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Unit 4 Wildlife protection Section Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一、根据句意和汉语提示写出单词1If you ask me to finish the work on time,I have to (雇用) an assistant.答案employ2This book(包含) all the information you need.答案contains3Their opinions will not(影响) my decision.答案affect4We should pay more (注意) to state affairs.答案attention5John set out that day to(寻找) for work.答案hunt6Lets help the animals in (危险).答案danger7I will (感激) it if you could come to help me.答案appreciate8Lets live in (和睦) and lead a happy life.答案peace9This umbrella will (保护) you from the heavy rain.答案protect10All of them burst into (笑声) when they heard the funny story.答案laughter11In (如释重负) the girl took a deep breath.答案relief12I believe you can (成功) in what you are doing now.答案succeed二、用适当的介词或副词填空1One day Daisy woke and found a flying carpet by her bed.答案up2Please take me a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.答案to3These animals are being killed the wool beneath their stomachs.答案for4Daisy turned and found that she was being watched by an elephant.答案around5 relief Daisy burst laughing.答案In;out6Farmers hunted the elephants mercy.答案without三、单句改错1We should take some measures to protect those endangering birds.答案endangeringendangered2There were too much hunting in the 1950s.答案werewas3The animals are left in the peace with no hunting now.答案去掉第二个the4More and more animals and plants are in danger for disappearing.答案forof5The boy made a face and the girls burst into laughing.答案intoout或laughinglaughter6Youd better use an umbrella to prevent yourself from the sun.答案preventprotect7All the problems should be paid more attention.答案attention后加to8You will be appreciating if you do something to help the children in poor areas.答案appreciatingappreciated9He has succeeded finishing the work on time.答案succeeded后加in10Some people do harms to the animals.答案harmsharm四、句型转换1Some species have disappeared in China. (改为同义句)Some species have in China.答案died out2What they have done does harm to the trees.(改为同义句)What they have done the trees.答案is harmful to/is bad for3The old lady is sleeping peacefully.(改为同义句)The old lady is sleeping .答案in peace4He is busy preparing for the exam.(改为同义句)He preparing for the exam.答案is employed in5The student should pay attention to his handwriting.(改为被动结构)The students handwriting should .答案be paid attention to五、阅读理解AIn many countries today laws protect wildlife.In India the need for such protection was realized centuries ago.About 300 BC an Indian writer described forests that were somewhat like national parks today.The game of killing beasts (狩猎动物)was carefully supervised (管理).Some animals were fully protected.Within the forest,nobody was allowed to cut timber(木材)for charcoal (木炭),or trap animals for their furs.Animals that became dangerous to human visitors were trapped or killed outside the park,so that other animals would not become uneasy (心神不安的).The need for wildlife protection is even greater now than before.About a thousand kinds of animals are in danger of extinction,and the rate (速度) at which they are being destroyed has increased.With mammals (哺乳动物),for example,the rate of extinction is now about one kind every year;from AD 1 to 1800,the rate was about one kind every fifty years.Everywhere,men are trying to solve the problem of protecting wildlife while caring about the worlds growing population.1In the forests of ancient India.A.people were permitted to hunt for funB.many kinds of animals could be killedC.the game of killing beasts was strictly limitedD.no killing of beasts was allowed答案C解析从第二段第二句“The game of killing beasts was carefully supervised.”可知,猎杀野生动物是受到严格管理的。2Dangerous animals were caught or killed outside the park so as to.A.keep human visitors away from the parkB.free the rest of the animals from worry or fearC.supply other animals with more foodD.control the number of wild animals答案B解析第二段最后一句说明答案。3The example of mans connection with wildlife protection can date back to.A.the third century B.more than 2,000 years agoC.AD 1 to 1800D.over 300 years ago答案B解析由第二段第一句可知,在公元前300年,一位印度作家已经详细记载了当时如何保护野生动物的情况,距今已有两千多年了。4According to this passage,which of the following is RIGHT?A.The growth of the worlds population has meant a greater danger to wildlife.B.About two thousand kinds of animals are in danger of extinction.C.The rate of extinction of mammals is lower now than it was from AD 1 to 1800.D.Hunters who kill endangered kinds are punished by law.答案A解析由短文最后一句可推知,世界人口的增长对野生动物来说是危险的。B(导学号57140023)Did you know th
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