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Unit 20 New Frontiers 基础落实 高频单词思忆 1. vt.投递(信件、邮包等) 2. n.突破 3. adj.意识到的,知道的 4. adj.经常的,不断的 5. vt.余下,留下;vi.保持,仍是 adj.仍需做的,还需处理的 6. n.精力,能量 7. v.延伸;展开,deliver,breakthrough,aware,constant,remain,remaining,energy,spread,8. vt.评价;评估 n.评价, 评估 9. vt.声明;断言 n.声明 10. vt.让离开;遣散;解散;解雇 11. vt.捐赠;赠送 n.捐赠 12. vt.帮助;协助 n.帮助 13. n.后者 (反义词) n.前者 14. n.饥饿 v.饥饿;饿死 15. n.差别对待;歧视 vt.区别;辨别;歧视 16. n.平等 adj.平等的;vt.等 于,assess,assessment,declare,declaration,dismiss,donate,donation,assist,assistance,latter,former,starvation,starve,discrimination,discriminate,equality,equal,重点短语再现 1. advance提前,预先 2.give 赠送;泄露 3.take 接管 4.be a dilemma进退两难 5.make for弥补 6.figure 弄清楚;计算出 7. mistake错误地,由于疏忽 8.be for sth.对感激 9. addition另外,加之 10.go 熄灭;出去,in,away,over,in,up,out,by,grateful,in,out,典型句式运用 1.This huge machine was the worlds first computer,but it was nothing like our computers today. it is/was nothing like.它 与毫不相似,远不及。 他所做的完全不像他所说的。,考点提炼,句子仿照,What he did was nothing like what he said.,2.It measured 100 feet long by over 10 feet high and weighed over 30 tons. 本句型用来表达物体的长、宽、高、 深等。sth.+动词+数字/单位+long/wide/ high/deep等。 这座山有2 000米高。,考点提炼,句子仿照,The mountain is 2,000 metres high.,3.There is no doubt about it. There is no/some doubt about. 对没有/有一些疑问。 他是无辜的,这一点毫无疑问。,考点提炼,句子仿照,There is no doubt about his innocence.,4.Without the discoveries of these pioneers in science and technology,whether lucky or planned,the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place. without.,.would have done “要是没有,就会”,without sth.在此相当于假设条件句“如果没有”, 其后的句子常用虚拟语气,如果是对过去事情 的假设,则用would (not) have done.。 要是没有你帮忙,我是不会按时完 成那项工作的。,考点提炼,句子仿照,Without your help,I wouldnt have,finished the job on time.,导练互动 重点单词 1.mass n.质量;团,块;大量 经典例句 Density is the relationship between mass and volume. 密度是质量与体积间的关系。 There are masses of people in the shop yesterday. 昨天商店里人如潮涌。,归纳拓展 in the mass大体而论 mass media大众传媒 the masses群众;社会下层人民;平民百姓 以下短语都有“大量的,足够的;一堆,一团”等意思,既可修饰可数名词复数也可修饰不可数名词。,a mass of(=masses of) a quantity of;quantities of;plenty of;a lot of;lots of There is a huge mass of work to be done. 有许许多多的工作要做。 She says she doesnt like children in the mass. 她说从整体上讲她不喜欢孩子。,单项填空 He has letters to answer.He has to work from morning to night. A.muchB.a great deal of C.masses ofD.the number of,C,2.assist vt.帮助,协助 经典例句 The police will assist you in finding her address. 警察将帮助你找到她的地址。 He will assist you with your project. 他将帮助你完成你的项目。 A good dictionary can assist you to improve your English. 一本好词典会帮助你提高英语。,归纳拓展 assist sb.with sth.在某方面给予某人帮助 assist sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in (doing) sth.帮助某人做某事 assistance n.帮助,协助 come to sb.s assistance援助某人,易混辨析 help/aid/assist (1)三词意义相似,help更常用,泛指“帮助,援助”。 (2)aid用于正式书面语,除指帮助外,常用于指金钱资助。 (3)assist用于书面或正式语境中,侧重于从旁协助某人做某事,或当某人的助手。 完成句子 American helicopters (协助救援).,assisted in the rescue,3.latter adj. look after意为“照顾,照料,管理”;look out意为“向外看”,均不合题意。 课文原文 Hannah Jones looks into the future.,C,【例3】He told us whether a picnic was still under discussion. (四川高考) A.to haveB.having C.haveD.had 解析 whether可与不定式搭配,意为“是否去 做某事”。句意为:他告诉我们是否去野餐还 在讨论中。 课文原文 .,they tell you whether to smile or read in a serious voice?,A,【例4】Whats that noise? Oh, I forgot to tell you.The new machine . (浙江高考) A.was tested B.will be tested C.is being tested D.has been tested 解析 根据一对一的问答可知,“机器正在被 检测”,故选C。 课文原文 The International Space station is now being built in the Earths orbit.,C,写作技能 高考书面表达中常见的错误分析(一) 1.关系不一致 英语语法要求意义一致。所谓意义一致,不 仅指谓语要与主语在人称和数上保持一致,还指 谓语要与主语所表达的实际意义一致。 2.词性混淆 词汇对于写作相当重要,词汇量越大越有利 于写作。但是,有的学生平时在记单词时,只记 拼写、读音和词义而忽略词性,这是不对的。因 为英语句子的各个成分都是由一定词性的词来充 当的。,3.用词累赘 “累赘”现象普遍存在于习作之中,要避免 这一现象的发生,必须加强语言基本功训练,学 习中要勤思多练。 4.无连接词错误 汉语句子是重“意合”,句子前后连接主要 通过上下文的逻辑意义来实现,连接词的使用远 少于英语;而英语句子的特点之一是重“形 合”,句子的各个部分要由各种连词、关系代词 等连接起来,由于这一特点,很多学生在写作时 往往忘了使用连接词,造成诸多病句。,5.非完整句错误 一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分(祈使句 除外),如果将句子的某一部分当作一个完整的句 子,就会导致非完整句错误。写作中,很多学生 会犯此错误,对此应特别注意。 6.选词或搭配不当 对英语词汇的理解,不能只停留在了解其表 面意义上,而应掌握内在含义,同时要熟悉它们 的习惯搭配。平时学习词汇时,要勤于思考,勤 查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切 意思和用法,以免造成错误。,自主检测 .品句填词 1.He made great contributions to the world,but he was very and said he did very little. 2.You can a lot of things from the Internet by paying only a little money. 3.We were not any contact with each other. 4.Hundreds of people are still in the water,waiting to be .,modest,download,permitted,rescued,5.We have made a great in space field. 6.I didnt realize I was cheated;but (不久) afterwards,I knew what happened. 7.She never comes into (冲突) with other people. 8.You need to make an appointment in (预先),if you want to see the doctor.,breakthrough,shortly,conflict,advance,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Medical workers are dedicated to (develop) effective drugs to cure H1N1 Flu. 2.Youd better consult the (special) about the problem. 3.This kind of software needs (update) every year. 4.Flemings (discover) of penicillin cured many people of their diseases.,developing,specialist,updating,discovery,5.He kept modest about th
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