)+ S1 + V1 . + (S2 + V2 . + S2 + V3 .),同一个场景中,两组不同人(景)物的动作描写。,并列,并列,翻译,一早,明媚的阳光照耀在蔚蓝色的大海上,我和迈克叔叔登上他的小船,去海里钓鱼。远处,一只白色的海鸥像一个调皮的精灵在阳光下灵活地飞翔着。一会儿,它俯冲向海,一会儿它又快速地向蓝天飞去,在空中留下一个令人惊叹的身影。,Early in the morning when the bright sun blazed down on the blue sea Uncle Mike and I went aboard his small boat to go fishing in the sea. Farther in the distance, a seagull with white fur flew swiftly like a naughty spirit in the sunlight. One moment, it dived towards the sea and the next it flew quickly up towards the blue sky, leaving a stunning figure in the air.,反向思考:,以仿写创造出的句子为基础,可否再扩写出一至二句,甚至更多?,示例:,It was a picture of an adorable little girl, wearing her red soccer unifom and holding a bike helmet.,S + V + P,
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