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Section Grammar & Writing语法图解探究发现We found the ruins most interesting.We called her the Loulan Beauty. She asked me to answer the phone in her absence.Either you or she has to go there.Do you speak either English or French?He neither sang nor danced at the party.She lives neither in Beijing nor in Shanghai.Visiting a place like this is always very interesting.Many other American ships were sunk or badly damaged.The whole class are watching a football match.There is a pen and some pencils in my pencilcase.我的发现(1)以上各句中,句至句中的黑体部分都是宾语补足语成分。它们分别是由现在分词、名词和不定式来充当的。(2)either .or .和neither .nor .的作用是连接并列词(组)或等同的句子(成分)。在句中它们分别连接:句为并列主语,句为并列宾语,句为并列谓语,句为并列状语。(3)以上各句中,句至句都使用了主谓一致现象。其中,句和句的主语分别是动名词短语和名词;句和句的主语分别是复数名词和集合名词。一、宾语补足语宾语补足语是用于补充说明宾语的成分。宾语补足语常常放在宾语之后,和宾语一起构成复合宾语。1名词、形容词、副词和介词短语作宾语补足语(1)名词作宾语补足语常见的能接名词作宾语补足语的动词有consider, find, make, elect, name, call, think, choose等。We made Lin Tao monitor of our class.我们选林涛当我们班的班长。We think it our duty to help others.我们认为帮助别人是我们的职责。(2)形容词和副词作宾语补足语常见的能接形容词和副词作宾语补足语的动词有consider, get, make, keep等。Liu Ming finds it important to practise speaking English every day.刘明发现每天练习说英语很重要。Keep the dog out!让那条狗待在外面。(3)介词短语作宾语补足语常见的能接介词短语作宾语补足语的动词(短语)有regard, treat, look on, consider, take, find等。We regard labour as a matter of honour.我们认为劳动是光荣的。I always look on you as my best friend.我总是把你看做我最好的朋友。即时演练1完成句子我看见他和他父亲出去了。I saw_him_out with his father.我们发现实验室的一切都很整齐。We found everything in the lab in_good_order.我的意思讲清楚了吗?Have I made_myself_clear?我的母亲看上去那么年轻,你会以为她是我的姐姐。My mother looks so young that you would think_her_my_sister.2现在分词、过去分词和不定式作宾语补足语(1)现在分词作宾语补足语表示动作正在进行或状态的持续,常见的能接现在分词作宾语补足语的动词有have, keep, catch, find, leave, hear, see, watch等。I heard them singing an English song in the classroom.我听见他们正在教室里唱一首英文歌曲。I saw some peasants planting trees over there.我看见一些农民正在那边种树。(2)过去分词作宾语补足语可表示被动和完成或动作已完成。常见的能接过去分词作宾语补足语的动词有have, keep, find, leave, get, make, see, watch等。He found the room cleaned.他发现房间已被打扫过了。(3)不定式作宾语补足语带to的不定式。常见的能接带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有warn, ask, invite, persuade, tell, order, beg, require, teach, force, encourage, allow, forbid等。Miss White told me not to write on the wall again.怀特小姐让我不要再往墙上写字了。I warned Lin Tao not to swim in the river alone.我警告林涛不要单独去河里游泳。不带to的不定式。常见的能接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有感官动词(短语)see, look at, observe, watch, notice, hear, listen to, feel等和使役动词make, let, have等。I noticed a strange man pass by the post office.我注意到一名古怪男子从邮局经过。Who had the little boy clean the windows?是谁要那个小男孩擦洗窗户的?点津(1)若感官动词和使役动词用于被动语态时,作主语补足语的不定式要带to。He was made to clear the car for the boss for free.他被迫为老板免费洗车。(2)感官动词后接不定式作宾语补足语强调动作的全过程;接现在分词作宾语补足语强调动作正在进行。试比较:I saw him clean the classroom.我看见他扫教室了。I saw him cleaning the classroom.我看见他正在扫教室。即时演练2用所给词的适当形式填空(四川高考改编)Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car washed (wash)I asked him to_buy (buy) a torch when he came here.His daughter was made to_play (play) the piano for two hours every day by him.Dont leave him waiting (wait) outside.Its too cold.(重庆高考改编)Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself reminded (remind) of his own dreams.二、either .or .和neither .nor .1either .or .意为“或者或者;不是就是”,表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分,如:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语或并列分句。Either you or I am going there tomorrow.明天要么你要么我去那里。(并列主语)He should either clean the windows or water the flowers.他要么擦窗户,要么去浇花。(并列谓语)I have either a bowl of noodles or some bread for breakfast.我早餐要么吃一碗面条,要么吃几片面包。(并列宾语)I think he is either a teacher or a doctor.我想他不是教师就是医生。(并列表语)Either you are mad, or I am (mad)要么是你疯了,要么是我疯了。(并列分句)名师点津either .or .连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式遵循就近一致的原则。Either you or he has lunch at school.要么是你要么是他在学校吃午饭。其一般疑问句为:Do either you or he have lunch at school?是你还是他在学校吃午饭?2neither .nor .意为“既不也不”,并列连词,用来连接两个并列的成分。其反义词是“both .and .”。Neither you nor I am going there tomorrow.我们两个明天都不去那儿。(连接两个主语)He neither comes to his mother nor goes to his father.他既不来母亲这边也不去父亲那边。(连接两个谓语)Li Ming is neither in the classroom nor on the playground.李明既不在教室也不在操场上。(连接并列表语)The woman met her friend neither in the morning nor in the afternoon.那位女士既不是在上午也不是在下午碰到她的朋友的。(连接并列状语)即时演练3翻译句子要么你照顾那位老人,要么他照顾。Either_you_or_he_has_to_look_after_the_old_man.你要么拿这个,要么拿那个。You_can_take_either_this_one_or_that_one.这里冬天既不热也不冷。It_is_neither_hot_nor_cold_in_winter_here.我既不想去北京游玩也不想去上海游玩。I_want_to_visit_neither_Beijing_nor_Shanghai.三、主谓一致主谓一致是指一个句子的主语和谓语动词在人称和数等方面要保持一致。主谓一致一般要遵循三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则及就近一致原则。(一)语法一致原则主语和谓语通常是从语法形式上取得一致,即主语是单数形式,谓语动词也采用单数形式;主语是复数形式,谓语动词也采用复数形式。1由and连接的两个名词作主语,表示不同的人或事,谓语动词用复数。What he said and what he did have greatly encouraged the other students.他的话语和行为极大地鼓舞了其他学生。2and连接的两个名词指同一个人或物时,谓语动词用单数。两个单数名词并列用and连接,表示一个概念或是不可分割的整体作主语时,谓语动词也用单数。常见的此类短语
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